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Experience the power of Jesus' healing touch and discover the joy of offering righteous sacrifices to God. Follow the journey of faith and miracles in this inspiring passage from the Gospel of Luke. Join us for a transformative Lenten reflection.
Then there will be righteous sacrifices, whole burnt offerings to delight You; then bulls will be offered on Your altar. Alleluia.
Holy, Holy, Holy. A passage from the Gospel according to Saint Luke (4:38-41), may his blessings be upon us all. Amen. Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon. Now Simon's mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help her. So He bent over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. She got up at once and began to wait on them. When the sun was setting, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying His hands on each one, He healed them. Moreover, demons came out of many people, shouting, ‘‘You are the Son of God!'' But He rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew He was the Christ. Glory Be To God Forever, Amen
Classroom Rules • Let’s agree on some rules together, among them shall be: • When one person is speaking the rest should be respectful. • No bathrooms or water breaks during class.
Consequences Warning Sit outside of class for 5 minutes Sent to the social hall for the entire time and call parents.
Great Lent Week 6: The Man Born Blind • -John 9 • -This man had great faith in Jesus. Unlike the paralytic man, he had hope and was eager to experience this great miracle. • -Even when Jesus spit and placed the mud on his eyes, he did not question it, but he obeyed. • -Because he obeyed and had faith, he was able to not only receive his physical sight, but his spiritual sight as well. This inner illumination allowed him to see the greatness of Jesus in his life. It also gave him the strength to stand against the Jews and confess to them who Jesus was. • -This week Jesus is sending us this grace of illumination, which will shine the way for us in the narrow path. Even when it is hard to go against our earthly knowledge and ways.
Doxology for St Mary (Matins) Ooniati entho maria: tisave owoh ‘ensemne: timah enesnoti eneskini : pi’aho emepnevmatikon Titshrompishal enkatharos: thetacmoti khen penkahi: owoh asfiri nan evol: enokarpos ente piepnevma Wounia] `n;o Mari`a@ ]cabe ouoh `ncemne@ ]mah`cnou] `n`ckyny@ pi`Aho `m`Pneumatikon. + }[rompsal `nka;aroc@ ;yetacmou] qen penkahi@ ouoh acviri nan `ebol@ `noukarpoc `nte pi`Pneuma.
Doxology for St Mary (Matins) Pi`Pneuma `mparaklyton@ vy`etaf`i ejen peSyri@ hijen nimwou `nte piIordanyc@ kata `ptupoc `nNw`e. + }[rompi gar ete `mmau@ `n;oc achisennoufi nan@ `n]hiryny `nte V]@ ;yetacswpi sa nirwmi. ` Pi epnevma emparakliton: fietavi ejen peshiri: Hijen nimo’u ente piorthanis: Kata eptipos enoe Tetshrompi ghar ete emmav: Enthos achishenofi nan: entihirini ente efnoti: theacshopi sha niromi
Doxology for St Mary (Matins) • N;o hwi `w tenhelpic@ ][rom`psal `nno`yte@ are`ini `mpinai nan@ arefai qarof qen teneji. • + Ete vai pe I=y=c@ pimici `ebolqen `Viwt@ aumacf nan `ebol `nqy]@ afer penjenoc `nremhe. Entho hoi o tenhelpis: titshromepshal enoite: areini empinai nan: arefai kharof khen teneji Ete fai pe Isos: pimici evol khen efiot: avmacf nan evol enkhit: afer pengenoc enremhe
Doxology for St Mary (Matins) • Vai gar marentaouof@ `ebolqen penhyt `nsorp@ menencwc on qen penkelac@ enws `ebol enjw `mmoc. • + Je pen=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@ ma;ami`o nak `n`qryi `nqyten@ `nou`ervei `nte Pek`Pneuma =e=;=u@ eu]doxologi`a nak.
<ere ne `w }par;enoc@ ]ourw `mmyi `n`aly;iny@ ,ere `psousou `nte pengenoc@ `are`jvo nan `nEmmanouyl. • + Ten]ho arepenmeui@ `w ]`procatatyc `etenhot@ nahren pen=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@ `ntef.
St. Mary's Doxology (Vespers) • Colomwn mou] eroc@ qen pijw `nte nijw@ je tacwni ouoh ta`sveri@ tapolic `mmyi Ieroucalym. • Af]myini gar `eroc@ qen hanmys `nran eu[oci@ je `amy `ebolqen pek`ypoc@ `w ;y`etacwtp `n`arwmata. Solomon mooti eros: khen pi-go ente ni-go: je tasoni owoh ta-eshveeri: tapolees emee yerosaleem. Afteemini ghar eros: khen hanmeesh enran ev-echosi: je amee evol khen pek-epos: oo thee-at-cotp en-aromata.
St. Mary's Doxology (Vespers) • <ere ne `w ]Par;enoc@ ]ourw `mmyi `n`aly;iny@ ,ere `psousou `nte pengenoc@ are`jvo nan `nEmmanouyl. • Ten]ho `arepenmeu`i@ `w ]`proctatyc `etenhot@ nahren pen=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@ `ntef,a nennobi nan `ebol. Shere ne oo ti-parthenos: tee-oro emee en-aleetheni: shere epsho-sho ente pen-genos: ari-egvo nan en-emanoeel. Tenti-ho ari-pen-mevi: oo ti-eprostat-es eten-hot: nahren penshois esos pi-ekhristos: entefkan nennovi nan evol.