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Laboratory Physics: From Quantum to Cosmos. Ulf Israelsson, JPL Fundamental Physics Research in Space Workshop Airlie, May 22, 2006. Context: Physics in the 21 st Century I. Physics is standing at the threshold of major discovery
Laboratory Physics: From Quantum to Cosmos Ulf Israelsson, JPL Fundamental Physics Research in Space Workshop Airlie, May 22, 2006
Context: Physics in the 21st Century I • Physics is standing at the threshold of major discovery • Our two foundational descriptions of nature, quantum mechanics and general relativity, are incompatible with each other. • When this conflict is resolved, a different view of reality may emerge that unifies matter, space, and time. • Cosmological observations are providing additional clues that our understanding of reality is in need of drastic modification. • About 80% of the Universe matter content is unknown. • The expansion of the Universe is accelerating due to an unknown energy field (dark energy)
Context: Physics in the 21st Century II • The importance of using a coordinated, multi-agency effort to seek an understanding of these outstanding physics questions has been recognized by the NRC and the OSTP/ NSTC • NASA can play a key role through allowing access to the space environment for many of these experiments • NASA’s emphasis on human exploration not withstanding • NASA’s beyond Einstein program has laid out a bold vision for observational physics in space.
Context: Physics in the 21st Century III • How can laboratory physics in space contribute to achieve these discoveries? • Confluence of high-resolution technology and space access provides a unique opportunity to address these questions. • Above Earth’s atmosphere • Quiescent environment • Free-fall environment • Different space-time coordinates
Solving the mystery of gravity • Survey and explore the conditions near black holes. • Observational physics only • Directly detect gravitational radiation from black holes, neutron stars, and other astrophysical sources. • Observational physics only • Test the inverse square law of gravity at distances from submillimeter to planetary to search for violations • Laboratory physics only • Test Einstein’s equivalence principle to exquisite precision to uncover new forces • Laboratory physics only • Measure ppn parameters in the solar system • Laboratory physics only
What lies beyond the Standard Model of Physics? • Determine the origin and identity of nature’s most energetic particles. • Observational physics only • Detect proton decay to provide crucial information about the unification of forces. - Laboratory physics in space may contribute through: • Determining the edm of the electron • Is special relativity valid under all conditions? -Laboratory physics in space can contribute through: • Local Position Invariance tests • Are nature’s constants really constant? -Laboratory physics in space can contribute through • High resolution measurements of alpha-dot • Isotropy of the speed of light • Are there compacted unseen dimensions? – Laboratory physics in space can contribute through: • Sub-mm inverse square law measurements ACCESS SUMO
What is the dark matter? • Map the distribution of dark matter in galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and throughout the universe. • Observational physics only • Identify dark matter particles and measure their properties - Laboratory physics can contribute through: • Discovery of Newton’s force law violations • Discovery of Equivalence Principle violations • Search for other relics of the Big Bang - Laboratory physics can contribute through: • Existence proof search for sterile neutrinos
Q2C Meeting Forward Looking Objectives • To document the extent to which Laboratory Physics in Space can contribute to answering the Physics of the Universe questions • Synergism between NSF, DOE, NIST, and NASA • Collaborations between ESMD and SMD? • To discuss with the assembled scientific community what can be done to establish a future program in this area, • Synergism between NSF, DOE, NIST, and NASA • Importance of International Collaborations
Fundamental Physics Program has had a difficult time in finding traction at NASA • “It is all about Budget and Priorities”
What steps can we take from here on out? I • Clearly determine how laboratory physics in space can contribute • Workshop and proceedings • Unify the physics community • Observational and Laboratory physics stand together with one voice • Implies that we set our own priorities • Build linkages across communities • Strengthen partnership with international community • Identify key physicists that can represent us to stake holders • Seek (further) physics representation on NAC, AAAC, BPA, etc.
What steps can we take from here on out? II • Strive to add “placeholder statements” to current NASA Roadmap and Science Plan effort • Seek representation on the next Astrophysics decadal survey • Convince NASA SMD to make this an annual workshop • Utilize synergy with international partners programs? • Strive to develop a Fundamental Physics Division • Continue individual advocacy • What else??
What recommendations might we make to NASA? • Advisory board representation (free) • Commissioning of NRC study of relative priorities for research in Astrophysics, Observational Physics, and Laboratory Physics • NASA contributions to Cosmic Visions program • Our own NASA Research Announcement • Our own technology development program • Future missions “fairly” competed
Physics and Society: Education • Physics contributes to the continuing expansion of human consciousness by • Inspiring young minds to excel • Educating tomorrow’s innovators • Teaching international peace through the pursuit of knowledge • Sharing the wonders of discovery with the public to lift the human spirit
Physics and Society: Technology • Physics builds the foundation for tomorrow’s breakthrough technologies • To achieve new results, physicist traditionally push on the boundaries of available technology • To take full advantage of space experiments often requires orders of magnitude leaps in technology • These technologies can be applied for industrial applications • Increased understanding of scientific principles often lead to completely new technologies and applications
Conclusions • Laboratory Physics is in a position to contribute greatly to today’s outstanding physics questions • We must find a way to contribute • This workshop is the first step “There are grounds for cautious optimism that we may now be near the end of the search for the ultimate laws of nature.” — Stephen Hawking