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Making 5 common SEO mistakes can lead to a drop in search rankings besides leading to cost escalation and a delay in realizing the ROI. <br>
Know About The 5 SEO Mistakes Made By Experts Are you one of those who thinks ranking a site higher would mean following some fixed SEO rules? If yes, then it is good to have a reality check to know if those ‘fixed’ SEO rules still matter in the evolving SEO practices of the day. Most of us are prone to follow what we acquired as a part of our SEO learning but we seldom give it a thought that some of them may no longer be relevant (or were never relevant ever) and have actually become redundant. Let’s understand that most search engines including the dominant Google have made their search algorithms reflect the changing dynamics of user behaviour of the day. Hence, ranking your site higher would mean following the best practices and unlearning some that we have taken for granted. Not a big deal, for we are only human at the end of the day and
we do make mistakes. Let us know 5 of the common SEO mistakes that impact the search we do make mistakes. Let us know 5 of the common SEO mistakes that impact the search rankings to a great extent. 1. All links to the home page Yes, the homepage is important for it is the gateway to your site but sending all the links from other websites to your homepage is a big NO. Instead, link your internal pages as well. Remember! The trending sites of the day like Wikipedia have a majority of the links going to their internal pages. However, make sure to pepper the internal pages with some good content to count for the search engine requirements and to make an impression on the users. So, the bottom line is, instead of sending users to your homepage and make them search for the information they seek, let them reach the very page where the information actually lies. Sounds right? This will help to improve the UX leading to gains in search rankings as well. 2. Chasing the search algorithms and NOT the USERS This is something most of us have not grown out of and continue to pursue with earnestness. Although making it easier for the search engine crawler programs to easily identify and index our pages is all fine but going down the path of keyword stuffing and building inorganic links among others to manipulate the search algorithms should be discouraged at all costs, especially in today’s fast evolving SEO environment. Let’s understand the fundamentals first. If the users are not satisfied with the site and do not enter the sales funnel, does it really matter if the site is ranked higher? Remember, in the end, everything boils down to an excellent UX the site offers so that users are tempted to buy products or services. So, how do you improve the UX then? By making your site mobile friendly that loads faster By putting a rich content that is original, well written and most importantly, structured (adaptive to be displayed on multiple channels) By adding attractive images/videos/infographics to hold or retain the user attention 3. Not tracking the site’s performance After doing all the right things on SEO for your site, if you do not track its performance then you will remain in the dark about the progress your site has made or the areas where work needs to be done. This is where performance trackers like Google Analytics, SEMrush, Moz, and Raven among others can be of help. The old saying, ‘a stitch in time saves nine’ would apply here as the earlier you identify and work upon the areas that hinder the site’s ranking or UX, the better it would be to save costs in the long run. To get the best results here, you can even involve professional digital marketing services as well. 4. Not putting out relevant content Putting a content and not updating it for long would lead to two things – users getting discouraged and search engines not giving the site a higher ranking. So, create top quality content periodically that is relevant to the users (and thereby search engines as well) with
appropriate keywords and backlinks. 5. Ignoring the brand name in anchor text As you go about building the links to your site (remember, mostly to the internal pages, right?) the anchor text you use should not only be relevant to your site but should have your brand name as well. For example, if I want to build links to my site WebGuru Infosystems, it is better to put the brand name along with the relevant keywords like web development company or mobile app development company. For example, the premier web development company, WebGuru Infosystems or WebGuru Infosystems, an experienced mobile app development company. Conclusion To err is human, which in the SEO scenario can mean losing rankings and cost escalation. The 5 most commonly made mistakes related to link building, performance tracking, anchor text, content, and not targeting the UX should be best avoided. So, which mistake according to you, should be given the first priority and why? Leave your comments below. You can read the full content: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/know5seomistakes madeexpertsrajuchakraborty/?published=t WebGuru Infosystems Email ID: enquiry@webguruindia.com Phone No.: +913340200844 Mobile No.: +918420197208 Visit Us: http://www.webguruindia.com Stay Connected Via: https://www.facebook.com/webguruinfosystems https://www.linkedin.com/company/webguruinfosystemspvtltd https://twitter.com/webgurutweet