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Fears and Fixations: Phobias, Manias, and Philes

Explore abnormal fears, exaggerated enthusiasms, and passionate admirations with this collection of phobias, manias, and philes. From claustrophobia to megalomania, discover the intriguing world of mental disorders and unusual cravings.

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Fears and Fixations: Phobias, Manias, and Philes

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  1. Wk. 2 Fears and Fixations

  2. phobia/phobe/phobic“abnormal fear, dislike, or hatred” • claustrophobia (n.) • xenophobia (n.) • acrophobia (n.) dread of being in closed or narrow spaces fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers fear of being in high places

  3. mania/maniac“exaggerated enthusiasm, craze, or mad impulse” strange and morbid passion for fire • pyromaniac (n.) • dipsomaniac (n.) • kleptomaniac (n.) person with an uncontrollable craving for alcoholic beverages person with a persistent neurotic impulse to steal, though not in need

  4. mental disorder characterized by fantasies of grandeur, power, wealth, etc. • megalomania (n.) • monomania (n.) mentally unbalanced on one subject only

  5. phile/philic“lover or admirer” lover of books • bibliophile (n.) • photophilic (adj.) light-loving; requiring abundant light

  6. person who walks in her sleep person who habitually cannot sleep at times when he wishes to somnambulist (n.) insomniac (n.) hypochondriac (n.) person who is abnormally anxious about his health

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