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Healthy Living: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Wellness

Explore a holistic perspective on well-being encompassing physical, mental, and emotional health. Discover techniques and practices rooted in various fields to enhance your overall wellness and vitality.

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Healthy Living: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Wellness

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  1. Prefix • 1 or more syllabus beginning of a word • Placed in front of verb/adjective/noun • Interdisciplinary field • Refer to table 2-1 in your book

  2. a-, an- Without, lack of, not EX: anemia = lack of blood

  3. ab- Away from EX: abnormal = deviating from the normal

  4. ad- toward, to near EX: adrenal - at or near the kidneys Adduct: draws towards Afferent: carry toward

  5. ambi-, amphi-, ampho- both EX: ambidextrous - using both hands with equal ease Amphibious

  6. ana- up, toward, apart EX: anatomy – to cut apart

  7. ante- before, in front of, forward EX: antecedent- one that precedes another; one’s ancestors

  8. anti- against, opposing EX: antibiotic – a substance produced by or derived from certain fungi, bacteria, and other organisms, that can destroy or inhibit the growth of other microorganisms.

  9. apo- separation from, derived from EX: apomorphine – a morphine derivative that is not as strong as morphine (emetic for dogs)

  10. auto- self EX: autopsy- seeing with one’s own eyes; examination of a body after death to determine the cause of death

  11. bi- two, double, twice EX: biceps- muscle with two heads or points of origin

  12. cata- down, under, lower, against EX: catabolism - breaking down of complex molecules into simple molecules, resulting in the release of energy

  13. circum- around EX: circumference - the size of something as given by the distance around it

  14. co-, com-, con- with, together EX: conjoin- to become joined together; united

  15. contra- opposed, against EX: contraindications - a condition or factor that increases the risks involved in using a particular drug, carrying out a medical procedure, or engaging in a particular activity.

  16. de- reverse, remove EX: declaw - to remove the claws from

  17. di- two, twice EX: dioxide – a compound with two oxygen atoms per molecule

  18. dia- between, through, across, apart, completely EX: diaphragm- A thin dome-shaped skeletal muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities

  19. dis- apart from, free from EX: disconnect - To sever or interrupt the connection of or between

  20. dys- painful, abnormal, difficult EX: dyspnea- difficulty breathing

  21. e-, ec-, ex- out of, free from, away from EX: exhale- to emit air or vapor

  22. ecto-, exo- outer, outside, situated on EX: exoskeleton - A hard outer structure, such as the shell of an insect or crustacean, that provides protection or support for an organism

  23. em-, en- in EX: entangled – twisted together in a tangled mass

  24. endo- within, inner EX: endoscope - An instrument for examining visually the interior of a bodily canal or a hollow organ such as the colon, bladder, or stomach.

  25. ep-, epi- upon, on, over, above EX: epidermis - The outermost layer of skin

  26. eu- normal, good, well, healthy EX: euthanasia - The act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition

  27. extra- above, outside of, beyond EX: extraterrestrial - existing, taking place, or coming from outside the limits of the earth

  28. hemi- half EX: hemisphere - A half of a symmetrical, approximately spherical object as divided by a plane of symmetry.

  29. hyper- excessive, above, beyond EX: hypertension - high blood pressure

  30. hyp-, hypo- under, deficient, beneath EX: hypodermic - relating to or located below the epidermis

  31. im-, in- in, into, within, not EX: immature - Not fully grown or developed

  32. infra- below, beneath EX: infrastructure - the underlying foundation or basic framework

  33. inter- between EX: intermission - The period between the acts of a theatrical or musical performance

  34. intra – within EX: intramuscular injections - the injection of a substance directly into a muscle

  35. intro- into, within EX: introvert - To turn or direct inward

  36. mes-, meso- middle EX: mesothelioma – a tumor of the mesothelium, often malignant and thought to be caused most commonly by the inhalation of asbestos particles

  37. meta- change, beyond, after EX: metacarpals: part of the skeleton of the hand or forefoot between the carpus and phalanges

  38. micr-, micro- small EX: microscope - An optical instrument that uses a lens or a combination of lenses to produce magnified images of small objects, especially of objects too small to be seen by the unaided eye

  39. mult-, multi- many EX: multitask - the performance by an individual of appearing to handle more than one task at the same time

  40. neo- new, recent EX: neonatal - newborn

  41. pan- all, entire EX: pancytopenia- deficiency of all blood cells

  42. para- beside, beyond EX: paramedic - a person trained to assist medical professionals and to give emergency medical treatment

  43. per- through, excessive EX: perspire - emit matter through the skin

  44. peri- around EX: periodontics - branch of dentistry which studies supporting structures of teeth, and diseases and conditions that affect them

  45. poly- many, much, excessive EX: polydactyly- having supernumerary digits

  46. post- after, behind EX: postoperative- happening or done after a surgical operation

  47. pre-, pro before, in front of EX: premature – happening, done, arriving, or existing before the proper or usual time

  48. pseudo- false EX: pseudopregnancy - an anestrous state resembling pregnancy that occurs in various mammals usually after an infertile copulation

  49. re- again, backward EX: reflex - bent, turned, or thrown back; reflected

  50. retro- backward, behind EX: retrograde - Moving or tending backward

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