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For Next Class:. Review Notes from ALL Previous Classes. Look at PPTs for Lessons 1-4 at From Textbook: - Read the Unit 3 Summary on page S-4 - Vocabulary/Expressions Partner Practice #1- Be Prepared for new pronunciation next class.

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  1. For Next Class: • Review Notes from ALL Previous Classes. • Look at PPTs for Lessons 1-4 at • From Textbook: - Read the Unit 3 Summary on page S-4 - Vocabulary/Expressions • Partner Practice #1- Be Prepared for new pronunciation next class. • Be prepared to talk about Requests/Invitations: - Making, accepting, and declining requests - Thanking someone - Indirect verses direct requests - Expressing Apology and Forgiveness. • Read and complete Page 15 - Grammar Focus • Read and complete Page 18 - Grammar Focus

  2. Student Photo Cards (Front): Stacy 林希 Lin Xi Major Svoortman@elic.org 15855514093 DC# Student ID Photo Student ID Number

  3. Student Photo Cards (Back): How many years will you be at USTC? Where is your hometown? How will you use English after this class? What are the hobbies/interests that make you happy?

  4. Daily Communication Fall 2009 Week 4 With Miss Voortman

  5. Student Introductions • 5 New Students Each Week. • Each Student Has 60 Seconds to Introduce Themselves to the Class. • Must Be Creative. • Must Share Their English Name. • Must Answer at Least 3 Questions from the Lesson 2 PPT, pg 12.

  6. Student Introductions • What is one thing that you can do well? • Something nice that happened to you this week. • 1 thing that makes you happy • What is something that you are grateful for? • Share a memory you have of something special you did with a friend. • Who is someone that you admire and why? • A time when you helped someone. • A value that is important to you. • A place that is special to you. • 1 Thing you hope to do next year. • A good memory you have. • What makes you feel good? • What is 1 thing you are proud of?

  7. You Will Need This Information for This Class, Please, Review it and Take Note in Your Notebook. Agreeing and Disagreeing Review: • Direct Disagreement: You completely and openly disagree with someone’s opinion. • I disagree! • I don’t think so. • I don’t agree with you there. • Strong, Impolite Statements: • That’s ridiculous! • You can’t be serious! • Get real! • Where did you come up with that idea? • Softened Disagreement: You disagree with someone’s opinion, or idea, but not completely. • That’s true, but… • I see your point, however… • That’s a valid point, but… • That’s a nice idea, however… • I like it, but maybe you should try thinking about it this way… • Direct Agreement: You completely and openly agree with someone’s opinion. • I agree. • That’s a good point. • That’s right/true! • You can say that again. • That makes sense. • Reluctant Agreement: You agree with someone’s idea or opinion, but you wish their ideas were false. • I’m afraid I have to agree. • I hate to admit it, but... • I hate to say it, but… • Well, I have to say you’re right.

  8. Pronunciation: UNVOICED: • Making the /s/ or “s” Sound: • The tip of your tongue is behind your teeth. • Making the /θ/ or “th” Sound: • The tip of your tongue is between your teeth.

  9. Pronunciation: VOICED: • Making the /z/ or “z” Sound: • The tip of your tongue is behind your teeth. • You can feel the vocal chords vibrating in your throat. • Making the /∆/ or voiced “th” Sound: • The tip of your tongue is between your teeth. • You can feel the vocal chords vibrating in your throat.

  10. Words with the Voiced “th” or /∆/ Sound: Words with the Unvoiced “th” or /θ/Sound: • Thigh • Bath • Mathematics • Ether • Thursday • Birthday • Seth Thy Bathe Other Weather Those Worthy Seethe

  11. Pronunciation: • Thigh/Thy (d) • Wordy/Worthy (d) Listen Carefully to the pairs I read. If they are the same word, say “same”. If they are different words, say “different”.

  12. Pronunciation: • Thigh/Thy (d) • They/Day (d) • Wordy/Worthy (d) • Other/Udder (d) Listen Carefully to the pairs I read. If they are the same word, say “same”. If they are different words, say “different”.

  13. Pronunciation: • Thigh/Thy (d) • They/Day (d) • Den/Then (d) • Wordy/Worthy (d) • Other/Udder (d) • Tithe/Tithe (s) Listen Carefully to the pairs I read. If they are the same word, say “same”. If they are different words, say “different”.

  14. Pronunciation: • Thigh/Thy (d) • They/Day (d) • Den/Then (d) • Their/Their (s) • Wordy/Worthy (d) • Other/Udder (d) • Tithe/Tithe (s) • Teeth/Teethe (d) Listen Carefully to the pairs I read. If they are the same word, say “same”. If they are different words, say “different”.

  15. Pronunciation: • Thigh/Thy (d) • They/Day (d) • Den/Then (d) • Their/Their (s) • Those/Doze (d) • Wordy/Worthy (d) • Other/Udder (d) • Tithe/Tithe (s) • Teeth/Teethe (d) • Loathe/Loathe (s) Listen Carefully to the pairs I read. If they are the same word, say “same”. If they are different words, say “different”.

  16. Pronunciation: • Thigh/Thy (d) • They/Day (d) • Den/Then (d) • Their/Their (s) • Those/Doze (d) • Clothing/Clothing (s) • Wordy/Worthy (d) • Other/Udder (d) • Tithe/Tithe (s) • Teeth/Teethe (d) • Loathe/Loathe (s) • Bathe/Baize (d) Listen Carefully to the pairs I read. If they are the same word, say “same”. If they are different words, say “different”.

  17. Pronunciation: • Thigh/Thy (d) • They/Day (d) • Den/Then (d) • Their/Their (s) • Those/Doze (d) • Clothing/Clothing (s) • Heather/Heather (s) • Wordy/Worthy (d) • Other/Udder (d) • Tithe/Tithe (s) • Teeth/Teethe (d) • Loathe/Loathe (s) • Bathe/Baize (d) • Ride/Writhe (d) Listen Carefully to the pairs I read. If they are the same word, say “same”. If they are different words, say “different”.

  18. Pronunciation: • Thigh/Thy (d) • They/Day (d) • Den/Then (d) • Their/Their (s) • Those/Doze (d) • Clothing/Clothing (s) • Heather/Heather (s) • Breezing/Breathing (d) • Wordy/Worthy (d) • Other/Udder (d) • Tithe/Tithe (s) • Teeth/Teethe (d) • Loathe/Loathe (s) • Bathe/Baize (d) • Ride/Writhe (d) • Thy/Thy (s) Listen Carefully to the pairs I read. If they are the same word, say “same”. If they are different words, say “different”.

  19. Partner Practice #1 • Meet with a partner from class. • Together, practice the word pairs, being careful about your pronunciation. • Write 3 sentences in your notebook, using as many of these words as possible. • Practice reading the sentences to each other. 1. thigh/thy 5. breezing/breathing 9. bath/bathe 2. teeth/teethe 6. sheathe/she’s 10. loath/loathe 3. clothing/closing 7. rising/writhing 11. zen/then 4. seizing/seething 8. sizing/scything 12. ties/tithe

  20. Expressing & Defending Opinions: Giving Reasons for Your Opinion: • I think … is right because… • … That’s why I feel that… • … and so I think that… • I believe… because… • … One reason I feel this way is…

  21. Expressing & Defending Opinions: Asking for Another’s Reasons: • Why? • Why do you think/feel/believe that…? • What makes you feel that way? • Why do you believe…? • Could you, please, explain that further? • How did you arrive at that conclusion?

  22. Expressing & Defending Opinions: Defending One’s Opinion: • Yes, but what I really mean is… • What I’m trying to say is… • Let me clarify/restate what I’m saying. • You’re missing my point. I meant… • If you would (kindly) let me explain… • I don’t think you’re understanding what I’m saying. Let me clarify…

  23. Expressing and Defending Opinions: Take Notes for Later Reference!!! • Defending One’s Opinions:. • Yes, but what I really mean is… • What I’m trying to say is… • Let me clarify what I’m saying. • Let me restate what I’m saying. • You’re missing my point. I meant… • I think you’ve missed my point. • If you would (kindly) let me explain… • I don’t think you’re understanding what I am saying. • Let me try to clarify… • Giving Reasons for Your Opinion: •  I think… is right because... • … That’s why I feel that… • … and so I think that… • I believe… because… • One reason I feel this way is… • Asking for Another’s Reasons: • Why? • Why do you think that…? • Why do you believe that…? • What makes you feel that way? • Why do you feel that…? • How did you arrive at that conclusion?

  24. Easter Vocabulary • Remember: to recall information • Resurrection: to be revived or to rise from the dead • Pagan: not Christian, Jewish or Muslim • Mythology: the study of unproven or false beliefs • Equinox: when the sun crosses the equator • Converging: meeting in a point or line • Observe: celebrate, keep • Israelite/Hebrew: names for the early Jewish people • Commemorate: to remember or honor • Crucifixion: to put to death by nailing to a cross

  25. Easter’s History • Origin of the word “Easter”: • Scandinavian: Ostra • Germanic: Ostern • Anglo-Saxon: Estre • Meaning of Easter: • Religious: celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ • Secular: celebration of the goddess of springtime, fertility, or new life

  26. Religious Connections • Jewish festival of Passover (or Pesach, where the European name for Easter “Pasch” comes from) • 8 day feast to remember the escape and freedom of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery • Many of the first Christians were of Jewish origin • Added the celebration of Easter at the end of the Passover celebration, to remember the life of the Messiah (Christ’s) life, which was foretold by the prophets.

  27. When is the Celebration? • Commonly Celebrated in the Middle East: • The last day of the Passover Festival • Commonly Celebrated in the West: • 1st Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox (March 21) • Can be as early as March 22 or as late as April 25. • This year: Sunday, April 4, 2010

  28. Easter’s Traditions • Easter is the highest festival of the church year. It is celebrated on the Sunday after “Holy Week”: • Palm Sunday • Holy Thursday • Good Friday • Resurrection Sunday • Each day has special meaning that follows the last week of Christ’s life.

  29. Symbols of Easter • Secular Symbols: Eggs Flowers Rabbits and the “Easter Bunny”

  30. Symbols of Easter • Religious Symbols: Lilies Crosses Lamb

  31. More Traditions • Secular (connected to springtime and fertility): • Rabbits and “The Easter Bunny”: symbol of fertility • SPRINGTIME COLORS: symbol of new flowers • Colored Eggs: symbol of fertility • Religious (connected to Christ’s Resurrection): • Cross: symbol of Christ’s death • Lily: symbol of Christ • Lamb: symbol of Christ (also named the Lamb of God)

  32. Discuss: • What are your goals for the future? What career would you like after you graduate? • If you reach your goal, will that make you successful? • What does “success” mean to you? • What does your idea of “success” depend on? Can anyone be successful?

  33. Famous Quote Discussion: • “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.” ~ Booker T. Washington • Do you think this quote true? • What does this quote mean? • How can you apply this to your life?

  34. Keys to Succeeding in a Job interview: • Research the company and the industry. • Make sure you have: - Résumé - School Information - Cover Letter - Identification Cards - Other applicable information • Dress Appropriately: - Ask for the appropriate dress code - Prepare your clothes before the day of the interview - A Simple, Professional Hairstyle is best • If you know anyone in the same industry, ask them questions that only an insider would know about the company. • Research common interview questions on the internet and prepare answers for some of the applicable questions.

  35. Vocabulary: • Add these to your notebook and write the definition for each word: • Clarify • Strategy • Plan • Agenda • Elucidate • Adversity • Elaborate • Résumé • Obstacle • Extemporize • Embellish • Improvise

  36. Job Interview Practicum: • What are your strengths and weaknesses in your field?

  37. Job Interview Practicum: • What are your strengths and weaknesses in your field? • What do you like about your field?

  38. Job Interview Practicum: • What are your strengths and weaknesses in your field? • What do you like about your field? • What motivates you in your work?

  39. Job Interview Practicum: • What are your strengths and weaknesses in your field? • What do you like about your field? • What motivates you in your work? • How have you overcome adversity or obstacles in your life?

  40. Job Interview Practicum: • What are your strengths and weaknesses in your field? • What do you like about your field? • What motivates you in your work? • How have you overcome adversity or obstacles in your life? • Who is your hero and why?

  41. Job Interview Practicum: • What are your strengths and weaknesses in your field? • What do you like about your field? • What motivates you in your work? • How have you overcome adversity or obstacles in your life? • Who is your hero and why? • What is your greatest achievement - personally or professionally?

  42. For Next Class: • Review Notes from ALL Previous Classes. • Look at PPTs for Lessons 1-4 at • From Textbook: - Read the Unit 3 Summary on page S-4 - Vocabulary/Expressions • Partner Practice #1- Be Prepared for new pronunciation next class. • Be prepared to talk about Requests/Invitations: - Making, accepting, and declining requests - Thanking someone - Indirect verses direct requests - Expressing Apology and Forgiveness. • Read and complete Page 15 - Grammar Focus • Read and complete Page 18 - Grammar Focus

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