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Launched a new startup? Not sure which marketing strategy to implement? Read our blog to know how inbound marketing can be better than outbound marketing. http://msnho.com/blog/webguruinfosystems/inbound-vs-outbound-marketing-which-one-right-you
Inbound vs Outbound Marketing: Which One is Right for You? In the competitive world of online business, merely producing quality products and delivering them faster to the market are not enough to sail you through. What you need is to reach out to your target customers by implementing a strong marketing strategy. This will not only let your customers know about your brand, products, or services but help to boost your business and achieve ROI as well. However, you should select the right marketing strategy - inbound or/and outbound to make the maximum impact. In this article, we will explore these two strategies and guide you to select the right one. What is Outbound Marketing? In outbound marketing, a company sends messages to its target customers thereby initiating a conversation. The examples include the traditional forms of advertising such as radio ads, print advertisement, TV commercials, trade shows, outbound sales calls (also known as the ‘cold calls’), emails, etc. What is Inbound Marketing? Inbound marketing is just the opposite of outbound marketing, where the customers find you and learn about your products and services. The examples of this type of marketing include blogging, content marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SMO (Social Media Optimization), internet marketing services etc. Paid search advertising, too, is considered to be an inbound marketing strategy since your ads appear only when people look for specific products or services that are similar to the ones you offer. Outbound vs Inbound Marketing: Which One is More Effective? In the case of outbound marketing, the marketer reaches out to people to check if they are interested in the company’s offerings. Though it is a traditional marketing strategy, outbound marketing has several shortcomings: Difficulty in tracking ROI (Return on Investment) High investment but low returns
Increasing blocking techniques - Nowadays caller ID, spam filtering, and Tivo & Sirius satellite radios are used to block out the outbound marketing ads. Reasons behind the growing popularity of Inbound Marketing As opposed to outbound marketing, the inbound one is more effective since your potential customers are already looking for the products or services that are similar to yours. Therefore, the chances of driving more leads are higher in this case. In inbound marketing, you need to learn effective social media tactics and produce creative content to spread brand awareness. Here are some of the strategies that you can adopt: Keyword research: Make a list of keywords that are relevant to your products or services. Learn the importance of keyword research. Create campaigns: A PPC campaign on Google can be beneficial to drive more traffic to your website.
Generate creative content: Publish informative and compelling content in the form of articles, blogs, classifieds, infographics, videos, PPTs, etc., related to the products or services offered by your website. Conclusion: Inbound marketing is gaining more popularity for it allows you to engage with an audience that can easily be qualified as your prospective leads. Hence, by implementing this type of marketing strategy, you may see organic growth in business traffic in due course. In case you want to implement this marketing strategy and see better returns for your business, engage an experienced agency delivering digital marketing services. Source: http://msnho.com/blog/webguruinfosystems/inbound-vs- outbound-marketing-which-one-right-you -------------------------- WebGuru Infosystems Email ID: enquiry@webguru-india.com Phone No.: +91-33-40200844 Mobile No.: +91-8420197208 Visit Us: https://www.webguru-india.com Stay Connected Via: https://www.facebook.com/webguruinfosystems https://www.linkedin.com/company/webguru-infosystems-pvt--ltd- https://twitter.com/webgurutweet http://pinterest.com/webguruindia https://instagram.com/webguruinfosystems