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Slips, Trips & Falls: Causes, Prevention, and Action

Learn about the causes of slips, trips, and falls, and how to prevent them. Explore real case studies and discover practical actions to reduce accidents in the workplace.

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Slips, Trips & Falls: Causes, Prevention, and Action

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  1. Slips, Trips & Falls

  2. Objectives Identify what causes falls Identify preventative actions Commit to action

  3. OSHA Case #1 Slip Leads to Infection & Death • Janitor slips in kitchen of hotel • Breaks rib and punctures lung • Becomes infected with pneumonia • Dies from infection

  4. OSHA Case #2Slip Causes Head Injury & Death • Employee slips on liquid spill in warehouse • Struck head on floor • Had emergency brain operation • Died from heart failure

  5. OSHA Case #3Fall on Stairs Causes Death • Office employee tripped/slipped on stair • Fell down stairs and landed with her head in the sheetrock wall • Died from skull fracture, cerebral contusion, and subdural hemotoma

  6. OSHA Case #4 Employee Breaks Hip in Fall from Table • Housekeeper stands on table to reach light fixture • Table tipped causing employee to fall • Table landed on hip • Employee broke hip

  7. Slips, Trips & Falls at PLU • 55% (2015) of reported injuries at PLU are slips, trips, and falls. • Most of these slip, trip, fall injuries (59%) occurred on flat surfaces, usually caused by liquid spills. • Others were slips from inclement weather, falls on stairs, and trips over obstructions.

  8. PLU Case #1Limited Vision Contributes to Fall • Employee carried high stacked material blocking vision • Cart blocked pathway • Employee tripped and fell

  9. PLU Case #2Slip Leads to Broken Window & Injured Knee • Employee slipped on stairs and fell down stairs • Window at base of stair broke fall • Injury required medical treatment

  10. PLU Case #3Congestion Creates Hazard • Employee tripped on heel of another employee in congested work space • Fell to ground • Aggravated pre-existing medical condition

  11. Group Activity • Brainstorm specific causes of slips, trips and falls in our work areas. • Brainstorm actions one can take to prevent slips, trips, and falls.

  12. Independent Activity • Select one activity that you can control and will personally take responsibility for doing in the next week to reduce slips, trips and falls in your work place. Write it down. • Select one activity that you will propose to your supervisor or other PLU entity to reduce slips, trips and falls in your work place. Write it down.

  13. Summary • Most Accidents at PLU are slips, trips, or falls. • While most falls cause minor injuries, people have been hospitalized or disabled from falls. • We can all reduce injuries by eliminating hazards in our work environment.

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