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Learn how to navigate hallways with respect, responsibility, and cleanliness. Follow locker guidelines and snack rules for a smooth school experience. Tour the school grounds for proper walking etiquette.
HALLWAYS & PASSING AREAS6th Grade Rev. 8/25/18
What does it look like to be Safe, Respectful & Responsible in the HALLWAYS?
SAFE • Stay to the right and allow for traffic flow. Be polite and stay to the right. 2) Keep hands, feet and personal items to self 3) Keep Moving 4) Use sidewalks 5) Walk to destination 6) Do not stop on bus path
RESPECTFUL 1) Use appropriate language and volume 2) Keep hands and feet to self 3) Walk facing forward 4) Use trash cans 5) Follow all school rules
RESPONSIBLE 1) Have a hall pass or bathroom pass 2) Be on time for next destination 3) Keep personal belongings in locker while on campus from 8:30 – 3:09 4) Quiet Zone - hallways are for getting to locker and class
Keep Hallways Clean • Throw trash in garbage • Pick up after yourself • Keep all open food or drink out of hallway • Keep locker clean • Notify an adult if there is a spill or if cleanup is needed
Food and Drinks • Food and drinks are NOT allowed in the hallways. • Snacks, and lunches must be eaten outside or in the cafeteria. • You may place food and beverages in your locker, but they must be in sealed containers.
Hall Passes You need a pass if: • You are outside the class during class-time • If you are in the hallway during lunch Teachers and lunch monitors can provide passes
Locker Expectations • Students will only use their assigned locker. DO NOT share lockers! • Students will keep their combinations to themselves. • Close the door carefully, do not slam, kick or hit the door. • Keep locker clean and free from damaging marks. • Lockers are property of the school and may be searched at any time. • Keep backpacks, bags, purses and personal belongings in locker until the end of the day. • Only un-opened beverages allowed in locker- keep locker clean and free of spoiled food or old lunch items.
If You Have Locker Problems: • Check to see you are at the right locker. • Retry your locker combination. • Ask an adult to help you. If you are still having problems, check with the front office.
LET’S GO FOR A WALK!!! 6th Grade Teachers…at this point you will take your students on a tour of the school grounds. Pointing out the “red” lines, model how to move on “right side” of hallways, model not linking arms down hallway, or creating road blocks with groups stopping and talking