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Department of Public Service and Administration

This presentation outlines the vision, mission, strategic objectives, and key programs of the Department of Public Service and Administration. It covers achievements, performance indicators, and future goals aimed at enhancing public service excellence. The report also includes details on HR performance, budget allocation, and financial performance. The department's commitment to good governance, capacity building, and international partnerships is emphasized.

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Department of Public Service and Administration

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  1. Department of Public Service and Administration Presentation to the Portfolio Committee October 2009

  2. Outline of presentation • Vision and Mission • Strategic Objectives • Overview of DPSA Programmes • Strategic Outputs for 2009/2012 • Programme performance 2008/9 • HR Performance and indicators • Budget allocation and financial performance • Concluding remarks 2

  3. Vision and Mission Vision: Global Leader in Public Service Excellence Mission: • Supporting the Minister in leading public service transformation • Providing professional advice and support to ensure public service excellence • Promoting good governance nationally, on the African continent and globally 3

  4. Strategic Objectives • Developing and strengthening the capacity of the state through efficient, effective and sustainable systems; • Strengthening the public sector through institutional reform; • Promoting good governance in the public sector and building an effective and caring government; • Developing the human resource capacity of the public sector; and • Pursuing strategic international partnerships to consolidate South Africa’s regional and international public administration agenda 4

  5. DPSA Programmes 1. Administration 2. Human Resource Management and Development (HRM&D) 3. Management of Compensation (MOC) 4. Information and Technology Management (I&TM) 5. Service Delivery Improvement (SDI) 6. Governance 5

  6. Strategic outputs2009/12

  7. Programme 1: Administration • Leading the Governance and Administration (G&A) Cluster • Effective Finance, Information Technology Management within the department and Security • Human Capital Management • HR Admin, OD and PM, Employee & LR, EHW & OHS • Consistent Application of Performance Management System • Internal Auditing • Risk Management, controls and governance processes 7

  8. Programme 2 – HRM&D (1) • Human Resource Development & HR Planning • Development and implementation of a human resource development strategic framework for the public service • Development and implementation of integrated systems, processes, prescripts and guidelines to improve human resource planning • Implementation of learnership, internship and skills development programmes that target public service and unemployed graduates and unemployed youth • Development of HR Planning Strategic Framework • Improvement of compliance and quality of HR Plans • Implementation of the skills database • Recruitment and retention of scarce skills 8

  9. Programme 2 – HRM&D (2) • Employment Practice and Career Management, and Senior Management Service • Development of transversal policies, prescripts and interventions in the various areas of SMS and middle management service • Strategic positioning and delivery model of the human resources function within the public service • Leadership and management development for senior and middle management • Implementation of the performance management development system • Implementation of an effective competency assessment framework 9

  10. Programme 2 – HRM&D (3) • Employee Health and Wellness, and Diversity Management • Development and implementation of policies and implementation guides, and monitoring and evaluation tools aimed at promoting employee health and wellness • Implementation of capacity development aimed at high level responsiveness to the prevention and management of HIV and AIDS and other diseases to ensure occupational safety and health of public servants and the citizens they serve • Implementation of employment equity initiatives focusing on implementation of specific focus on women and people with disabilities • Ensuring transformation through diversity management interventions in the workplace 10

  11. Programme 3 – MOC (1) • Remuneration and Macro-Benefits • Development, implementation and maintenance of policies, practices and systems on remuneration and macro-benefits across the public service • Establishment of suitable remuneration policies and practices in the public service and facilitating the link between remuneration policies and appropriate performance and career development practices in the public service • Introduction of equitable and competitive salary structures for all categories of employees 11

  12. Programme 3 – MOC (2) • General Benefits • Development, implementation and maintenance of policies, practices and systems on general benefits across the public service • Enhancement of the overall management of general benefits for public servants in a manner that is supportive of good human resource practices and that facilitates the effective utilization of human capacity for service delivery • Establishment and facilitation of access to public service human resource management information 12

  13. Programme 3 – MOC (3) • Negotiations and Labour Relations • Determination, implementation and maintenance of labour relations policies across the public service • Engagement with employee representatives in order to improve labour relations across the public service • Facilitation of stable relations between the state as employer and labour representing public servants • Provision of an appropriate negotiations framework • Negotiation with employee representatives on behalf of the state as employer in the Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC) and the General Public Service Sectoral Bargaining Council (GPSSBC) 13

  14. Programme 3 – MOC (4) • Integrated Financial Management, Job Evaluation & Single Public Service • Development, implementation and management of the HR component of the integrated financial management system project • Development, implementation and maintenance of policies and systems on job evaluation and grading • Maintenance of an effective and efficient programme management office for the establishment and coordination of single public service, including change management and communication 14

  15. Programme 4 – I&TM (1) • E-Government & ICT Infrastructure • Development of policies, strategies and regulations on ICT across the public service • Oversight of SITA and provision of secretariat services to GITOC • Improvement of customer service by connecting Thusong Service Centres to a centralised ICT infrastructure • Development of a prototype system to support communication and document management within Cabinet • Improvement of e-learning within government • Reporting on ICT expenditure in the public service • Consolidation of a Call Centre strategy to create efficiency and better service delivery 15

  16. Programme 4 – I&TM (2) • ICT Governance and Community Development & Access • Development of an IT architecture blueprint in government • Conducting vulnerability assessments at SITA and in government departments • Strengthening the GITO Council • Facilitation of the development and implementation of a Government Geographic Information System (GIS) • Development of spatial maps depicting service delivery points and HR utilisation • Conducting assessments on accessibility of community access points 16

  17. Programme 5 – SDI (1) • Batho Pele • Promotion of culture change in the public service and coordination of the dissemination of lessons in order to improve service delivery • Implementation of Batho Pele Change Management Engagement Programme across all sphere of government • Facilitation and deployment of senior managers to the coal face of service delivery • Facilitation of the sharing of best practices and lessons through publications, forums and conferences 17

  18. Programme 5 – SDI (2) • Service Delivery Improvement Mechanisms • Engagement in supportive interventions and partnerships which improve efficiency and effectiveness • Supporting national and provincial depts to develop and implement service delivery improvement plans • In partnership with other govt depts implementation of the Know Your Service Rights Campaign • Development of toolkits to guide the development of service delivery models and standards 18

  19. Programme 5 – SDI (2) • Service Delivery Facilitation • Coordination of short-term service delivery interventions and partnerships, including research to improve efficiency and effectiveness • Supporting to the War on Poverty Campaign by conducting research on service delivery points and generation of reports that informs decision making • Coordination of development of framework to improve the working environment in the public service 19

  20. Programme 5 – SDI (3) • Community Development Workers • Facilitation of the smooth coordination and implementation of the community development workers programme • Facilitation of the development of appropriate curricula for the CDW programme • Ensuring recruitment, training and deployment of trained CDWs in various municipalities • Facilitation of the resolution of bottlenecks in service delivery • Promotion of public participation to deepen democracy and good governance 20

  21. Programme 6 – Governance (1) • International & African Affairs • Establishment and maintenance of bilateral and multilateral relations on governance and public administration by implementing global and continental programmes & projects for improving governance and public administration • Implementation of global and continental programmes and projects aimed at improving governance and public administration • Facilitation of information sharing and learning through facilitation of exchange visits between DPSA and counterpart departures from other countries • Facilitation of implementation of Pan-African Ministers Programme on Public Administration and Governance 21

  22. Programme 6 – Governance (2) • Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation • Management of systems for planning, monitoring and evaluating the programmes that enable the transformation of the public sector • Implementation the Public Management Watch • Development and publication of the Human Resource Utilization reports • Conducting impact assessments of various DPSA policies frameworks and projects • Supporting the Presidency in the implementation of the Government Wide Monitoring & Evaluation System (GWMES) 22

  23. Programme 6 – Governance (3) • Public Sector Anti-Corruption • Establishment and implementation of strategies to fight corruption and improve ethical conduct in the public service • Facilitation of the development and implementation of public sector anti-corruption policies and enhancement of the public sector’s capacity to fight corruption • Monitoring and evaluation of the national integrity framework, developing indicators, managing the corruption management information system and appraising the impact of national anti-corruption programme • Ensuring active participation in and compliance with bilateral, multilateral, regional and international agreements • Provision of technical support to SADC Regional Anti-corruption Programme and the AU initiatives 23

  24. Programme 6 – Governance (4) • African Peer Review Mechanism • Facilitation of and monitoring implementation of the APRM Programme of Action • Provision of secretariat support to the national Focal Point and the Governing Council and its substructures • Preparation of monitoring reports for submission to APRM Forum of Heads of States and Government Implementation Committee • Sharing of information with and participate in other APRM forums in the region and the continent 24

  25. Centre for Public Service Innovation • Providing the Minister with diverse forward looking advice and research as well as partnerships that enhance public service transformation and reform through innovation • Creation of an enabling environment that nurtures, supports and encourages innovation within the structures and agencies of SA Government • Initiation, implementation and management of self sustainable innovation projects in partnership with civil society and other relevant stakeholders • Implementation of special projects that are mandated by the Minister from time to time 25

  26. Overview ofProgramme performance 2008/09 26

  27. During the 2008-2009 Financial Year the Department delivered on many critical projects and programmes. Where projects were not completed as planned measures has been put in place to address challenges. Overview 27

  28. Programme 2 – HRM&D (1) • The 2015 Public Service HR Development Strategy was approved in December 2008 and is being implemented across all national departments • Discussions between PALAMA and DPSA are ongoing to develop the roll out for the Action Learning programme and financial commitments will be finalized during the 2009/10 financial year. • The Department is coordinating the implementation of HR planning tools in the public service - As at 31st March 2009, the department has received 62 final HR plans and 37 draft HR plans. • The developed HR planning tools were piloted in two departments and tools were reviewed where necessary. 28

  29. Programme 2 – HRM&D (2) • The skills database project was rolled out to 20 national departments. Problems with the updating of Persal information and extraction reports have caused delays in the completion of this activity. • The Department completed a report on assessment of the status of skills in the public service since Resolution 7 of 2002: the report provides indication of skills, utilisation and availability in PS • The ABET Indaba was held in January 2009. A Draft Implementation Guide has been developed which will support the draft policy. The Indaba and the Guide are some of the efforts used to institutionalize the Abet policy & strategic framework. 29

  30. Programme 2 – HRM&D (3) • The final draft RPL policy document was completed and implementation has started. Funding for a pilot was received from the European Union (EU) and a service provider was appointed to pilot the policy document in the departments of Education, SAPS & Social Development. The Department continues to work with line departments to implement the RPL. • Meetings were held with National Treasury to establish a PERSAL functionality for managing placement of Interns. The development of the strategy to deal with management of interns through PERSAL is at an advanced stage and the National Treasury is assisting. • The department is working with Higher Education South Africa and participates in university career open day with universities 30

  31. Programme 2 – HRM&D (4) • The HIV&AIDS Workplace Policy in the Public Service the M&E Tool guide have been reviewed • The monitoring and evaluation curriculum on HIV&AIDS was developed and quality assured by PALAMA and the monitoring and evaluation framework for HIV&AIDS in the Public Service has been approved. • A draft Health and Productivity Management Policy for the Public Service was developed. Implementation in the Public Service is expected to commence after approval by the Minister during the 2009/10 financial period • Final Draft Safety, Health, Environment, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) Policy for Public Service was completed and approved by the Minister 31

  32. Programme 2 – HRM&D (5) • The final Draft Wellness Management Policy for the Public Service was completed and approved by the Minister. • The JobACCESS Strategic Framework was launched on the 3rd March 2009 and a circular was distributed to national and provincial departments advising them to effect implementation of the JobACCESS Strategic Framework with effect from 1 April 2009. The framework was also posted onto the dpsa website. • A report on the Public Service Women Management Week was finalised. Achievements on the Heads of Departments’ 8 Principle Action Plan are mostly on equity targets and development of policies. The representation of women in SMS has improved from 34.3 % to 34.5%. The Public Service Women’s Week was hosted by most departments. • Discussions on the funding of the gender focal points are still in progress with all government departments. 32

  33. Programme 3 – MOC (1) • A strategy to facilitate decentralisation for the PILIR was developed and approved • A research report on Policy and funding model on post-retirement medical assistance was completed. The report informed development of a position paper to engage with stakeholders like National Treasury and GEMS on the way forward. • Occupation Specific Dispensations (OSDs) were developed for Social Workers; Emergency and Medical Personnel; Pharmacists, Medical Officers/Dentists and Medical/Dental Specialists • A research report on a policy on post retirement medical assistance was completed • A draft policy on a funding model for post-retirement medical assistance has been finalised 33

  34. Programme 3 – MOC (2) • The SMS panel has developed a first report on the categorisation of departments and the grading of HODs. The report was tabled and is currently being considered by the Governance and Administration Cabinet Committee. • The proposal for a revised salary structure for Deputy Directors (DDs) and Assistant Directors (ASDs) has been developed and will be tabled for negotiations during the 2009/10 financial year. • A report on the review, update and refinement the EQUATE job evaluation system and job evaluation process in the Public Service has been completed 34

  35. Programme 3 – MOC (3) • Review report on revised salary structures for non-OSD occupations and DDs and ASDs was drafted and submitted to the mandate committee for consideration in June 2008. • Research report on the cost-benefit analysis for the Remuneration policy framework for SPS has been finalised • The complexity of the project was under-estimated, hence, project progress is behind initial schedule. However, service providers have been contracted and work is in progress. The project timelines were thus revised, as elaborated in “HR module of the IFMS project “. 35

  36. Programme 4 - I&TM • As part of e-Government the IT shared service model for the public sector was incorporated into a new IT Plan for government and road shows were undertaken to all nine provinces. • The prototype system to e-enable the identified services is being developed and will be finalised during the 2009/10 financial year • A draft report that reviews the SITA call centre was compiled. In compiling the report questionnaires were sent to all national departments and to provinces the nine provinces. • The new generation e-government framework was developed 36

  37. Programme 5 – SDI (1) • 55 municipalities in Limpopo, Mpumalanga, and Free State were trained on the development and implementation of service delivery improvement plans • Training on the Batho Pele Change Management Engagement Programme (BPCMEP) was provided to additional municipalities, bringing the total number of trained officials to over 1 000, spread over 274 municipalities. • 10 of the 33 national departments and 22 of the 106 provincial departments had submitted their SDIPs by June 2008, and the numbers increased marginally by the end of 2008/09 financial year • The Know Your Service Rights booklet for the social cluster was translated into all official languages and distributed widely 37

  38. Programme 5 - SDI (2) • The KYSR booklet on Justice Cluster was developed and provisionally approved. • DRC: The census in Kinshasa and Bas Congo has been completed and is 80% complete in Bandudu and Maniema. The project was launched in Kasai Orientale province. • APSD was celebrated on the 23rd June 2008. A panel made up of academics, Non Government Organisations (NGO’s) and public servants robustly debated the theme “from policy to results-based implementation”. • Public Service Week (PSW) was celebrated during the week of 17-20 June 2008 across the public service with the Northern Cape province serving as a national hub 38

  39. Programme 5 - SDI (3) • The Learning Network was convened in November 2008 and was attended by 790 participants from the three spheres of government. The report for the network was finalised. • In 2008/09 just over 600 CDWs were recruited and trained on the CDW learnership and over 3000 CDWs were deployed in municipalities through the country. • A detailed database of the CDWs was developed, but the mobility of CDWs makes it difficult to keep the database updated • The CDW national Master Plan was finalised and the process was cascaded to the provinces. By the end of March 2009, 7 draft provincial master plans had been developed. 39

  40. Programme 6 – Governance(1) • The 6th Pan-African Conference of Ministers of Public/Civic Administration was successfully hosted in October 2008 where a public service continental long term strategy was adopted • A draft departmental Donor Coordination Strategy was developed • The Department actively participated in international multi-lateral anti-corruption and bribery forums and structures such as OECD and India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) 40

  41. Programme 6 – Governance(2) • The Minimum Anti-Corruption Capacity (MACC) guidelines were developed and have been captured in the Public Service Regulations to enforce compliance • The APRM progress report for South Africa was presented to APRM Forum of Heads of States • As part of providing support to DRC 250 000 copies of the Anti-corruption Code of Conduct for public officials were delivered to DRC 41

  42. Programme 6 – Governance(3) • Three DRC senior government officials visited the Department in a study tour to better understand the functioning financial disclosure and the National Anti-Corruption Hotline • The draft M&E framework was completed • The Department facilitated the 1st Bureau of the 6th Pan African Conference of Ministers of Public/Civil Service • Support was provided on the implementation of the Pan-African Ministers’ programme on Governance and Public Administration • Draft Framework for Continental Capacity Development has been developed for the African continent • The Department convened the Strategic Donor Forum 42

  43. Centre for Public Service Innovation • Technical support provided for All Africa Innovation Awards, including facilitating the adjudication process, development of templates, documentation, certificates and trophies. • Annual Innovation conference was hosted on 27 – 28 November 2008 and attended by more than 300 delegates from the three spheres of government • The sixth Annual CPSI Public Sector Innovation Awards ceremony was held on 28 November 2008. • A SADC UNPAN Portal workshop was hosted in February 2009 where SADC country representatives were trained in the utilisation of the UNPAN portal and on the process of submitting and uploading documents through the CPSI 43

  44. Human resource management information 2008/09

  45. Employment • On 31 March 2009 the Department had 492 posts on its establishment of which 385 were filled • 24 of these posts were filled by contract workers (additional to the establishment) • The vacancy rate was 21.7% (107 posts) • 99.6% of the personnel budget was spent 45

  46. Job Evaluation • 151 (30.7%) posts were job evaluated during this performance period • Of the 151 posts job evaluated 9 posts were upgraded and 2 posts were downgraded • Of the 151 posts job evaluated 18 people were upgraded due to their posts being upgraded 46

  47. Employment changes • The turnover rate for the Department was 18.2% at 31 March 2009 • 69 people joined the Department and 20 people left the Department • Reasons people left are: • Death, Resignations, Expiry of Contract, Early retirement, Severance package, Transfers to other Departments 47

  48. Employment Equity 48

  49. Black, Female and Disabled persons at SMS level within DPSA • As of the end of 2008/2009 Financial Year: • Black: 77% - this is 3% short of the national target of 80% • Female: 39% - this is 11% short of the national target of 50%  • Disabled: 1.56% - this is 0.44% short of the national target = 2%  49

  50. Performance rewards • Performance bonuses were awarded to 171 (49.09%) of 384 employees for the performance period • 156 (51.83%) employees were at levels 2 to 12 and 21 (25.30%) were SMS members • 110 were female and 67 were male recipients of these awards • A total of R2,836 million was spent on performance rewards 50

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