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EL seminar 2010 Asset management for AMS Harald Hansen og Kjetil Nymoen

Smart grid og AMS. Smart grid er ikke et hardware eller et computer system, men et konsept som bruker digital teknologi for ? spare energi, redusere kostnadene og ?ke p?litelighetenSmart grid er en intelligent elektrisk leveranse.Smart grid handler om tre ting:Bedre kapasitetsstyring Automatisk

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EL seminar 2010 Asset management for AMS Harald Hansen og Kjetil Nymoen

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    1. EL seminar 2010 Asset management for AMS Harald Hansen og Kjetil Nymoen

    2. Smart grid og AMS Smart grid er ikke et hardware eller et computer system, men et konsept som bruker digital teknologi for å spare energi, redusere kostnadene og øke påliteligheten Smart grid er en intelligent elektrisk leveranse. Smart grid handler om tre ting: Bedre kapasitetsstyring Automatisk korrigere for overbelastning og ”leser” feilsituasjoner i nettet Muliggjør interaksjon mellom leverandør og kunder / forbrukere AMS = Avanserte måle og styringssystem AMI = Advanced metering infrastructure.        2

    3. Smart grid i praksis 3

    4. GIS som en plattform for SmartGrid

    5. Telvent Smart Grid løsnings arkitektur Notes on this: Duke Energy Looking for the best combination of technologies We don’t think one technology will work across all our territories Not seeing one vendor who can come in and meet all our needs from the substation to the customer home in every service territory Our challenge isn’t so much finding technology that works as it is finding the right combination of technologies that will work Smith said Duke’s capital plan over the next five years for the Utility of the Future (Smart Grid) initiative is estimated at $975 million. Notes on this: Duke Energy Looking for the best combination of technologies We don’t think one technology will work across all our territories Not seeing one vendor who can come in and meet all our needs from the substation to the customer home in every service territory Our challenge isn’t so much finding technology that works as it is finding the right combination of technologies that will work Smith said Duke’s capital plan over the next five years for the Utility of the Future (Smart Grid) initiative is estimated at $975 million.

    6. Målerkommunikasjon Power Line Carrier (PLC) Radio Frekvens (RF) Radio Tårn Internettbasert (TCP/IP) GSM/GPRS

    7. IEC 61968-9 Interfacer for måler avlesing og kontroll Internasjonal standard for integrasjon av måler system, utgitt av IEC TC57 WG14 Utvider 61968 standarden av IEC Common Information (CIM), der kjerne av CIM er definert av IEC 61970-301 Avventer neste runde med standardisering i EU. Grunnlaget for dokumentasjon av AMS electric power transmission and distribution, the Common Information Model (CIM), a standard developed by the electric power industry that has been officially adopted by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), aims to allow application software to exchange information about the configuration and status of an electrical network. The CIM is currently maintained as a UML model. It defines a common vocabulary and basic ontology for aspects of the electric power industry. The central package within the CIM is the 'wires model', which describes the basic components used to transport electricity. The CIM can be used to derive 'design artifacts' (e.g. XML Schema, RDF Schema) as needed for the integration of related application software. The standard that defines the core packages of the CIM is IEC 61970-301, with a focus on the needs of electricity transmission, where related applications include energy management system, SCADA, planning and optimization. The IEC               61970-501         61970-501 and               61970-452         61970-452 standards define an XML format for network model exchanges using RDF. The IEC 61968 series of standards extend the CIM to meet the needs of electrical distribution, where related applications include distribution management system, outage management system, planning, metering, work management, geographic information system, asset management, customer information systems and enterprise resource planning. The IEC 61970 series of standards deals with the application program interfaces for energy management systems (EMS). The series provides a set of guidelines and standards to facilitate: The integration of applications developed by different suppliers in the control center environment; The exchange of information to systems external to the control center environment, including transmission, distribution and generation systems external to the control center that need to exchange real-time data with the control center; The provision of suitable interfaces for data exchange across legacy and new systems. [edit] Set of standards The complete set of standards includes the following parts: Part 1: Guidelines and general requirements Part 2: Glossary Part 3XX: Common Information Model (CIM) Part 4XX: Component Interface Specification (CIS) Part 5XX: CIS Technology Mappings Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEC_61970" electric power transmission and distribution, the Common Information Model (CIM), a standard developed by the electric power industry that has been officially adopted by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), aims to allow application software to exchange information about the configuration and status of an electrical network. The CIM is currently maintained as a UML model. It defines a common vocabulary and basic ontology for aspects of the electric power industry. The central package within the CIM is the 'wires model', which describes the basic components used to transport electricity. The CIM can be used to derive 'design artifacts' (e.g. XML Schema, RDF Schema) as needed for the integration of related application software. The standard that defines the core packages of the CIM is IEC 61970-301, with a focus on the needs of electricity transmission, where related applications include energy management system, SCADA, planning and optimization. The IEC               61970-501         61970-501 and               61970-452         61970-452 standards define an XML format for network model exchanges using RDF. The IEC 61968 series of standards extend the CIM to meet the needs of electrical distribution, where related applications include distribution management system, outage management system, planning, metering, work management, geographic information system, asset management, customer information systems and enterprise resource planning. The IEC 61970 series of standards deals with the application program interfaces for energy management systems (EMS). The series provides a set of guidelines and standards to facilitate: The integration of applications developed by different suppliers in the control center environment; The exchange of information to systems external to the control center environment, including transmission, distribution and generation systems external to the control center that need to exchange real-time data with the control center; The provision of suitable interfaces for data exchange across legacy and new systems. [edit] Set of standards The complete set of standards includes the following parts: Part 1: Guidelines and general requirements Part 2: Glossary Part 3XX: Common Information Model (CIM) Part 4XX: Component Interface Specification (CIS) Part 5XX: CIS Technology Mappings Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEC_61970"

    8. Eksempel på Use cases for AMS (Fra IEC)

    9. Telvent Miner & Miners ArcFM er en kraftig extension til ArcGIS og en komplett utility-løsning for redigering, modellering, vedlikehold og styring av elektrisk strøm, gass, vann, avløp, fiber og kommunikasjon

    10. Geodatabase elementer i AMS.

    11. Gjennomføringen av et prosjekt Fase 1 AMI Etablering av datamodell fysisk nett. Planlegging av utplassering av målere og kommunikasjon Installasjon av målere Dokumentasjon av målere og målerkommunikasjon Drift og vedlikehold Fase 2 Implementering av OMS Utnyttelse av målerstatus for feilanalyse. Fase 3 Øvrig kommunikasjon Planlegging av øvrig styringsystem. Installasjon av styring av brytere etc, digitalt nett Dokumentasjon av øvrig kommunikasjonsnett Implementasjon av SCADA, DMS

    12. Bruk av GIS i planlegging AMI : Radioplanlegging Dette er tittelen på foredraget 12

    13. Antenneplassering Dette er tittelen på foredraget 13

    14. Dekningsanalyse for radio. .

    15. Asset Management integrasjoner

    16. Viktigste ArcGIS server tjenester Enkel innsynsportal Rapportering av objekter. Målere, Kunder, Fasit, KILE, Ruting av kjøretøy Spør etter eiendomsinfo og adresser Visualisering av målere Tracing av elektrisk nett. Tracing av kommunikasjonsnett Redigering Dokumentasjon Planlegging

    17. Visning av målere som melder feil

    18. Målerverdier presentert i GIS

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