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Hypocrites and Backsliders Lesson 30. Spiritual Death Mechanics. Mechanics - ケ ώρωσις. Romans 1:28 And, according as they did not approve of having God in knowledge , God gave them up to a disapproved mind , to do the things not seemly;. Mechanics - ケ ώρωσις - O'Brien.
Hypocrites and BackslidersLesson 30 Spiritual Death Mechanics
Mechanics - ケώρωσις • Romans 1:28 And, according as they did not approve of having God in knowledge, God gave them up to a disapproved mind, to do the things not seemly; LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ケώρωσις - O'Brien • Although the term rendered hardening has been interpreted to mean ‘blindness’201 (cf. AV; and note Calvin), in the New Testament it consistently refers to ‘stubbornness’, and here it signifies that ‘pagan immorality is … wilful and culpable . . . , the result of their deliberate refusal of the moral light available to them in their own thought and conscience’.202 LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ケώρωσις - O'Brien • And an obstinate rejection of the truth of God is the beginning of the terrible downward path of evil. • O'Brien, Peter Thomas: The Letter to the Ephesians. Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1999 (The Pillar New Testament Commentary), S. 322 LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ケώρωσις - O'Brien • As if to underscore the point, Paul adds that their delusion is ‘due to hardness of heart’. • This second causal clause is subordinate to the first,200 rather than coordinate or parallel with it: the Gentiles’ culpable ignorance arose out of their obstinate rejection of God’s truth. LWBC 04-06-08
Futility Ignorance Stubborn Darkened Alienated Stubborn - Internal LWBC 04-06-08
Spiritual Death: Eph 4:19 • 19 who, having become callous, have given themselves over to sensuality for the practice of every kind of impurity with greediness. LWBC 04-06-08
Eph 4:19 - Who • (4:19) “Who” is hoitines (οu7985 τu953 νu949 ς), a relative and indefinite pronoun showing character or nature, “who are of such a nature that.” LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ἀπαλγέω • Ephesians 4:19 • 19who, having ceased to feel, • ἀπαλγέω: to cease to feel pain for • verb, perfect, active, participle, masculine, plural, nominative LWBC 04-06-08
Insensitive - O'Brien • The recital of the Gentiles’ lifestyle concludes with a brief but stark sketch of the moral depravity into which they have sunk. • The thought of hardening their hearts (v. 18) continues203 in the statement that they have ‘lost all sensitivity’, a vivid classical term204 which literally could refer to skin that had become callous and no longer felt pain. LWBC 04-06-08
Insensitive - O'Brien • Here it means to ‘lose the capacity to feel shame or embarrassment’,205 while the perfect tense describes a state of affairs that led to (or else accompanied) the loss of all self-control.206 • Because of their lack of moral feeling and discernment there were no restraints to their plunging into all kinds of degrading activities [coming up in verse 19]. LWBC 04-06-08
Insensitive - O'Brien • They abandoned themselves to debauchery, impurity, and covetousness. • According to Romans 1, the element of divine retribution is emphasized: God delivered humanity over (vv. 24, 26, 28) to their own desires, especially to unnatural vices (vv. 24–32), because they refused to accept his self-revelation. LWBC 04-06-08
Eph 4:19 - Callous • “Being past feeling” is apalgeō, a participle in the perfect tense. • The word means, “to cease to feel pain or grief, to become callous, insensible, apathetic.” • Perfect tense = in a past time with ongoing results LWBC 04-06-08
Eph 4:17-19 - Hendriksen • The very center of their being, their hearts, had become “callous” by their own deliberate action. • For “callous” the A.V. and A.R.V. have “past feeling,” which is also an excellent rendering, the root meaning of this perfect participle being “having arrived at a condition of freedom from pain,” and thus, in general, “having become insensible” with reference here to the divine voice, to God’s truth. LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ケαραδίδωμι • themselves did give up ケαραδίδωμι: • to hand over, to give or deliver up • verb, third person, plural, aorist, active, indicative • To give or do something which one should in fulfillment of an obligation or expectation." LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ἀσέλγεια • to the lasciviousness,ἀσέλγεια: • licentiousness, wantonness • noun, feminine, singular, dative LWBC 04-06-08
Eph 4:19 - Lasciviousness • ἀσέλγεια (aselgeia) • unrestrained in moral attitudes and behaviors • Swanson, James: Dictionary of Biblical Languages With Semantic Domains : Greek (New Testament). electronic ed. Oak Harbor : Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1997, S. GGK816 LWBC 04-06-08
"licentiousness"- O'Brien • The three evils to which pagans have given themselves, namely, debauchery [licentiousness], impurity [uncleanness], and covetousness, frequently appear in catalogues of vices.208 • 'licentiousness or ‘Debauchery’, which according to Galatians 5:19 is one of the works of the flesh, is that vice which ‘throws off all restraint and flaunts itself, “unawed by shame or fear,” without regard for self respect, for the rights and feelings of others, or for public decency’.209 LWBC 04-06-08
Eph 4:19 - Lasciviousness • “Lasciviousness” is aselgeia (ἀu963 εu955 γu949 ιu945 ), “wanton lawless insolence.” The aselgeia (ἀu963 εu955 γu949 ιu945 ) person is one who acknowledges no restraints, who dares whatsoever his caprice and wanton petulance may suggest. “Wantonness” is the best word to describe it. The word speaks of a complete surrender of self. LWBC 04-06-08
Eph 4:19 - Lasciviousness • ἀσέλγεια] Vg. impudicitia. Cf. Gal. 5:20 πορνεία ἀκαθαρσία ἀσέλγεια, on which Lightfoot remarks: “a man may be ἀκάθαρτος and hide his sin; he does not become ἀσελγής, until he shocks public decency.” • Swete, Henry Barclay (Hrsg.): The Gospel According to St. Mark. The Greek Text With Introduction, Notes and Indices. London; New York : MacMillan and co., limited; The MacMillan company, 1898, S. 154 LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ἐργασία • for the working ἐργασία: • work (noun) • noun, feminine, singular, accusative • to make a business of something. • When you get into lasciviousness, you have made a profession of uncleanness, leaving your work for all to see. LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ἀκαθαρσία • unto all uncleanness ἀκαθαρσία: • uncleanness • noun, feminine, singular, genitive • The eis, ‘unto,’ is very forcible.” • “All uncleanness” is akatharsias pasē, “every kind of uncleanness,” moral uncleanness in the widest sense. LWBC 04-06-08
Mechanics - ケλεονεξία • in greediness; ケλεονεξία: • advantage, covetousness • noun, feminine, singular, dative LWBC 04-06-08
Eph 4:19 - Greediness • The Frantic search for happiness, which comes up next: with greediness, which is πληονιζια = an insatiable, unsatisfied desire or lust. • one who always wants more • This means more and more for me at any cost (cf. Col. 3:5). • Humans live only for themselves, for the moment. • This is the curse of the Fall of Genesis 3 LWBC 04-06-08
"greediness" - O'Brien • Finally, [greediness] ‘covetousness’211 appears as the climax of the list (cf. the similar position in Eph. 5:5; and Col. 3:5, where it is emphatically stressed because of its close relationship to idolatry). • Although it is possible to understand ‘greed’ as a third vice, alongside debauchery and impurity, the prepositional expression ‘with covetousness’ suggests that the indecent conduct already described was practised with a continual lust for more. LWBC 04-06-08
"greediness" - O'Brien • The pagan way of life was characterized by an insatiable desire to participate in more and more forms of immorality. • ‘Ultimately, it becomes a vicious circle because new perversions must be sought to replace the old’.212 LWBC 04-06-08
Lascivious Greedy Unclean Greedy LWBC 04-06-08
Sexual Materialism Chemical Greedy Power Religious Approbation Greediness and HAM's LWBC 04-06-08
Summary Resource - Liefeld • These Gentile unbelievers do not have the life of God because of (dia, “on account of”) the ignorance that (in turn) is due to (again, dia) the hardening of their hearts. Therefore it is their own hardness against God that perpetuates their alienation from God’s life. LWBC 04-06-08
Summary Resource - Liefeld • Given this condition, there is a lack of sensitivity (v. 19)* that precludes any response to God’s word. • They are callous, beyond feeling. • Further, there is a self-induced moral degeneration that is unending, since there is a continual lust for more. LWBC 04-06-08
Summary Resource - Wiersbe • Note the emphasis here on thinking: mind (Eph. 4:17, 23), understanding (Eph. 4:18), ignorance (Eph. 4:18), “learned Christ” (Eph. 4:20). • Salvation begins with repentance, which is a change of mind. The whole outlook of a person changes when he trusts Christ, including his values, goals, and interpretation of life. • What is wrong with the mind of the unsaved person? For one thing, his thinking is “vain” (futile). It leads to no substantial purpose. • Since he does not know God, he cannot truly understand the world around him, nor can he understand himself. LWBC 04-06-08
Summary Resource - O'Brien • The Gentiles’ mind-set has been drastically affected (v. 17b), their thinking193 has become darkened so that they are blind to the truth, and their alienation from God is because of the ignorance within them. • This darkness in their thinking was not some temporary condition; as the emphatic periphrastic expression194 indicates, the light of their understanding had gone out so that they were now in a state of being incapable of grasping the truth of God and his gospel. LWBC 04-06-08
Summary Resource • It then becomes clear that the futility that characterizes the Gentile mind is a product of darkened understanding and estrangement from the God-given life, these two, in turn, resulting from a type of ignorance that is inexcusable because it is due to willful hardening of their Volition, resulting in surrender to unbridled license of every description. LWBC 04-06-08
The Inside Out Translation • Ephesians 4:17-18 Because Unbelievers stubbornly rejected God's initiatives (hardness of heart), the inward results were that they lost the input of God's viewpoint of life (ignorance) and were disassociated (alienated) from Him, which resulted in an incomplete and direful (darkened) Appraisal Process (understanding) which offered only one-sided, unfulfilling and purposeless (Futility) life choices (walk). [direful = Foreshadowing evil or disaster; ominous.] LWBC 04-06-08
The Inside Out Translation • Ephesians 4:19 Outwardly, because they stubbornly refused to choose God's options in their Heart, they became insensitive and did as would be expected and once and for all flung themselves at the only empty hope of happiness remaining - the insatiable (greedy) life of unrestrained (lascivious) Human Badness (uncleanness). LWBC 04-06-08
Vanity Ignorance Stubborn Darkened Alienated Stubborn - Internal LWBC 04-06-08
Stubbornness Darkened Ignorance Alienation Hardness Cycle LWBC 04-06-08
1. Stubbornness 2. Ignorance 3. Alienation 4. Darkened Understanding Futility LWBC 04-06-08
1. Stubbornness 4. Darkness 2. Ignorance 3. Alienation Internal Futility Cycle LWBC 04-06-08
Stubbornness Ignorance Alienation Darkened Understanding Insatiability From the Inside Out LWBC 04-06-08
The Stubbornness Result Cycle 1. Stubbornness 2. Insensitivity 5. Insatiability 3. Unrestraint 4. Uncleanness LWBC 04-06-08
x The Result Cycle and Futility 1. Stubbornness 6. Futility 2. Insensitivity 5. Insatiability 3. Unrestraint 4. Uncleanness LWBC 04-06-08
Stubborn Ignorance Darkened Understanding The Inner Results of Stubbornness LWBC 04-06-08
Stubbornness Ignorance Alienation Darkness Insensitivity Unrestraint Uncleanness Insatiability The Inner and Outer Effects LWBC 04-06-08
Stubbornness Ignorance Alienation Darkness Unrestraint Uncleanness Greediness or Insatiability The Inner Feeds the Outer LWBC 04-06-08
End LWBC 04-06-08