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Domi 2.0 and the Full Body Tactical Navigation Suit. Doesn’t ring a bell?. 稍微提醒一下: The Suit 記錄人的動作,機器人就會跟著人動作 重點是 The Suit 跟機器人的動作一直同步 機器 人被環境動或者不能跟人一樣快動做的話, The Suit 不會讓人動,而會把機器人的動 作投影到人的身上 (Almost) Full Feedback System. Two Models. P for Personal M for Military. The Suit.
Doesn’t ring a bell? 稍微提醒一下: • The Suit記錄人的動作,機器人就會跟著人動作 • 重點是The Suit跟機器人的動作一直同步 • 機器人被環境動或者不能跟人一樣快動做的話,The Suit不會讓人動,而會把機器人的動作投影到人的身上 • (Almost) Full Feedback System
Two Models • P for Personal • Mfor Military
The Suit and it's workstation • The suit needs to be worn in a special room and requires an external computer for most (if not all) computation • The computer needs to be external to keep the suit's weight to a minimum • The wearer might have to hang in mid-air, so that leg-movement would not actually move him • Data from the suit is received, evaluated and then passed on to the robot • The synchronization data from the robot is also received by the computer and after evaluation and verification -including safety checks- passed on to the suit • Main issue: Synchronization
Joints and freedoms of movement Corresponds to human anatomy: • Neck • Shoulders • Elbows • Wrists • Waist • Fingers (depends on the type of robot; there might be robots that has fangs or guns for hands) • (Spine is only needed if relative robot position cannot be computed by the state of the joints) • (Knees, Ankles)
Material Requirements • Light • Flexible • Very Durable • Must be able to act out force on the wearer but also comfortable to wear • Joints must be reinforced since they have to counter possible resisting forces of the wearer to actually move her
Possibly multi-layered: • “Soft layer” of cloth that feels soft on the skin • “Hard layer” that synchronizes the wearer’s movement with the robot’s • Motion-capturing layer (if necessary)
The “Hard Layer” 用carbon-based材料跟古老的鎖子甲設計: • Light • Flexible • Very Durable
Positioning system • Relative positioning is done through motion capturing • Positions must have a 1:1 relation between suit and robot • For example, if the robot arm has a different length than the suit wearer’s arm, the position of elbow and hand would have to be scaled accordingly
Motion Capturing • Visual vs. non-visual • Visual approaches require very expensive sensors (cameras) • Non-visual approaches require heavier markers, thus increasing overall weight of the suit • Optimal would be an approach without markers but that would require much more complex algorithms
Safety switches to protect the wearer • The suit must not force the wearer into positions that could potentially hurt the wearer of the suit • In that situation, emulation must be cut off and synchronization (temporarily) disabled • Sanity checks: • Don't emulate destruction (i.e. the robot loses an arm) • Don't emulate strong impacts (i.e. the robot gets hit by a vehicle) • Don't follow if the angle of a joint is too steep for human anatomy (i.e. an arm is bent behind the back) • Scale cut-off values with age and overall health of the wearer • Consider injuries that might restrict wearer's ability to move freely • Test all extreme values every timecarefully, when putting on the suit and before starting the emulation • Maybe use brainwave monitoring to determine levels of pain, and prevent the wearer from harm
Safety switches to protect the robot • The robot might have a restricted anatomy • Some (maybe special-purpose) robots might for example not be able to move their arms away from the body • This can be implemented by not letting the wearer assume those positions • The suit should halt and restrict the wearer’s movement at the maximum angles which the robot supports
The Suit’s Power Supply • Batteries vs. wires • Batteries are heavier • Wires imply restricted movement and possible safety hazards (imagine the wearer gets entangled in the wires)
The Robot’s State • 速度 • 加速度 • 重量跟重心(constant) • 方向 • 剩餘能源 • 各component的狀態(開關、效能、模式、溫度) • 手的話 要知道肩、肘、腕、指等關節的角度、手掌相對身體及環境的位置 • 腳要知道髖關節(?) • 膝蓋 • 腳踝的角度
能源來源 • 備用方案:太陽能 • 主要方案:油電混合 • 。。。。。
Robot AI • 通訊有問題的時候機器人還是要會做基本功能 • 軍用款的AI可以幫助軍人把動作最佳化 • 。。。。。