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THE APOSTLES’ CREED – 3 RD ARTICLE THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Lesson 41 Faith Foundations Course One. WHAT IS THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT?. THE HOLY SPIRIT BRINGS US TO FAITH. Read the following passages. According to these passages, why are we unable to believe in Jesus on our own?
THE HOLY SPIRIT BRINGS US TO FAITH • Read the following passages. According to these passages, why are we unable to believe in Jesus on our own? a. Genesis 6:5 By nature, our hearts are unable to think, say, or do anything that pleases God. b. Romans 7:18 Nothing good lives in us. We are incapable of making good decisions on our own.
THE HOLY SPIRIT BRINGS US TO FAITH • Read 1 Corinthians 12:3. By ourselves it is impossible for anyone to believe. How then is it possible that we are brought to faith? The Holy Spirit leads us to know and confess that Jesus is Lord.
THE HOLY SPIRIT BRINGS US TO FAITH • Read 1 Corinthians 2:14. Evaluate this statement: In order to get to heaven, we have to accept Jesus in our hearts. We ARE NOT able to accept Jesus. Faith is a GIFT of the Holy Spirit.
THE HOLY SPIRIT BRINGS US TO FAITH • Recall what happened on Pentecost in Acts 2. When the Holy Spirit filled the hearts of his disciples, they were able to preach about Jesus in many different languages. That day about 3000 people received the gift of the Holy Spirit. What was that gift? Faith.
THE HOLY SPIRIT BRINGS US TO FAITH • How did the Holy Spirit bring them to faith? He worked through the words Peter preached and through Baptism.
THE HOLY SPIRIT BRINGS US TO FAITH • Read 2 Thessalonians 2:13,14. God chose us “to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit” and faith. Sanctify means to “set apart from the unbelieving world by bringing us to faith.” What did the Spirit use to set us apart for faith? The gospel—the good news about Jesus.
THE HOLY SPIRIT BRINGS US TO FAITH • Read Luke 14:15-24. In Jesus’ parable, the man who prepared the banquet represents God. What is the banquet? God’s heavenly kingdom.
THE HOLY SPIRIT BRINGS US TO FAITH • Why is the work of the Holy Spirit so important? Those who reject God’s invitation will never taste of his banquet (heaven).
THE HOLY SPIRIT BRINGS US TO FAITH • “I don’t go to church much,” Dawn said. “I don’t understand the customs. They spend a lot of time talking about the Bible, and I don’t understand the custom of sprinkling water on babies.” How would you respond to Dawn? The Bible and Baptism are the tools God uses to bring people to faith. Don’t avoid them. They are great blessings from God.
KEY POINT #1 The Holy Spirit brings us to faith through God’s Word and Baptism.
THE HOLY SPIRIT KEEPS US IN FAITH 10. Identify the 3 enemies that try to weaken our faith. a. Ephesians 6:11,12 The devil b. 1 John 2:15 The world c. Galatians 5:17 Our sinful nature
THE HOLY SPIRIT KEEPS US IN FAITH • How do these 3 enemies work through the following to try to weaken our faith? a. TV shows in which the characters tell dirty jokes and make fun of sex. The devil tries to get us to sin The world says it’s okay. Our sinful nature wants to do it.
THE HOLY SPIRIT KEEPS US IN FAITH 11b. We feel guilty about something bad we have done. The devil tries to make us think God can’t forgive us. The world tells us not to feel guilty. Our sinful nature either despairs or convinces us we can do what we want.
THE HOLY SPIRIT KEEPS US IN FAITH 11c. The basketball club plays tournaments every weekend, which means we will often miss church. The devil, the world, and our sinful nature try to convince us that success at sports is more important than feeding our faith.
THE HOLY SPIRIT KEEPS US IN FAITH • In what way could the following pull us away from God?a. unfaithful preachers They teach false doctrines that deny Jesus. b. bad friends They may lead us to do sinful things. c. drugs We may become addicted and end up stealing to support a habit.
THE HOLY SPIRIT KEEPS US IN FAITH 12d. Gangs They may try to convince us to hate others and break the law. e. things we desire They become more important than God. f. old age We become obsessed with trying to stay young. It may keep us from strengthening our faith so that our souls grow as weak as our bodies.
THE HOLY SPIRIT KEEPS US IN FAITH 12 g. laziness We feel like sleeping in rather than worshiping, and never get around to reading the Bible.
THE HOLY SPIRIT KEEPS US IN FAITH • Read 1 Peter 1:5. Who alone is able to protect us? God keeps us in the true faith.
THE HOLY SPIRIT KEEPS US IN FAITH • Read 1 Corinthians 12:3 again. What part does the Holy Spirit play in protecting us? The Holy Spirit gives us faith to believe.
THE HOLY SPIRIT KEEPS US IN FAITH • Read 2 Timothy 3:15. Why is the Bible so important to us? The Holy Spirit works through God’s Word to keep us in faith.
THE HOLY SPIRIT KEEPS US IN FAITH • Read Luke 22:17-20. What sacred rite is described here? Holy Communion.
THE HOLY SPIRIT KEEPS US IN FAITH • What blessings does God offer through Holy Communion? God forgives our sins and strengthens our faith by reminding us of what Jesus did.
THE HOLY SPIRIT KEEPS US IN FAITH • Just before Stan’s army unit was being deployed overseas, Stan asked his pastor if he could receive Holy Communion one more time and if the pastor could send daily devotions by e-mail. Why do you think Stan did that? He knew he would be faced with many temptations, and knows that Communion and God’s Word strengthens his faith.
KEY POINT #2 The Holy Spirit keeps us in the true faith through God’s Word and Holy Communion.
WHAT IS THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? • The Holy Spirit brings us to faith through God’s Word and Baptism. • The Holy Spirit keeps us in the true faith through God’s Word and Holy Communion. SUMMARY The Holy Spirit brings us to faith and keeps us in the true faith through the Word of God, Baptism, and Holy Communion.
1 Corinthians 12:3 No one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.
The 3rd Article of the Apostles’ Creed I believe in the Holy Spirit; the holy Christian church, the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.
The 3rd Article of the Apostles’ Creed What does this mean? I believe that I cannot by my own thinking and choosing believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to him. But the Holy Spirit has called me by the gospel, enlightened me with his gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith.