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This dialogue between Lisa and Mike shows how they discuss their weekend plans, including a barbecue, shopping, and dinner outing. They use future tenses and accept/decline suggestions while making arrangements.
VY_32_INOVACE_13-19 PLANS Makingsuggestions and agreeing on plans
A dialogue Lisa: What are youplanning to do attheweekend? Mike: We´rehaving barbecue withfriendSaturdayafternoon. Lisa: And whataboutSunday? Mike: Well, I´mgoing to stay in and revise for my examsnextweek. And whataboutyou? Do youhaveanyplans? Lisa: Yes, I do. We´regoing shopping with my mum on Saturday and Sundaywe are having a family lunch at my grandma´s. Mike: Wouldyoulike to have a dinner on Sunday in theevening? Lisa: Sure, that´s a good idea. Where do youfancygoing? Mike: It´s up to you. I don´t mind. Lisa: Fine, I´llfindsome restaurant, make a reservation and call youthen, right? Mike: Great. Seeyou. Lisa: Bye.
A dialogue Lisa: Whatare youplanning to do attheweekend? Mike: We´rehavingbarbecue withfriendSaturdayafternoon. Lisa: And whataboutSunday? Mike: Well, I´mgoing to stay in and revise for my examsnextweek. And whataboutyou? Do youhaveanyplans? Lisa: Yes, I do. We´regoingshopping with my mum on Saturday and on Sundaywe are havinga family lunch at my grandma´s. Mike: Wouldyoulike to have a dinner on Sunday in theevening? Lisa: Sure, that´s a good idea. Where do youfancygoing? Mike: It´s up to you. I don´t mind. Lisa: Fine, I´llfindsome restaurant, make a reservation and call youthen, right? Mike: Great. Seeyou. Lisa: Bye.
Usefulphrases • Askingaboutplans: • What are youplanning to do…? • What are yourplansfor…? • What are youdoing…? To askaboutsomeone´splanswe use the ……………………………….. tense.
Usefulphrases • Askingaboutplans: • What are youplanning to do…? • What are yourplansfor…? • What are youdoing…? To askaboutsomeone´splanswe use the PRESENT CONTINUOUS tense.
Acceptingsuggestions Decliningsuggestions I´mafraid I can´t. Sorry, but… I don´tfancy… (+ -ing.) • Great idea. • That´s a good idea. • Sure. • Thatsoundsinteresting/ good/ fun, etc.
Future tenses • Presentcontinuous: • Form: to be + -ing. • Ex. I´mplayingtennis • Use: almostsureplans, somethingdecided, agreed and arrangedbefore. • To begoing to + inf. : • Ex. I´mgoing to stay in. • Use: Personalintention and decision. • Willfuture : • Form: will + verb • Ex. I will go withyou. • Use: Not sureplans, promises, instant decisions, offers
Practice • Work in pairs. Prepare a similardialogue to thesample oneaskingyour partner about his/her plansforthefollowingweekend. • Decidewhat are yougoing to do together and end thedialogueagreeing on a commonplanforoneafternoon.
Thank you for your attention. Autor DUM: Petra Navrátilová Zdroje obrázků: sada Microsoft Office, kliparts