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European roadmap for fundamental physics in space conducted by FPAG. P. Binétruy, APC, Paris chair of FPAG. From quantum to cosmos, Airlie Center, 07 July 2008. What is FPAG?. F undamental P hysics A dvisory G roup
European roadmap for fundamental physics in space conducted by FPAG P. Binétruy, APC, Paris chair ofFPAG From quantum to cosmos, Airlie Center, 07 July 2008
What is FPAG? Fundamental Physics Advisory Group of the Science Program of ESA
The Science Program at ESA D CH E … F Scientific Program Committee Directorate of Science and Robotic Exploration A GB I NL Space Science Advisory Committee Advisory structure Solar System Working Group Astronomy Working Group FPAG
Traditional role of FPAG (10 members) • follow missions of the Science Program • (LISAPathfinder, LISA, Microscope) • follow R&D effort and advise on it • provide expertise in the case of new calls for missions • provide expertise for programs outside the Science • Programme • (e.g. European LIfe and Physical Science: ACES-Pharao) • conduct roadmap exercise whenever needed
1st call of the Cosmic Vision Program (Fall 2007) 12 proposals for fundamental physics + a few shared w/ astronomy incl. SAGAS (M.C. Angonin), Galileo Galilei (A. Nobili), EUSO (Y. Takahashi) • None was selected for various reasons: • lack of technical readiness as judged by ESA technical division • narrowness of scientific interest • difficulties connected with international collaboration N.B. LISA was preselected as an L-mission in this call
As a consequence, ESA put FPAG on hold and asked its members to propose a new role to be discussed in a SPC Workshop held last June in Aix-en-Provence
Present FPAG members: Pierre Binétruy* Philippe Bouyer* Gijs Nelemans Wolfgang Schleich* Alicia Sintes Olives Bill Weber*
What is fundamental physics? • Tests of fundamental laws and principles e.g. equivalence principle, • constancy of constants, inverse square gravitational law • Detection and study of gravitational waves • Quantum mechanics in a clean environment • Cold atom physics, new frequency standards and quantum technologies • Precision research in cosmology : identifying the nature of dark energy • and dark matter • Space-based efforts in astroparticle: high energy cosmic particles, antimatter,…
What is fundamental physics? • Tests of fundamental laws and principles e.g. equivalence principle, • constancy of constants, gravitational of inverse square law MICROSCOPE ACES • Detection and study of gravitational waves LISAPathfinder LISA • Quantum mechanics in a clean environment T2L2 ELIPS • Cold atom physics, new frequency standards and quantum technologies • Precision research in cosmology : identifying the nature of dark energy • and dark matter EUCLID EUSO • Space-based efforts in astroparticle: high energy cosmic particles, antimatter,…
A program strongly connected with what can be achieved on ground… Zarm drop tower CERN Auger … representing large communities not necessarily familiar with space
New communities Theory groups Groups with techno- logical experience Labs with space experience Identify the key players : Industrial partners These communities have to learn how to use (or not to use) space They sometimes have to learn how to work on a European scale • Interaction needed between the space community represented by ESA and these new communities
New technologies Identify key technologies for fundamental physics in space Set up a coordinated program to reach the required readiness level for those technologies Lessons from the past: microthrusters Building the future: FPAG recommendations for ESA Technical Development Plan (2008-2011) • breadboard of a trapped ion clock • breadboard of an atom interferometer
Why space? Advantages: low Newtonian noise, free fall, long distances, large potential differences Drawbacks: time and cost Assessing the real need for space requires a good knowledge of the possibilities on ground (ten years from now) e.g. Auger vs EUSO dark energy clocks on ground vs clocks in space Exception: LISA is the only way to reach its frequency domain Need enough expertise to make this assessment
The role of the « new » FPAG, as we see it : • Build a roadmap with the community (2008-2009) • Identify the key technologies (the show stoppers) and the developments associated • Follow the missions of the Science program, including the more technological developments • Be informed on the other ESA programmes and on the national programmes and give opinions on how they fit into the general scheme
The « Fundamental physics in space » European roadmap exercise (coordinated by FPAG) Why? Necessary to clarify the need for space and focus the efforts for putting new technologies into space. Has a important pedagogical role if the community is involved. Roadmap should clearly address the issue of the next Cosmic Vision call When? Second semester of 2008-First semester of 2009 Well in advance of the next Cosmic Vision call In line with prospective effort of some national communities (D,F..)
How? FPAG produces a paper giving the general lines of this prospective effort(08/09) A call for white papers is issued along these lines (08/10-12) FPAG studies the answers to the call and integrates other roadmap exercises to produce a first draft of the radmap(09/01-04) A workshop is organized to discuss this document and related issues with the community (09/04-06) Final version of the roadmap (summer 09)
Conclusions (for the SPC delegates) Ambitious program building on the lead of Europe in this field Allows to enrich the space community Very high visibility both on the science (of a different kind from astronomy or solar system missions) and on the technology
arXiv:0711.0150 [gr-qc] Space-based research in fundamental physics and quantum technologies S.G. Turyshev et al., CalTech, UCLA, Stanford, Harvard-Smithsonian, University of Colorado, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, University of Maryland « We emphasize that ESA’s FPAG is a good example of how to engage the fundamental physics community in space-related research activities, enrich and deepen the space enterprise, and also broaden ESA’s advocacy base. NASA would benefit from access to a similar group of science advisors. »