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BCMCS School Calendar Option Proposals. “Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.” ~ Raymond Lindquist. Outline of Calendar Options Proposal: . I. Identifying the appeal in offering calendar options II. Types of school calendars
BCMCSSchool Calendar Option Proposals “Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.” ~ Raymond Lindquist
Outline of Calendar Options Proposal: I.Identifying the appeal in offering calendar options II.Types of school calendars III.Rationale to include the Balanced Calendar option • Research into Balanced Calendars • Other benefits to the Balanced Calendar IV.Parent Survey results V. Addressing concerns: • Anticipated and addressed obstacles • Modification of the Balance Calendar model • Introduction to the concept of Intercessions VI. Staff Survey results [2 slides] VII. Proposed plan of action ***Any /All questions will be answered at the END of the presentation**
I. Identifying the appeal in offering calendar options: Idea: initially born at a ‘Future Search’ meetings [with founders, BOT members, community constituents, staff & parents] held when our school was in its infancy. Not pursued due to instability at the time and commitment to new facility.
I. Identifying the appeal in offering calendar options: • Continued thought: showed sustained support from the majority of teachers/administrators who felt the traditional calendar held limitations to our Montessori learning environment.
I. Identifying the appeal in offering calendar options: • Administration's Vision: to amend BCMCS’s adherence to the traditional calendar model to one that would best fit our school’s methodology and ideology. We do not conform to traditional/conventional beliefs to education [i.e., open spaces, manipulatives, uninterrupted work cycles, multi-age classrooms, etc.], yet we follow the traditional calendar model.
II. Types of school calendars: • Traditional • Year-Round [YRE] • Alternative • Balanced • Single Track and Multi-Track. ***Any of these can be modified in some manner. NOTE: Regardless of the type of calendar, all include 180 instructional days and 191 teacher days.
III. Rationale to Include Balanced Option: Research in Support of Calendar Modifications from Traditional Calendar: 1. Summer Learning Loss studies: • Reveals that all students lose ground in math and spelling skills, and most lose in reading skills. • Average loss of 2.6 months of grade-level equivalency in Math and 2.0 in Reading comparison to 1.0 and .8 months, respectively, within Balanced Calendar option models.
III. Rationale to Include Balanced Option: Research in Support of Calendar Modifications from Traditional Calendar: 2. Academic Improvement research: • Found positive effect on academics for those schools with a modified calendar. 3. Additional studies show a dramatic increase in attendance attributed to families having more opportunities to plan vacations during breaks.
III. Rationale to Include Balanced Option: Research in Support of Calendar Modifications from Traditional Calendar: 4. Supplementary studies also show a dramatic decrease in discipline referrals 5. Finally most studies showed additional gains in school moral
Other Benefits to the Balanced Calendar: • Lessens chance of student and teacher burn out; • No significant impact to budget; • Provides additional opportunities for school maintenance; • Less ½ days, translating to additional instructional hours; • Affords more instructional time before PSSA testing; • Similar to calendar options Pennsbury has recently explored; • Transfers days across calendar shortening summer breaks; • Shortens time school is in session without a break; • Additional benefits to covered later in presentation.
IV. BCMCS Calendar Survey • The following survey statistics include all responses submitted as of March 22, 2012. • Taken from 109 parent responses representing 93 families and 128 students or 79% of the expected returning students. • Includes results of staff survey. • Survey results will be updated.
How satisfied are you with Bucks County Montessori Charter School without regard to calendar?
How satisfied are you with your experience so far with the present 2011-12 School Calendar?
Common responses in support of a Traditional Calendar. In alignment with current family work and activity schedules as well as school calendars of siblings. Reduces child care needs. Longer summers allows for taking advantage of summer camps, travel and family vacations. Too many breaks during the school year creates inconsistency in children’s learning. Socialization Value - more in line with calendar of neighborhood friends not attending BCMCS.
Common responses in support of a change from the Traditional Calendar. • Offers more frequent breaks throughout the year. • Shorter summer lessens acclimation time. • Reduces the number of half days in the schedule. • Balanced Calendar is better educationally. • Offers vacations at non-traditional times at off-season rates. • Refreshes children, and teachers. • The Two Year Gradual Option offers benefits of the Balanced, but provides gradual transition time to allow for planning.
Please rate the Traditional Calendar according to how acceptable it would be for your family.
Please rate the Modified Balanced Calendar according to how acceptable it would be to your family.
Please rate the Two Year Gradual Modified Balanced Calendar as to how acceptable it would be to your family.
If BCMCS changed from a Traditional to the Modified Balanced Calendar for the 2012-13 school year, how likely would you be to enroll your child in a different school?
If BCMCS adopted the Two Year Gradual Modified Balanced Calendar for the 2012 through 2014 school years, how likely would you be to enroll your child at a different school?
Please indicate the number of children presently scheduled to attend BCMCS for the upcoming school year.
Do you certify that you have viewed the provided power point and reviewed each of the three calendar options available?
V. Addressing Concerns: 1. Anticipated and Revised Obstacles: • Bussing—State Law requires districts to follow Charter School Board of Trustees’ approved calendar • Controlled Temperature environment—Air Conditioning throughout school • Non-compliance with Teacher Union Contracts—Not applicable as we have a non-Unionized Staff • Solidifying staff acceptance: • Created flex scheduling options for identified staff • Created employment opportunities for staff who would be affected with loss in summer employment
Addressing Concerns 2. Created a Modified Balanced Calendar: Additional adjustments: • Created two-year modified calendar option that will not affect the beginning of next year’s start date, thus not affecting prearranged vacation plans. • Made modifications that vary, slightly from Pennsbury’s calendar: • For 2012-13 school year, same start date, with end date three(3) days later • For 2013-14, start one(1) week earlier and one week later
Addressing Concerns 3. Introduction of Intercession concept: Definition: Utilizes ‘break’ times to offer enrichment programs, remediation sessions, etc. BCMCS’s Proposed Use of Intersession times: • Allow for remediation of students identified as Special Needs [IEPs, 504s, etc.] allowing for dramatic increased instructional hours • Offer Enrichment Programs for students – Science, Geography, Math & Writing Workshops, Botany Explorations, Fine Art Groups, Nature Programs, etc.] to conduct day services on/off site *Both meant to offset need for childcare during identified break periods, while providing for full and/or half day enrichment program for families affected with care issues.
STAFF SURVEY Acceptability Rate: Traditional Calendar 95.8% Modified Balanced Calendar 62.5% Two Year Modified Gradual Calendar 95.8%
PROPOSED ACTION PLAN I. Modification of School Calendar Options: • Eliminate the Modified Balanced Calendar Option. • Offer Voluntary Enrichment Intersession during the Spring Break of the first year, and offered during the Fall and Spring Breaks in the second year of the Two Year Gradual Calendar. • Offer Flex Scheduling For selected staff members.
PROPOSED ACTION PLAN II. Presentation of New Calendar Options • Post a presentation on the school’s website addressing: • How the desire to change originated • Types of School Calendars available • Rational behind a move for change • Parent Survey results • Addressing common concerns and questions • Staff Survey Results • Action Plan
PROPOSED ACTION PLAN III. Re-Survey Parent Community • Offer an updated parent survey to gage preference and opinions given the new options and modifications presented. • Present results of survey to the board of trustees by April 11, 2012. IV. Adoption of Calendar • Recommend adoption of a school calendar at the April Board of Trustees Meeting on 4/18/2012.