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Preparation for ITS alignment. What? ITS detectors, target alignment precision Why? Impact of misalignments How? Strategy and methods How well? First results from simulation. A. Dainese (INFN – LNL) for the ITS alignment group (CERN, LNL, NIKHEF, PD, TS). Inner Tracking System (ITS).
Preparation for ITS alignment • What? ITS detectors, target alignment precision • Why? Impact of misalignments • How? Strategy and methods • How well? First results from simulation A. Dainese (INFN – LNL) for the ITS alignment group (CERN, LNL, NIKHEF, PD, TS) Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
Inner Tracking System (ITS) • Silicon Pixel Detector (SPD): • ~10M channels • 240 sensitive vol. (60 ladders) • Silicon Drift Detector (SDD): • ~133k channels • 260 sensitive vol. (36 ladders) • Silicon Strip Detector (SSD): • ~2.6M channels • 1698 sensitive vol. (72 ladders) SSD ITS total: 2198 alignable sensitive volumes 13188 d.o.f. SPD SDD Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
yloc zloc xloc ITS detector resolutions & target alignment precisions • Full: initial misalignments as expected from the mechanical imprecision after installation, actually set to 20-45 mm at the sensor level, probably higher at the ladder or layer level (~100 mm), more later... • Residual: expected misalignment left after applying the realignment procedure(s). Target ~0.7resol. ~20% degradation of the resolution detector local c.s.: xloc~rfglob, yloc~rglob, zloc = zglob Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
rec. track e Primary Vertex B X d0 Impact of ITS misalignmenton tracking performance • Effect of misalignment on d0 (and pt) resolutions studied by reconstructing misaligned events with ideal geometry • Estimated effect on D0Kp significance null residual full full+ A.D, A.Rossi Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
Introduction of “realistic” misalignment • Why “realistic”? • misalignment should follow hierarchy of hardware structure; each level should be misaligned (and then realigned) • magnitude of initial misalignments should be realistic (input from hardware experts) • misalignments at the same hierarchical level should be correlated • E.g., for SPD: barrel / half-barrel / sector / half-stave / ladder # sensitive volumes: 240 / 120 / 24 / 2 / 1 magnitude of misal. (mm):<1000 / ~100 / ~100 / 10-50 / 5 (up to now only the ladder was misaligned) • Transition to realistic misalignment is in progress (requires changes to the ITS geometry) • Will provide: • better playground for preparation of realignment procedures • better estimate of effects of residual misalignments on performance Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
ITS alignment with tracks:general strategy • Data sets: cosmics + first pp collisions (and beam gas) • use cocktail of tracks from cosmics and pp to cover full detector surface and to maximize correlations among volumes • Start with B off, then switch on B possibility to select high-momentum (no multiple scattering) tracks for alignment • General strategy: • start with layers easier to calibrate: SPD and SSD • good resol. in rf (12-20mm), worse in z (120-830mm) • ITS z resol. provided by SDD anode coord. (20mm) easily calibrated can be included from the beginning in alignment chain • global ITS alignment relative to TPC (already internally aligned) • finally, inclusion of SDD (drift coord: rf), which probably need longer calibration (interplay between alignment and calibration) • Two independent track-based alignment methods in preparation: • global: Millepede 1 (ported to ALICE for muon arm alignment) • local: iterative method based on residuals minimization Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
Expected muon rate through ITS inner layer (~200cm2, ~40m underground): ~0.02 Hz ( ~104m/week) Trigger with SPD layers (tracks with 10-12 points): Trigger with ACORDE (“peripheral” tracks with 4-8 points in SSD-SDD) FastOR (FO) of the 20 chips on 2 half-staves For each half-barrel (A side, C side): 20 FOs outer layer, 10 FOs inner layer Any logic combination of these 30 FOs Preparation for cosmics data (1) Cosmics Run in February 2008 D.Elia A side SPD FastOR C side • Option being considered for cosmics: 2Layers coinc. (≥2FOs inn layer & ≥2FOs out layer) purity (fraction with 1 m with 4 SPD hits): ~97%, inefficiency (fraction of lost m with 4 SPD hits): ~19% Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
no misal. full misal. sd0=12mm sd0=21mm Preparation for cosmics data (2) • Cosmics at ALICE: p > 10 GeV/c, <p>~20 GeV/c(Hebbeker, Timmermans, 2001) • Cosmics tracking in ITS: • modified stand-alone ITS tracking (cluster-grouping algorithm from Torino) • 98% efficiency (12 points, 6inward+6outward) for muons that leave 12 hits, with B=0 and B=0.5T • high eff (~80-90%) also for muons crossing only outer layers • robustness tested with “extreme” misalignment scenarios • tracks prolongation from TPC to ITS being optimized for cosmics • Preparing first d0 resolution meas. by cosmics two-track matching A.D., A.Jacholkowski Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
SPD inner SDD inner SSD inner 103 103 103 102 102 102 10 10 10 1 1 1 800 800 400 400 Cosmics in the ITS A.Rossi • 50k m’s through inner ITS layer (~5 weeks of cosmics data) • Track multiplicity per module: • Volume correlations. Number of modules correlated to a given module: SPD inner 6 pts tracks 12 pts tracks Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
Track-based alignment in the barrel (ITS, TPC, TRD, ...)- Framework Overview - C.Cheskov Reconstruction Reconstruction Reconstruction Reconstruction Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
ITS alignment with tracks:the global approach of Millepede M.Lunardon, S.Moretto • Determine alignment parameters of “all” modules in one go, by minimizing the global c2 of track-to-points residuals for a large set of tracks (cosmics + pp) • Linear problem: the points residuals can be expressed as a linear function of the (global, di) alignment params and (local δi)tracks’ params • At the moment being tested with cosmics tracks and B=0 • Strategy for tests: • validate algorithm with “fast simulation” (no detector response) • introduce full detector response Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
yloc zloc xloc Millepede with fast simulation SSD SPD SDD • 5 weeks of cosmics • (50k in SPD1), B=0 • Tracks with 12 pts • 375 modules • (out of 2198) xLOC input result difference yLOC zLOC Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
Millepede with fast simulationRMS of (result-input) As a function of the number of minimum # of points per track • 5 weeks of cosmics • (50k in SPD1), B=0 • Also tracks • with <12 pts SPD x yz 5mm! better with “peripheral tracks” SDD similar to SPD Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
Millepede with fast simulationRMS of (result-input) As a function of the number of minimum # of points per track • 5 weeks of cosmics • (50k in SPD1), B=0 • Also tracks • with <12 pts SSD x yz much better with “peripheral tracks” Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
Millepede: fast vs. full simulation • Deterioration of results with full detector simulation • This triggered investigations on the different steps of the simulation, with misalignment found problems with overlaps that caused shift of ITS rec. points will be solved in new ITS geometry • For the moment, continue alignment studies without misalignments Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
Millepede: full simul., no misal. • about 5 weeks of cosmics, B=0 • 663 modules ( 135 SPD + 104 SDD + 424 SSD ) M.Lunardon, S.Moretto Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
z f bottom top SPD: worse on the sides need pp tracks Millepede: full simul., no misal.SPD only, SPD+SSD • about 5 weeks of cosmics, B=0 • 612 modules ( 192 SPD + 420 SSD ) M.Lunardon, S.Moretto Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
ITS alignment with tracks: iterative local method C.Cheskov A.Rossi • Determines alignment params by minimizing track-to-points residuals • Local: works on a module-by-module basis • Iterations are used to take into account correlations between the alignment params of different modules Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
Iterative local method: full simul., no misal. • about 5 weeks of cosmics, B=0 • no iterations (not necessary without misalignment) A.Rossi Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
Iterative local method:full simul. with misal., iterations SPD inner: mean, RMS iterationsconvergence Dx (mm) global z (cm) global f worse on the sides need pp tracks A.Rossi Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
ITS-TPC relative alignment • Relative alignment of ITS and TPC (3 shifts + 3 angles) with straight tracks (including cosmics) • Alignment requirements: given by TPC resolutions: • shifts: ~100 mm • angles: ~0.1 mrad • Method (under development): • Assume that TPC and ITS are already internally aligned and calibrated • Use independently fitted tracks in the ITS and the TPC • Alignment params are estimated by a Kalman filter algorithm • Proof-of-principle test with “toy” tracks M.Krzewicki Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
Summary • The ITS alignment challenge: determine 13,000 parameters with a precision of ~10 mm • Track-based alignment using cosmics and pp collisions • preparation for cosmics reconstruction in ITS • Two independent algorithms under development • Millepede (global) • local iterative method • Promising results even with cosmics only, should be much better with cosmics + pp tracks • ITS alignment relative to TPC also under study Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
EXTRA SLIDES Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese
Fast Simulation • A muon direction is generated • Intersection points with misaligned detectors are evaluated in local coordinate systems • large misal. order of 100 mm • Points smeared with given resolutions • Use tracks with 4-12 points • Advantages w.r.t. standard sim: • clean situation, without simulation/reconstruction effects • faster Terzo Convegno sulla Fisica di ALICE - LNF, 14.11.07 Andrea Dainese