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2 nd Global Forum on International Quality Assurance, Accreditation and the Recognition of Qualifications, UNESCO, Paris, 28-29 June 2004. Implementation of the Action Plan and New Challenges Stamenka Uvalic-Trumbic (UNESCO). ,. Context and Outcomes of 1 st Global Forum.
2nd Global Forum on International Quality Assurance, Accreditation and the Recognition of Qualifications,UNESCO, Paris, 28-29 June 2004 Implementation of the Action Plan and New Challenges Stamenka Uvalic-Trumbic (UNESCO) ,
Context and Outcomes of 1st Global Forum 1st Global Forum launched as a response to ethical challenges facing higher education in an era of globalization. Main outcomes: • Platform for exchange for at least four years; • Building bridges between education and trade; • Promote research to inspire policy developments; • Action Plan: standard-setting; capacity-building and clearinghouse activities
First Global Forum: Action Plan (17 – 18 October 2002) Standard-setting activities: • Initiate revision of conventions on the recognition of studies to respond to new challenges: linking recognition and QA and responding to TNE • Promote research on role of new providers in widening access to higher education and on the concept of higher education as a public responsibility; • Develop guiding principles Capacity-building: • Develop regional and national frameworks for quality assurance; • Informed decision-making for stakeholders in the education process Clearinghouse: • Develop information tools for students; • Study Abroad data-base and publications; • Other data-bases to promote consumer protection;
New developments: within UNESCO • UNESCO/Norway Forum on ‘Globalization and Higher Education: Implications for North-South Dialogue’ (Oslo, May 2003) – higher education at the centre of sustainable development; • WCHE+5 (Paris, June 2003) reasserted the 1998 Declaration and put forward educational agreements as relevant for globalization; • 32nd General Conference of UNESCO (Paris, October 2003): resolution giving UNESCO a stronger mandate in HE; • Position Paper on Higher Education and Globalization: UN and UNESCO principles; • UNESCO-OECD Guidelines on Quality Provision in Cross-border Higher Education: protection of learners; transparency of qualifications; access to the labour market; networking between QAA agencies; data-base of accredited HE institutions;
New developments: International community • World Bank: Strategy for Capacity-building in East Asia and the Pacific (May 2004); • OECD/Norway Forum on (Trondheim, November 2003): initiative for joint guidelines UNESCO-OECD on quality in cross-border HE; • Berlin Communique, September 2003 • Education International: HE and Research Seminar in Dakar, Senegal (November 2003): Draft Guidelines for TNE; • INQAAHE, Dublin April 2003; CHEA: on-going activities, International Commission 2003 and 2004; • Statement on Quality IAU, AUCC, ACE and CHEA: principles to guide effective and responsible provision of TNE; • AAU (April 2004): Accra Declaration on GATS and the internationalization of HE in Africa
Action Plan: implementation Standard-setting: Revision of Conventions • Africa: link to developmental issues (NEPAD); wider coverage of institutions, especially DE; assessing learning outcomes; • Arab States: focus on professional recognition; private providers; increase the competitiveness of the Arab Higher Education area; • Asia and the Pacific: HE both a commodity and a public good; convention general policy framework for each country to develop their own systems, tools and mechanisms for QR and QA; • Common elements: principles; new types of provision; information and networking; • Calendar: by 33rd session of UNESCO General Conference process started
Action Plan: implementation Research • UNESCO-COL “Role of TNE Private and for-profit provision in meeting global demand for Tertiary Education” Jamaica, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Bulgaria: Mapping Regulation and Impact • IIEP case studies: Philippines, South Africa, Kenya, Chile, Argentina, Oman and Russia mapping, regulation and impact of TNE • UNESCO Forum on HE, Knowledge and Research
Action Plan: implementation Capacity Building • EU-funded TEMPUS-MEDA pilot project – assistance for establishing national centres for recognition and quality assurance in Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia • Workshops: Beijing, China; Accra, Ghana. Clearinghouse • 32nd Study Abroad: - 3,000 opportunities for study abroad in 147 countries and territories; - innovations: information tools for students; distance education; information on recognition; • Knowledge Base for Distance Education Decision-Makers in Africa, Asia and the Pacific and CIS countries consisting of web-based information resources and data-bases, forums, mailing lists and advisory committees
2nd Global Forum: Context UNESCO figures presented in the Synthesis Report (WCHE+5): • Massive increase in demand for HE with a view to development: 40-50% enrolment rates needed; some countries below 5% • Demographic expansion: developing countries population 7 – 8 billion people in 2025 • Growth of student enrolments; historic threshold of 100 million students worldwide has been crossed, 125 million before 2020. • Access and equity: sustainable development of higher education systems
2nd Global Forum: Context • 1st Global Forum: higher education and commercialization; • 2nd Global Forum Widening Access to Quality Higher Education: for minorities, ICT-assisted; lifelong learning • 2nd Global Forum particular focus: capacity-building; • UNESCO evaluation of CB activities: crucial elements: • Needs assessment; • Ownership of programme by stakeholders and involvement of important partners; • Building on existing capacities; • Multi-level approach (individual, institutional, societal); • Critical mass approach
2nd Global Forum: Expected Outcomes Standards-setting: • Amendments for conventions presented to the 33rd UNESCO General Conference in October 2005; • UNESCO-OECD Guidelines elaborated and adopted; implementation phase initiated; • Research further promoted; Capacity-Building: • Strategy for capacity-building in QA and Accreditation for traditional and cross-border higher education (including ICT-assisted) developed, as part of larger higher education policy frameworks;
2nd Global Forum: Expected Outcomes Clearinghouse: • New tools for students (quality literacy) developed and included in 33rd edition of Study Abroad; • Data-base of accredited higher education available on-line as a tool for consumer protection • Knowledge Base for Decision makers for Distance Education in Africa, Asia and the Pacific and CIS and Baltic States; • Awareness raising and adaptation of Open Educational Resources;
Global Forum: more information Division of Higher Education, Section for Reform, Innovation and Quality Assurance: http://www.unesco.org/education/studyingabroad