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Q of the Day

Q of the Day. What do you think ecology is (you do not necessarily have to be correct, you can discuss with your discussion partner if you want) ? What do you think you we will learn about in this course? Parent Info sheet due NOW! Objectives:

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Q of the Day

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  1. Q of the Day What do you think ecology is (you do not necessarily have to be correct, you can discuss with your discussion partner if you want)? What do you think you we will learn about in this course? Parent Info sheet due NOW! Objectives: Be able to describe the difference between a biosphere, an ecosystem and a habitat Be able to describe a hybrid 1-31

  2. Eco Issues Practice Names First Assignment – due Monday 1-31 ODD days due Tuesday 2-1 EVEN days Binder & Syllabus

  3. Q of the Day • Mark each statement below true or false: When completing the Question of the Day, you must write down the question, answer, and date every day. To be on time for this class you must simply be in the room. • Parent Info sheet due NOW! • Objectives: • Be able to describe the difference between a biosphere, an ecosystem and a habitat 2-4

  4. Eco Issues 2-4 Practice Names First Assignment – due Monday 1-31 ODD days due Tuesday 2-1 EVEN days Binder & Syllabus Begin Notes

  5. Unit # 1 – Book Chapter 6 – Ecosystems and Their Interactions

  6. What makes the Earth so special?

  7. Its biosphere! Biosphere –  a layer of soil, water, and air that sustains life  No biosphere = no us

  8. The Biosphere is made up of… Ecosystems which contain… Communities made up of… Populations made up of… Organisms

  9. Ecosystem – living group of organisms that interact with each other and the nonliving environment Biome Examples: Grasslands – Temperate and Tropical (savannah) Deserts Forest – Deciduous, Rain Others… Ecosystem Terms

  10. Ecosystem Terms Population – a group of individuals of the same species PA Examples: deer oak trees bears

  11. Ecosystem Terms • Species – a group of organisms that are alike in several ways – appearance, genetic makeup, can produce fertile offspring • Examples: •  dogs •  cats •  humans

  12. Ecosystem Terms • Hybrid –an offspring of two different species (or objects) • Examples: • Mule – horse and donkey • Liger – lion (male) and tiger (female) • Fuel efficient vehicles

  13. Ecosystem Terms • Habitat –a place where a particular species lives – can be very big or small • Examples: • Atlantic Ocean • Mud puddle • Forest • YourSkin

  14. Reviewing Today’s Terms Biosphere Ecosystem Population Species Hybrid Habitat

  15. Quick Talk Habitat Ecosystem Species Population Hybrid Biosphere

  16. Appalachian Trail http://www.appalachiantrail.org/site/c.mqLTIYOwGlF/b.4850633/k.9733/Interactive_Map.htm

  17. Assignment Please read pages 146-148 and define terms 1- 10 Skip hybrid (#5) and Soil Erosion (#8) Use the glossary to define Niche Skip the examples! 10 points – let us know when your done!

  18. Q of the Day What are the three characteristics of a species (use your notes if necessary)? Today’s Objectives: Describe a niche Discuss biotic and abiotic factors 9-10

  19. Last Class Tiglons / Tigons – female lion and male tiger Ligers – male lion and female tiger - have been found to be fertile in some cases http://app1.chinadaily.com.cn/star/2002/0829/bz9-4.html

  20. Ecosystem Terms Niche – • role the organism plays in the environment

  21. Ecosystem Terms Soil Erosion – • the movement of soil by wind, water or any other source • Biotic Factors – • living parts of the ecosystem (grass, animals, etc)

  22. Abiotic Factors – nonliving (never were alive) parts of the ecosystem • List 5 abiotic factors on land • Surface/ground water • Sunlight • Wind • Temperature • Altitude • List 5 abiotic factors in water • Currents • Temperature • Concentration of nutrients in the water • Air (CO2, O2, N2) • Soil • Precipitation • Longitude • Salinity • Sunlight penetration

  23. Review • What is the difference between a species and a hybrid? • Describe TWO ways in which abiotic factors could effect an organism in an environment

  24. With Your Discussion Partner One paper everyone’s name: Complete #s 1, 2, and 3 of the Lesson Review on page 164 (you do not need to write the questions). Have the most responsible partner (and least likely to be absent) hold on to this paper. We will add to it and hand it in later (if you lose it you will have to redo these questions). Pds 3 and 4 O + 3, 4, and 7 E stopped 9-9 / 9-10

  25. Q of the Day 9-14 • An example of an ecosystem = • An abiotic factor within this ecosystem = • A biotic factor in this ecosystem = • Objective: • Discuss carnivores, omnivores, herbivores • Discuss the 10% rule

  26. **Matter and Energy in an Ecosystem – page 149 • Food Chain – • shows the transfer of energy from one organism to another • Food Web – • a network that shows many connected food chains • Carnivore – • an organism that eats meat • PA Examples: • Herbivore – • an organism that eats plants • PA Examples: Period 7 ODD stopped 9-9

  27. Ecosystem Terms • Omnivore – • an organism that eats both plants and animals • PA Examples: • Producers – ___organisms that use elements from the environment to make their own food___ • What elements do the producers use/need? • Sun, Water, CO2, Soil (for nutrients and minerals) • Consumer –____an organisms that eats other organisms to get it’s energy____ • Examples: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cyj2kFEA0q4    = vents 4 mins

  28. Ecosystem Terms • Primary Consumer – • consumers that feed on plants • Examples: • Secondary Consumer – • consumers that feeds on primary consumers • Examples: • Tertiary Consumer – • eats a 2nd level and/or 1st level consumers • Scavenger – • an organism that feeds on dead organisms • Examples:

  29. How does it sound to hear that you have probably been a source of food for many organisms? How? EXAMPLE: When a mosquito bites you, she is taking your blood for energy for her eggs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHHQIQsPvGc&feature     = bot flies

  30. Ecosystem Terms • Decomposer – • bacteria or fungus that breaks down dead organisms • How do decomposers help an ecosystem? • Break down dead organisms and return their nutrients to the soil. Pds 3 and 4 O stopped 9-13

  31. producer secondary consumer tertiary consumer primary consumer

  32. Pd 7 O + 3, 4, and 7 E stopped 9-13/9-14

  33. The ______________ is made up of… ____________ which contain… ____________ made up of… ____________ made up of… __________

  34. What makes the Earth so special?

  35. __________ __________ consumer __________ consumer ________consumer

  36. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/exhibits/biomes/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecosystem

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