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Ais for Arabian Toad-Headed Agamid Arabian Toad-Headed Agamid can be found from Turkey to Northwest China, in desert or rainforest like areas. They are very slow moving animals. when protecting themselves, they hiss and lunge forward at the animal attacking them. Artwork by: Mariah They normally eat crickets and other small insects. The Arabian Toad-Headed Agamid has a round head like a toad, a lizard like body, a long tail, frayed toes, and light colored spots. The agamid can also live in various climates, dry or moist.
Bis for Bengal tiger The Bengal Tiger has been classified as endangered. The population is estimated at fewer than 2,500 individuals with a decreasing trend. The Bengal tiger has been a national symbol of India since about the 25th century BCE. In 2010, the population of wild Bengal tigers in the Indian subcontinent is estimated to be fewer than 2,500. Of these, 1,165–1,657 are found in India, 200–419 in Bangladesh, mostly in the Sunderbans, 100–194 in Nepal and 67–81 in Bhutan. Most tigers have more than 100 stripes and no two tigers have identical stripes. Bengal Tigers are carnivores. The Bengal tiger's roar can be heard for up to 3 km (1.9 mi) away. Its coat is a yellow to light orange, and the stripes range from dark brown to black; the belly is white, and the tail is white with black rings. Artwork by: Tina
C isforChicken A chicken is a bird. One of the features that differentiates it from most other birds is that it has a comb and two wattles. The comb is the red appendage on the top of the head, and the wattles are the two appendages under the chin. Also, the chicken has two legs and two wings. Chickens live everywhere they are the most common domesticated fowls. You can find them in India and even in Egypt. A most common place to find them in North America as well as other countries is on a commercial farm. Chickens are not capable of long distance flight, although lighter birds are generally capable of flying for short distances, such as over fences or into trees. Chickens are very compatible with human beings, and inspire affection and love. Chickens have a wide variety of calls, and believe it or not, there is a representational or symbolic quality to their speech Chickens are a primary source of food for humans. The chicken is the closest living relative of the tyrannosaurus-rex. The average chicken lays 265 table eggs each year. Chickens will eat grain, seeds, fruit, corns, worms and other insects. Artwork by: Anwar
Dis for Deer Artwork by: Alyssa Deer live in forests in North America. They can live in cold and warm weather. There are different species of deer and there are about 14 to 20 million. Deer are mostly vegetarian. They eat fruits, berries, nuts and leaves. • Facts: • They are the most popular hunted animal. • 2. Can run up to 30 miles per hour. • 3. Baby deer are referred to as fawn. Deer are shy and nervous. They are mainly active at night and early morning. They also have a keen sense of smell and hearing. They have a brown summer coat and a gray winter coat. There is white fur under their chin and on their ears. They also have white dots.
The fire salamander eats slugs,earthworms, flies, millipedes, centipedes, and beetles. • The Fire Salamander is found in central and southern Europe, and parts of northern Africa and the Middle East. It lives in woodland habitats with a lot of shade and nearby ponds or streams. • It is a common pet. • 15 to 25cm long, some 30cm. The body is black with yellow or orange markings. • Underneath it is usually dark gray with fewer spots. • The female is often larger • The fire Salamander is nocturnal, it • Hibernates and generally stays in the same area. • When attacked, fire salamanders squirt toxin from their skin glands over a great distance. Artwork by: Brooke • There is no exact way of finding out the population, although the animal is not on the endangered list and it is does not particularly have any enemies.
The fennec fox resides in North Africa, in desert climate. The fennec fox is the smallest fox in the world The fennec fox can jump four times its own length. The fennec fox makes a great domestic pet. The fennec fox is generally nocturnal and burrows in the desert sand in the daytime. F is for Fennec Fox The fennec fox is a small brown fox with oversized ears, covered in fur. The population of the fennec fox is rapidly decreasing and approaches extinction because it is hunted for its fur. Artwork by: Andrew The fennec fox eats generally smaller mammals and small plants and fruits for water.
G is for Goldfish There are more than 500 species of goldfish around the world. Goldfish either live in ponds or in homes as pets. Goldfish have strong associative learning abilities, as well as social learning skills. When goldfish sleep, they float stationary in one place. In the wild, the diet of a goldfish consists of crustaceans, insects, and various plant matter. Domesticated goldfish eat goldfish-specific food. Artwork by: Brianna Goldfish were originally gray or silver and up to 16 inches long but have mutated to vary in size, body shape, fin configuration, and coloration. An average lifespan of a goldfish is 5-10 years. Goldfish come in different colors such as pink, gold, and bronze. Goldfish are omnivorous.
The total population for the world of horses’ is about 58 million. They have very great speed and balance His for Horse They can walk, trot, canter and gallop. They are able to sleep standing up There are over 300 kinds of horses’. The average horse weights about 1200 pounds. Their life span is 25-30 years. Artwork by: Kristen !They have changed our lives more the any other animal!
Iis for Indian Jackal The Indian jackal is found in North and East Africa, South Asia to Burma and Southeastern Europe. The habitat and climate they live in is open savannas, deserts and arid grasslands. The climate is very dry with little rainfall. They hunt small or young antelopes and also eat reptiles, insects, ground-dwelling birds, fruits, berries and grass. They have golden colored fur and their tails commonly have a black tip at the end. You can determine where a Jackal is from and what type it is by the color of its In the Indian sub-continent there is a minimum population off 80,000 , but records in Asia and Africa could no be recorded. Artwork by: Danielle • An Indian Jackal’s life span is 8-9 years in the wild • but they could live up to 16 years in captivity. • Jackals are noisy. Family or pack members communicate • with each other by a screaming • yelling and yapping, or a siren-like howl • when a kill is located. • A pair of jackals howl together to • show that there is a bond between them. • They also use different howls to locate one another. Jackals live alone or in pairs, but are sometimes found in loose packs of related individuals. They are among the few mammalian species that male & female mate for life.
is for Jellyfish Jellyfish live in oceans and seas all around the world, in shallow or deep waters and in some rivers and lakes too. The world’s jellyfish population is over 200 million. Jellyfish eat Small fish that they paralyze with neurotoxins from nematocysts (stinging cells) in their tentacles. Jellyfish are slimy, slippery, and soft creatures with stingers connected to their dome. Jellyfish interact with one another. They swim in parallel formation, meeting more jellyfish and join the parallel line of approaching jellyfish. Artwork by: Nick Jellyfish are made up of more than 95% water. Jellyfish have no brain, no blood, and no nervous system. Jellyfish are also radically symmetrical.
Kis for Kit Fox Artwork by: Courtney The Kit Fox is found mostly in southwestern United States and the northern and central Mexico • Length: 20 Inches. • Height: 12 inches at the shoulder. • Lifespan: 7 years. There are currently less than 7,000 kit foxes.
L Ring- tailed lemurs have a long, bushy, black and white stripped tail. • Interesting Facts • The word ‘Lemur’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Lemures’ which means ‘spirits of the night’ or ‘ghosts’. • Many of the species of Lemurs are nocturnal. • Lemurs are an endangered species. is for Lemur The ring-tailed lemur eats fruit, leaves, flowers, insects, tree gum, sap and bark. There are only about 50 - 101 lemurs left in the world. Lemurs live in trees and bushes in Madagascar, Africa. It is a subtropical climate. There are many different kinds of lemurs, this one is the ring tailed lemur. In aggressive encounters, the Ring-tail will wave its scent-covered tail in the direction of a rival and loud calls alert others. Artwork by: Ally
M isforMonkey Monkeys fight other monkeys in their groups and groom each other. Monkeys mostly sleep during night and are up during the day. Monkeys are placed into two groups. The monkeys around Africa and Asia are classified in the Old World Monkeys. Monkeys that live in South America and Mexico are classified as New World Monkeys. Monkeys can live at most 45 years. Monkeys can never catch a cold. Monkeys are usually small. They have long tails and lengthy arms and legs. There are 125 different species of monkeys in the world. Monkeys live in many parts of the world but they mostly live in forests in Asia and parts of Central and South America. Monkeys mostly eat fruits and vegetables. Since they live in the jungle they also eat spiders, plants and nuts. Artwork by: Christine
N is for Nine Banded Armadillo They are nocturnal and they come out at dusk. Armadillos mark their territory with urine, feces, and excretions from the scent glands that are found on the eyelids, nose, and feet. When they fight for territories they usually kick and chase one another. Nine-banded armadillos weigh 12–22 pounds. Head and body length is 15–23 inches. This combines with the 5–19 inches tail for a total length of 20–42 inches. They stand 6–10 inches tall. The outer scale has non overlapping scales which are connected by flexible bands of skin. This armor covers the back, sides, head, tail, and outside surfaces of the legs. The underside of the body and the inner surfaces of the legs have no armored protection. Instead, they are covered by tough skin and a layer of coarse hair. The claws on the middle toes of the forefeet are elongated for digging. The nine banded armadillo lives in North, Central and South America. They usually live in the southern United States because of the warmer climate. They live in rainforests, grasslands, and dry scrub habitats. FACTS: The nine banded armadillo cannot roll it self into a ball. Most widespread type of armadillo in the world. If the nine banded armadillo is alarmed it can quickly dig its own hole and burry itself in it and the predator will go away after it notices that it cant breach the hard shell of the armadillo. Artwork by: Joe
Is for Octopus There are approximately 200 known species of octopuses. The Common octopus reaches 10-feet in length. The typical octopus has 8 arms. Each octopus has a total of 240 suction cups on the underside of each arm. The arms are joined at the base of the octopus in an area known as the "skirt." In the center of the skirt, lies the octopus' mouth. The mouth of the octopus contains a pair of sharp, horn-styled beaks and the radula, an organ used to drill shells apart and suck away fleshy meat. Artwork by: Amanda An Octopus has three hearts and it can squeeze through a hole the size of a 10-cent coin. Hapalochlaena species can inject enough venom in one bite to kill several adult humans. They can adopt a two-tentacles "walk" that frees up their six remaining limbs and makes them look like an armed vehicle. Many of the octopus species found in the ocean like have a diet that consists of small fish, snails, crabs and clams. Some octopuses have been found to dine occasionally on other octopus. They eject ink when they are scared, are usually not found during the day time because they bury themselves, and at night will go out hunting. Some species are camouflage. An octopus usually lives near Asia or Australia but different species of octopuses can live in oceans and seas all over the world.
PisforPanther There are about 3,0567 Panthers today. Panthers are large and extremely fast and strong. They are usually black or gold with a thick coat. Artwork by: Fatima Panthers are located in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America. Panthers live in rather warm climates. Panthers paws have soft pads and fur between their toes. This helps them to walk silently when they stalk their prey. Panther cubs can catch medium-size prey after seven to nine months old. Panthers are considered to be top hunters and are not social with people or animals. Black panther cubs are born with their eyes closed and are covered with faintly spotted smoky gray fur. Panthers usually eat meat, or large mammals, but they also eat birds and reptiles.
Qis forQuetzal The adult quetzal can be up to 14 inches long. A males tail feathers can be 30 inches or longer. Quetzals have a green body with a red stomach. Quetzals carve out their nests in old, decaying trees. In order for it to be suitable enough to live in it has to be soft enough todig in. Their diet consists of small frogs, insects, lizards, and fruit. Artwork by: Danielle It is believed that they never touch the ground in their lifetime. The Quetzal is the most sacred symbol of the Aztecs and the Mayas. Quetzals live in warm climates such as the mountainous, tropical forest of Central America. You will usually find them between 75 and 200 feet.
R is for Rattlesnake Rattlesnakes would rather flee than fight. Artwork by: Zach Habitat: North America – Southeast U.S. Diet: Mice, Rats, Chipmunks, Squirrels and Rabbits Rattlesnakes are not endangered. Interesting Facts: ♦ The Diamondback is the largest rattlesnake in the world. ♦ It is the heaviest, venomous snake in the Americas. ♦A fully coiled snake can lunge over one-third its body length. Length – 5 feet Weight – 5 pounds
is for Seahorse S The population of the seahorse is too large to be determined but many seahorses are endangered or at the risk of becoming endangered. Seahorses range from 6 to 12 inches long and have a bony back. The male seahorse gets pregnant and carries the baby. Seahorses live in generally warm climates. The seahorse relies on its ability to camouflage to hide from predators. Seahorses eat small fish, small shrimp, and plankton. Seahorses have trouble swimming upright with their tails up and heads down. Artwork by: Jenna
T -Is For Tasmanian Tiger • Fun Facts: • Largest Marsupial to consume meat. • Related more to the kangaroo then the tiger or wolf. • Was declared extinct in 1936 but there is still sightings. Artwork by: Dylan Diet:The Tasmanian Tigers are carnivores, witch means they eat meat. Location/Climate: They live on a little island off the southern coast of Australia called Tasmania. It is very hot year round in Tasmania. • Population: • The population of the Tasmanian Tiger is less then 1,000. • What do they look like? • The Tasmanian Tiger walks on all fours and has a tail. The Tasmanian Tiger also has stripes on its back.
Environment: Global oceans and seas. Population: There are 26 types of Unagi. Physical Description: Unagi are long and slender, with a cone shaped head and small pectoral and tail fins. They have no dorsal fins. Diet: Unagi eat small crustaceans and dead fish. Social Behavior: Adults swim into freshwater streams to lay their eggs and then die shortly after. The babies live in the freshwater until they are fully grown and then live in the sea until they give birth in the same stream that they were born in. Interesting Facts: 1. Unagi is the Japanese name for common eel. 2. They are eaten as a delicacy in many Asian countries. 3. They can swim in saltwater and freshwater. U is for UnagiCommon Eel Artwork by: Austin
This monkey lives in both woodlands and the mountains. They are mostly in South and East Africa which is a warm climate. Interesting Facts: Sometimes called the green monkey. If you come in contact with one don’t show your teeth when smiling because that might show a sign of aggression. V IS FOR VERVET MONKEY Their body can be greenish-olive or silver-gray. Their face, feet, hands, ears, and tip of the tail are black. They have a white band across their forehead. Males are slightly bigger than females. The population is almost extinct. Vervet monkeys eat fruits, figs, leaves, seeds, and flowers. They are very sociable, and are always on alert. They live in groups also known as troops. They also clean themselves for several hours a day. Artwork by: Jazzi
Artwork by: Morgan is for Walrus When walruses sunbathe, their skin turns red as if they were getting sun burn. Baby Walruses stay with their mothers for two to three years after birth. There are approximately 200,000 Atlantic Walruses in the world. Walruses eat small marine wildlife such as crabs, soft coral, shrimp and tube worms. Walruses appear fat and blubbery. They are a pinkish brown color, varying from walrus to walrus. W Walruses live in the arctic waters of the Northern Hemisphere. Male Walruses are called ‘bulls’. Females Walruses are called ‘cows’, and Baby Walruses are called ‘calves’. Walruses natural predators are polar bears and orca whales.
Xerus are common and widespread, and sometimes quite abundant. Their diet is roots, seeds, fruits, pods, grains, insects, small vertebrates and bird eggs. They are active during the day. X is for Xerus They could be kept as pets, they run free as house cats do. Otherwise, farmers consider them pests. They have spiny fur, very short ears, and a long tail. African ground squirrel Xerus live in Africa. They live in open woodlands, grasslands, or rocky country. They live in colonies similar to North American prairie dogs and have similar behavior. Artwork by: Megan
Y is for Yorkie Originated from Scotland, and they are indoor dogs. They have silky, blue long and tan coat that hangs straight, average weight 5-7 pounds. There are about two and a half million Yorkies inthe world today. Artwork by: April There behavior is Lively, quick footed, with high pitched barks, and they like to get a lot of attention. They eat dog food.
Z is for Zorilla! It has several means of avoiding preditors, including the ability to emit foul-smelling secretions from its anal glands, playing dead and climbing trees. The technical name for a Zorilla is the striped Polecat. It is a member of the weasel family. It resembles a skunk. It is found in savannahs and open country in sub-saharan Africa excluding the Congo basin and west Africa. Artwork by: Ashley The Zorilla is a carnivorous, nocturnal animal. The Zorilla is mainly black with four prominent white stripes from the head, along the back to the tail. It is about 60 centimeters long, including its 20 centimeter tail. The Zorilla can live up to 13 years.