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Understanding Change: Concerns Based Adoption Model. Pandora Bedford Cynthia Cuellar Astrid Fossum Janis Freckmann Connie Laughlin. Making Connections. Assessment of Self (Prime Document) Formative Assessment System What is a system? Parts working toward a common goal Two Systems:
Understanding Change: Concerns Based Adoption Model Pandora Bedford Cynthia Cuellar Astrid Fossum Janis Freckmann Connie Laughlin
Making Connections • Assessment of Self (Prime Document) • Formative Assessment System • What is a system? Parts working toward a common goal Two Systems: 1. Content of a Formative Assessment System 2. Individuals working together to create a system
Goals/Learning Intentions • To describe the Assumptions of the Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM). • To explain the Stages of Concern. • To explore where individual change fits into the concept of systemic change (a system of change).
CBAM Model • Assumes that individuals grow in both their concerns and their use of new innovations (formative assessment practices). • Support for growth in individuals must be tailored to specific developmental needs. • CBAM model legitimizes differences in feelings and behaviors of staff relative to a change (innovation).
Debriefing the Activity • How did you feel? Different people respond to change differently. • How many took something off? Put something on? People think of change as a loss – as having to give something up – rather than doing something to enhance what they are already doing.
How many exchanged something with somebody else? People think of change as something they have to do alone. • How many ran out of things to change? People think they never have enough resources.
In what ways were the second changes you made different from the first? People will often change superficially first; only when deep change is required and supported will it happen. • Does the second set of changes you made still exist? Change doesn’t remain unless people pay attention to sustaining them.
Reflecting on a Recent Interaction Think about a recent interaction with a teacher about a change in their classroom practice due to implementing a formative assessment strategy. It could be a change he or she is making now or considering in the future. Describe some of his or her concerns about the change.
Assumptions of the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) CHANGE • Is a PROCESS, not an event • Is made by INDIVIDUALS first, then organizations • Is a highly PERSONAL experience • Entails DEVELOPMENTAL growth n feelings and skills INTERVENTIONS • The people first • The innovation second
STAGES OF CONCERN • IMPACT 6 Refocusing 5 Collaboration 4 Consequence • TASK 3 Management • SELF 2Personal 1 Informational 0 Awareness
Three Examples • Read each example and decide the Stage of Concern. • As a table group discuss your answers.
Stages of Concern Matrix Review the Stages of Concern Matrix. As a table, decide on a comment you might hear at each Stage of Concern. Once you identify a concern, think of a way you might address the concern.
Table Discussion • Review your earlier entry in your journal. • What concerns were expressed by the teacher you reflected on? Discuss: • What ways could you address the concerns?
Revisiting our Goals and Closure • To describe the Assumptions of the Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM). • To explain the Stages of Concern. • To explore where individual change fits into the concept of systemic change (a system of change). Closure • What are you learning about CBAM, and the implications of this model for your work?