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Webster County Groundwater Impact Committee Preliminary Report Town Hall Meeting Fordland, MO Sept. 10, 2006

2. Committee Members Appointed by County Commission. Bob Schultheis - Natural resource engineering specialistMarshfield, MO (Committee Chair)Larry Alberty - Fordland area businessmanFordland, MOKaren Asher - Seymour area farmerSeymour, MOJoe Blaine - Soil scientistSeymour, MOJoyce Nola

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Webster County Groundwater Impact Committee Preliminary Report Town Hall Meeting Fordland, MO Sept. 10, 2006

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Webster County Groundwater Impact Committee Preliminary Report Town Hall Meeting Fordland, MO Sept. 10, 2006

    2. 2 Committee Members Appointed by County Commission Bob Schultheis - Natural resource engineering specialist Marshfield, MO (Committee Chair) Larry Alberty - Fordland area businessman Fordland, MO Karen Asher - Seymour area farmer Seymour, MO Joe Blaine - Soil scientist Seymour, MO Joyce Noland - District technician, Webster County SWCD Marshfield, MO

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    5. 5 GBE Reasons for Site Selection Yes Lay of the land Proximity to a natural gas pipeline Easy access to railroad & four-lane highway Can ship corn cheaper than shipping ethanol 90% of grain arrive by rail, 10% by truck No Large livestock industry in southern Missouri “Planning and zoning never came to mind”

    6. 6 GBE Ethanol Plant Estimates 1 Inputs 194 rail cars per week (data from GBE) 3,500 bushels per rail car 2.70 gallons of ethanol per bushel 4.84 gallons of water per gallon of ethanol 17.0 pounds of DDGs per bushel of grain 24 hours per day of operations 50 weeks of operation per year 10,000 KwH electrical demand, if no gas used (data from GBE)

    7. 7 GBE Ethanol Plant Estimates 2 Outputs 97,000 bushels of grain processed per day 825 tons of DDGs produced per day 261,900 GPD of ethanol produced 1,833,300 gallons of ethanol produced per week (data from GBE) 76 rail cars per week @ 24,000 gal. each 1,267,600 GPD of water required per day 880 GPM of water (data from GBE) 47 acre-inches of water per day (if irrigated)

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    12. 12 Pollution Risk Areas

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    19. 19 Equivalent Residential Demand 880 GPM water = 21,000 persons @ 60 GPD 10,000 KwH = 5,100 houses @ 1,400 KwH per month

    20. 20 Will the Jobs Help the County? 200-300 outside workers during construction 35-45 employees @$35,000+/year = $2.1 million annual payroll Rail car loading/unloading Scale operators for weighing trucks Laboratory personnel Clerical workers Will all employees live in Webster County and buy here?

    21. 21 Equivalent Residential Demand 880 GPM water = 21,000 persons @ 60 GPD 10,000 KwH = 5,100 houses @ 1400 KwH per month

    22. 22 For More Information, Contact:

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