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Renaissance Humanism

The Renaissance Humanism movement in Europe explored personal freedom, aesthetic beauty, and worldly pursuits, focusing on the enrichment of human life on earth rather than preparing for the afterlife.

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Renaissance Humanism

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  1. Renaissance Humanism

  2. Explored the idea of personal independence and individual expression • Independence from the church • Individual expression, mostly in art

  3. A revival of interest classic literature and thought (ancient Greek and Roman) • This culture was dominated by aesthetic elements (worship of beauty) • Aristocratic attitude • Unconcerned with supernatural and the eternal destiny of the soul • Taught man how to live, rather than how to die

  4. Was a European phenomenon that was more worldly and secular than the preceding Medieval period • Humanists are in the middle between Medieval supernaturalism (everyone believed the same religious explanation for everything) or Modern scientific attitude (discover answers through personal investigation)

  5. Humanists are between faith And reason

  6. Focused on anthropocentric ideas, seeking to dignify and ennoble humans Individualism • Originally kept in check by the feudalism of the Middle Ages (an individual has little standing) • The Church equated it with arrogance, rebellion, and sin

  7. Regarded humans as the crown of creation • Human experience became the practical measure of all things • Ideal life no longer monastic escape, but full participation in life

  8. Sought to civilize humans and help them realize their potential powers and gifts as well as to reduce the discrepancy between human potential and achievement

  9. Reliance on God weakened • This does not mean FAITH in God weakened • Curiosity was cultivated and encouraged • Honest doubt began to replace unreasoning faith

  10. Concentrated on the perfection of a worldly life, rather than on the preparation for an eternal and spiritual life • “Here and Now” is a fact, and therefore more appealing than a shadowy afterlife

  11. Increasingly regarded humans as creatures perfectible on earth

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