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Endocrine Disorders: Addison’s & Grave’s Diseases Symptoms and Treatments

Learn about Addison’s Disease and Grave’s Disease, their hormonal imbalances, causes, treatments, and effects on the body. Understand how these disorders affect hormone levels, blood pressure, and overall health.

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Endocrine Disorders: Addison’s & Grave’s Diseases Symptoms and Treatments

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  1. 1QQ # 6: Answer one. • These questions concern Addison’s Disease:A) What is another name for Addison’s disease?B) Which hormones are found in lower than normal concentration?C) Which hormones are found at higher than normal concentrations?D) Which describes Addison’s disease: primary hypersecretion, secondary hyposecretion, primary hyposecretion.E) How is it possible for a person with Addison’s Disease to maintain plasma glucose concentration within the normal range? • These questions concern Grave’s Disease:A) Which hormones are found in excess in this disorder?B) Which describes Grave’s disease: primary hypersecretion, secondary hyposecretion, primary hyposecretionC) Is the blood pressure high, low, or normal in a person with Grave’s disease? Explain why.D) What is the cause of Grave’s Disease?E) What is the treatment for Grave’s Disease?

  2. STRESS Cytokines fromimmune cells CRH from Hypothalamus ACTH from Ant. Pit Mobilize fuel from muscle & adipose tissueSuppress non-essential functions (reproduction & growth)Suppress inflammatory &immune responsesPotentiates response to EPI (vascular smooth muscle) S 8 Physical traumaProlonged exposure to coldProlonged intense exerciseInfectionSleep deprivationPainFrightEmotional distress Vasopressin Basal levels of Cortisol Required for normal sensitivity to EPI; symptoms of excess cortisol are….. Clinical example: treatment of chronic inflammation (e.g. arthritis) can lead to Cushing’s Syndrome! ⇧Cortisol secretion from Adrenal Cortex Cushing’s Syndrome Excess Cortisol from 1) adrenal cortex tumor (primary) or 2) hypersecretion of ACTH from anterior pituitary (secondary)

  3. Age 16, 33, 52 S 4

  4. Disorder =AcromegalyType of endocrine disorder = ???? S 5 • Excessive growth of bones and soft tissues of face and hands, and feet. • Hypersecretion of Growth Hormone from adenohypophysis or ectopic tumor in adults • Treatment? • Somatostatin analogs? • GH receptor blockers • Transphenoidal resection/ablation with focal radiation GHRH SS GH Compare to Pituitary Gigantism

  5. S 9 Onset of MenopauseWidmaier text p. 626-7 • Onset ~ age 50 • Irregular menstrual cycles • Decrease in bone mass & strength (osteoporosis) (bone resorption > bone deposition) • Hot flashes…sweating, etiology unknown • Increased incidence of coronary artery disease

  6. S 10 Menopause, continued. • Caused by ovarian failure….loss of estrogen • Estrogen has protective function for cardiovascular system and sustains bone • Diagnosis • Test estrogen levels • Test FSH levels….interpretation if high? • Treatment • HRT = Hormone replacement therapy • Risks of HRT: increased incidence of breast cancer & uterine endometrial cancer • Advantages of HRT: alleviates symptoms, restores cardiovascular protection, sustains bone density

  7. S 6 Neurons? Endocrine cells? Neuroendocrine cells? Neurons and endocrine cells are very involved in homeostasis. To Chapter 6!

  8. S 10 Communication in The Vertebrate NS Reflexes require some part of the CNS (i.e. frog lab) Blood pressure Blood gases and pH Muscle stretchPain Skin temperature Hair movement Light, Taste, Odor Touch, Pain, Temperature, Etc. Peripheral nerves are “mixed” (have afferent & efferent axons) Signaling over short and long distances Dimensions of neurons

  9. Descending neurons (interneurons) from brain to spinal cord Sensory (afferent) neurons from hoof to brain S 11 If Nodes of Ranvier are 1 mm apart: How many Schwann cells to myelinate the 2 meters of a sensory axon from hoof to dorsal root ganglion near spinal cord? How many oligodendries to myelinate the 2 meters of the sensory axon ascending in spinal cord to brain?

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