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Animals from A - Z

Animals from A - Z. Samantha Rodabaugh. Informational Reports.

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Animals from A - Z

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  1. Animals from A - Z Samantha Rodabaugh

  2. Informational Reports • My second graders will be writing informational reports on an animal. Each student will pick a letter. From there, they will choose an animal that starts with that letter to research. Students will conduct research by searching for information on the internet and through books in our classroom library. We will also be taking a trip to the public library, which is down the street from our school. There, students will find books about their animals, that they can take home and use at school for their reports. After students have compiled their reports, we will make our own Digital ABC Book.

  3. Standards • CCSS.ELA –Literacy. RI.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.2 Identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the texts. • CCSS.ELA.Literacy.R1.2.5 Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently. • CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.W.2.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section. • CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.W.2.7 Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a single topic to produce a report; record science observations).

  4. Directions For My Second Graders • You are going to be writing an informational report on an animal. Watch this presentation to see the different animals you can choose from. Remember, these are just examples. You may think of another animal that begins with the letter you choose. After you have watched this presentation, you are going to choose a letter. Once you have that letter, you will choose an animal. We have 23 students, so each person needs to pick an animal from a different letter in the alphabet. The three letters not picked, I will write reports on. When we have finished our research and reports,we will edit this presentation to put together our class Animal Alphabet Book. • Click the arrow buttons to go forward or backward. Or you can click the mouse on the slide and it will take you to the next slide.

  5. A • Alligator • Reptile • Alligators live in the southern part of the United States. They can be found in Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, and a few other southern states. • Alligators eat fish, small mammals and birds, deer, and more. • Fun Fact: Alligator’s have two sets of eyelids. • Click here to find out more about alligators: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/alligator/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Anteater • Mammal • Anteaters can be found in Africa, Asia, and some parts of Australia. • Anteaters eat insects. • They live anywhere from nine to twenty years. • Click here to find out more about Anteaters: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/anteater/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  6. B • Black Bear • Mammal • They live in forests. • You can find them all over the United States. • Black Bears are back, dark red, or brown. • They eat fruits, nuts, roots, bulbs, deer, and fish. • Click here to find out more about Black Bears: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/black-bear/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Beaver • Mammal • They live near water. • Beavers are very good swimmers. • Beavers have big front teeth and a large tail. • Beavers use their big front teeth to eat bark. • Click here to find out more about beavers: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/beaver/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  7. C • Cheetah • Mammal • They are mostly found in Africa. • They live in the grasslands habitat. • Cheetahs have yellowish fur with small black spots. • Click here to find out more about Cheetahs: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/cheetah/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Coyote • Mammal • They live in North America. • Coyotes can run up to 40 mph. • They eat rabbit, mice, and deer. • Coyotes vary in color from black, white, reddish, to brown. • Click here to find out more about coyotes: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/coyote/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  8. D • Deer • Mammal • They live in forests. • Deer can be found in Europe, Asia, and North America. • They eat leaves, grass, and fruits. • Male deer shed their horns and regrow them every year. • Click here to find out more about deer: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/deer/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Dolphin • Mammal • Dolphins are found in the ocean. • Dolphins are very playful. They can be seen jumping and splashing around. • Dolphins eat fish. • Dolphins vary in color. They may be black, white, or grey. • Click here to find out more about dolphins: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/dolphin/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  9. E • Elephant • Mammal • Can be found in Africa and Asia. • They live in rainforests and flood plains. • Elephants are very large mammals. • They eat grass, leaves, fruit, and roots. • Fun Fact: Elephants cannot jump. • Click here to find out more about elephants: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/elephant/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Click here to hear an elephant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQzV_p8fJ9U • Electric Eel • Type of fish. • They live in water. • You can find them in the waters of South America. • They can let of an electric shock of about 500 volts. • They eat fish and small mammals. • Click here to find out more about electric eels: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/electric-eel/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  10. F • Flamingo • Flamingos are birds. • They can be found in South America, Africa, southern Europe, and Asia. • Flamingos are found around lakes or other bodies of water. • They are typically a pinky/orange color. Some may be white, black, or blue. • Flamingos eat fish. • Click here to find out more about flamingos: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/flamingo/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Frog • Frogs are amphibians. • There are several thousand different species of frogs. • Some frogs are poisonous and others are not. • Frogs start off as tadpoles. Eventually they grow into frogs. • Frogs can be found all over the world, except cold climates. • Click here to find out more about frogs: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/frog/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  11. G • Giraffe • Mammals • Giraffes can be found in Africa. • Giraffes have extremely long necks which help them to get leaves off of trees. • When giraffes are born, they are already 2 meters tall. • Click here to find out more about giraffes: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/giraffe/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Gorilla • Mammals • Live in rainforests and jungles. • Can be found in Africa. • They make nests out of leaves and other plant materials. They sleep in those nests with their young. • They eat fruits, berries, and leaves. • Click here to find out more about gorillas: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/gorilla/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  12. H • Hummingbird • Bird • Very small. • Found in tropical climates. • Can beat their wings very fast (15 -80 times every second). • Only bird that can fly backwards. • Eat nectar, insects, and spiders. • Click here to learn more about hummingbirds : http://a-z-animals.com/animals/hummingbird/. • You can also find out more infromationby looking through the books in our classroom library. • Humpback Whale • Mammal • One of the larger whales in the ocean. • Humpback whales live in the ocean. • They eat krill and plankton. • They have two blow holes. • They migrate in the summer and winter. • Click here to find out more about humpback whales:http://a-z-animals.com/animals/humpback-whale/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  13. I • Iguana • Reptile • Live in jungles. • Can be found in Central and South America, as well as the Caribbean. • Iguanas colors (browns and greens) allow for them to camouflage themselves from predators. • Click here to find out more about iguanas: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/iguana/ . • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Impala • Mammal • A species of antelope. • Found in Africa. • Live in savannas. • Eat leaves, grass, seeds, and flowers. • Click here to find out more about impalas:http://a-z-animals.com/animals/impala/ . • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  14. J • Jaguar • Mammal • Big Cat • Live in Central and South America. • Can be found in rainforests. • Eat medium sized mammals, turtles, fish, and more. • Click here to find out more about jaguars:http://a-z-animals.com/animals/jaguar/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Jellyfish • Live in the ocean. • Typically in coastal areas. • Vary in size. Can be a few inches or well over a meter. • Have no bones. • Jellyfish have tentacles which sting. • Click here to find out more about jellyfish:http://a-z-animals.com/animals/jellyfish/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  15. K • Kangaroo • Mammal • Marsupial • Live in Australia. • Found in grasslands, deserts, and forests. • Carry their young in a deep pouch on their front. • Their babies are called a joey. • They eat plants, nuts, berries, and insects. • Click here to learn more about kangaroos:http://a-z-animals.com/animals/kangaroo/ . • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Koala • Mammal • Marsupial • Live in forests. • Can be found in Australia. • Eat eucalyptus leaves. • Very good climber. • Have a front pouch where their babies live for the first several months of their lives. • Click here to find out more about koalas:http://a-z-animals.com/animals/koala/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  16. L • Lion • Mammal • Big Cat (second largest in the world). • Lives in Africa. • Male lions have a mane. • Lions are brown, tawny, or golden. • Eat gazelle, zebra, warthog, and antelope. • To learn more about lions click here: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/lion/ . • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Click here to hear a lion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBc2MniDBYw • Lemur • Mammal • Live in Madagascar. • Spend their time up in trees in forests or tropical jungles. • Have long tails. • Eat fruits, insects, berries, and spiders. • To learn more about lemurs click here: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/lemur/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  17. M • Moose • Mammals • Live in North America and Europe. • Live in forest areas. • The male moose grow enormous antlers. • The eat twigs and grass. • They can have brown or reddish colored fur. • To learn more about the moose click here: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/moose/ . • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Mongoose • Mammal • Small rodent • Found in Asia, Africa, and Europe. • They live in forests and grasslands. • Eat plants and animals. • To learn more about the mongoose click here: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/mongoose/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  18. N • Numbat • Mammal • Marsupial • Lives in grasslands in Australia. • Eat termites, ants, and other insects. • Have a long tongue to help them get their food. • To learn more about the numbatclick here: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/numbat/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Nurse Shark • One species of shark. • Lives in the Ocean. • Found in tropical areas near reefs. • Eat fist, shrimp, urchins, stingrays, and more. • Nocturnal • To learn more about the nurse sharks click here: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/nurse-shark/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  19. O • Ostrich • Bird • Live in Africa. • Cannot fly. • Can run up to 50mph. • Eats grubs and insects. • Lays the biggest eggs out of all birds. • To learn more about the ostrich click here: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/ostrich/. • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Octopus • Live in the ocean. • Around 300 different species of octopus can be found in the ocean. • They range is size. • Have eight arms. • Can very in color. • Good at blending in to their background or camouflaging themselves. • To learn more about the octopus click here: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/octopus/. • You can also find out more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  20. P • Polar Bear • Mammal • Found around the Artic Ocean. They are also found in Canada, Alaska, and Greenland. • Have thick fur to help them survive the cold. • Eat seal and fish. • Click here to learn more about polar bears: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/ostrich/. • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Penguin • Bird • Cannot fly. • Spends a lot of time in the water. • Some live in Antarctica. • Eat krill, fish, and squid. • Penguins are black and white with some yellow. • Click here to learn more about penguins: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/penguin/. • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  21. Q • Quail • Bird • Can be found in woodlands and forests around the world. • They eat seeds, wheat, barley, fruits, and insects. • They lay brightly colored eggs. • Click here to learn more about quails: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/quail/ . • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Quoll • Mammal • Marsupial • Found in Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Tasmania. • Live in woodlands and grasslands. • Nocturnal • Eats small mammals, birds, insects, fruits, and nuts. • Click here to learn more about quolls: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/quoll/ . • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  22. R • Rhinoceros • Mammal • Found in Africa and Asia. • There are 5 different species of rhinos. • Second biggest land mammal. • Have two horns on their noses. • Eat grasses, leaves, buds, and fruits. • Click here to learn more about the rhinoceros: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/rhino/. • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Rattlesnake • Reptile • Poisonous • Rattle at the end of their tail. • Eat mice and rabbits. • Live in deserts. • Click here to learn more about rattlesnakes: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/rattlesnake/. • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  23. S • Squid • Live in the ocean. • There are 300 different species of squid. • They have eight arms and two tentacles. • Some species of squid have ten arms. • What they eat varies on the species of squid. Some eat plankton. Others eat fish. • Click here to learn more about squids: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/squid/. • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Skunk • Mammal • There are 11 different species of skunk. • Most skunks live in the United States, but some can be found in Indonesia and the Philippines. • They are black and white. • They produce a very strong smelling odor when they feel threatened. • They eat insects and rodents. • Click here to learn more about skunks: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/skunk/ . • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  24. T • Tiger • Mammal • Big feline • Found in Asia. • Can run up to 90km an hour. • They are orange with black stripes. • Eat other animals such as deer, cattle, and more. • Click here to learn more about tigers: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/tiger/ . • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Toucan • Bird • Found in rainforests in Central and South America. Can also be found in the Caribbean. • Has a colorful beak. • Eats fruits, berries, and nuts. May also eat insects and small mammals. • Click here to learn more about toucans: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/toucan/. • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  25. U • Uakari • Mammal • Species of monkey. • Lives in tropical rainforests. • Can be found in South America. • Uakari are covered in fur that can be red, brown, or white. Their faces are red or pink. • Click here to learn more about uakari: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/uakari/. • Umbrellabird • Bird • Found in rainforests. • Live in Central and South America. • They are called an Umbrellabird for the umbrella-like crest on top of their heads. • They eat insects, spiders, small frogs, and bird. • Click here to learn more about umbrellabirds: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/umbrellabird/.

  26. V • Vervet Monkey • Mammal • Found in Africa. • They inhabit woodlands and forests. • Eat roots, bulbs, insects, rodents, and eggs. • Click here to learn more about vervet monkeys: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/vervet-monkey/. • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Vampire Bat • Mammal • Nocturnal • Lives in Central and South America. • Feed on blood. • Very small. Their bodies may not be any bigger than the size of a humans thumb. • Click here to learn more about vampire bats: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/vampire-bat/. • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  27. W • Wallaby • Mammal • Marsupial • Found in Australia. • Looks similar to a kangaroo. • Smaller than a kangaroo. • Has powerful back legs. • Eats grass, seeds, and fruits. • Click here to learn more about wallaby: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/wallaby/. • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library. • Walrus • Mammal • Live in icy waters around the Artic Circle. • Large mammal. • Has two flippers. • Has two long tusks. • Eat clams, snails, squid, and more. • Click here to learn more about walruses: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/walrus/. • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  28. X • X-ray Tetra • Fish • Lives in the coastal waters. • Found in South American. • Has translucent skin. • Eats worms and insects. • Click here to learn more about X-ray Tetra: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/x-ray-tetra/. • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  29. Y • Yak • Mammal • Can be found in Asia. • Has two horns. • Has long hair. • Can be brown or black. • It is a herbivore. • Click here to learn more about yaks: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/yaks/. • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  30. Z • Zebra • Mammal • Can be found in Africa. • Live in grasslands and plains. • Has a body similar to a horse. • White with black stripes. • Eat grasses and leaves. • Click here to learn more about zebras: http://a-z-animals.com/animals/zebra/. • You can also find more information by looking through the books in our classroom library.

  31. Other Resources • Below are some great websites that you can use to help you with your research on the animal you have chosen for your informational report. Each website has lists of websites that you can choose from and explore. • http://www.animalfactguide.com/links/ • http://www.kidfriendlysearch.com/Science.htm • http://www.kidsites.com/sites-edu/animals.htm • http://www.kidsbiology.com/animals-for-children.php

  32. References • Information and pictures came from http://a-z-animals.com/animals/

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