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Healthy Environment Practicum Overview. Napa County. Susan Wight, Director Phone: 253-6998 E-mail: swight@ncoe.k12.ca.us. Napa County.
Healthy Environment Practicum Overview Napa County Susan Wight, Director Phone: 253-6998 E-mail: swight@ncoe.k12.ca.us
Napa County Your practicum must be submitted to the Napa County BTSA New Teacher Support Specialist as a condition of the program certifying your completion of program requirements for a Clear (Level II) Credential. A complete practicum indicates mastery of “Creating a Supportive and Healthy Environment for Student Learning” (Standard 18) as described in the Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs. Each item must be initialed and dated either by your Support Provider or a Site Administrator and documentation attached. The documentation should be numbered to correspond to the item number on this checklist.
Napa County Office of Education Barbara Nemko, Ph.D., Superintendent Napa County
Your practicum must be submitted to the Napa County BTSA New Teacher Support Specialist as a condition of the program certifying your completion of program requirements for a Clear (Level II) Credential.
A complete practicum indicates mastery of “Creating a Supportive and Healthy Environment for Student Learning” (Standard 18) as described in the Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs.
Each item must be initialed and dated either by your Support Provider or a Site Administrator and documentation attached.
The documentation should be numbered to correspond to the item number on the checklist.
One copy of this Practicum Checklist should be included in your CFASST file for Event 1 or 7, depending on your year in CFASST.
1. I have surveyed my classroom and areas frequented by my students for potential accident hazards and have either fixed them or reported them to my site administrator. Concerns include:______________________
2. I have reviewed the school’s crisis response plan. It is located: __________________
3. An “Emergency Preparedness Quick Reference Guide” is posted in my room. The location is: ___________To get this document, attend the credential-clearing workshop that addresses this practicum or contact Kathy Phelps (253-3944 or kphelps@ncoe.k12.ca.us)to request a set of Healthy Environment handouts.
4. An emergency evacuation plan is posted in my room. The location is: ____________
5. Should a student or staff emergency arise, I know how to contact the person’s designated contacts. This information is located: __________________
6. My students who have emergency medications on site and the location of those medications is listed here:
7a. Emergency Backpack: I have inventoried the contents of my classroom emergency backpack and notified my site administrator of items that need replacement. My backpack inventory is attached and the backpack is located:______________________or
7b. I have requested of my site administrator that my classroom have a fully-equipped emergency backpack and have provided him/her with a list of materials I believe it should contain. A copy of my memo to my administrator is included.
8a. Emergency Barrel: I have requested a list of the contents of the school emergency barrel from my site administrator. The list is attached and the barrel(s) at my site is/are located:________or
8b. I have requested my site administrator that our school has a fully-equipped school emergency barrel and have provided him/her with a list of materials I believe it should contain. A copy of my memo to my administrator is included.
9. I have reviewed a list of common communicable diseases and the guidelines for notifying the proper authorities. Communicable disease information to be sent home to parents in case of a communicable disease outbreak in my classroom are located: __________________
10. I know what to do in case of a student accident. Accident report forms are located: _____________________
11. I have either developed my own or adopted the school-wide discipline plan, rewards and consequences. The plan is attached.
12. I have reviewed the County’s “Community Resource Directory“ at my site. It is located: _________________________
13. I have reviewed “Categorical Program Monitoring Ongoing Program Self-Evaluation Tool: HIV/AIDS Prevention” and the “Categorical Program Monitoring Ongoing Program Self-Evaluation Tool: NCLB, Title IV SDFSC and TUPE” used in State reviews of my district. I have highlighted examples of evidence I could provide during a State review and discussed these with my Support Provider on:________
14. (K-8 only) I have read the Health Framework “Criteria for Evaluating Instructional Materials for Kindergarten through Grade 8,” highlighted criteria that are important to me in my current assignment, and discussed these with my Support Provider on:________. The highlighted document in attached.
15. (Self-contained or health/P.E. teachers only) I have taught at least 7 additional health lessons during my participation in BTSA. These are listed on an attachment, including the date, duration and objectives of each lesson.
16. I have reviewed the California Physical Education-Health Project Challenge Standards or the Physical Education Framework for California Public Schools, K-12 to determine my responsibilities related to my teaching assignment and discussed my responsibilities with my Support Provider on:________
17. I have reviewed the booklet “Child Abuse: Educator’s Responsibilities” or “The California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Law” and understand and can implement state and federal reporting requirements related to child abuse and neglect. The Child Protective Services forms for my site are located: __________The local phone number for Child Protective Services is: ________
18. I have accessed the Child Abuse Prevention Council of Sacramento’s website (www.capcsac.org/child_prev/) and bookmarked it as a resource on my computer.
19. I have read the school’s annual Notice to Parents and Guardians regarding state and local policies about family life and sex education, procedures for notifying parents, and parental rights regarding instruction in health.
20. I have read my district’s policies on safety planning, drugs and alcohol, hate behavior, universal precautions, harassment and wellness, and discussed these with my Support Provider or site administrator.
21. I used the Health Framework “Health Related WWW Site Evaluation Tool” to evaluate one of the websites recommended in this Practicum (Items 22-25 below). The complete tool is attached.
22. have reviewed the “Research Validated Programs” posted at http://www.californiahealthykids.org and have downloaded the CHKRC Research-Validated Programs At-A-Glance chart. On the chart, I have highlighted programs that have potential for use in my classroom, and have included the chart in my practicum.
23. I have read the Health Framework Appendix A and visited the California Codes website (www.leginfo.ca.gov/calaw.html) to read two sections of Ed. Code. The two sections are listed here:
24. I have visited the Centers for Disease Control website at http://www.cdc.gov and have explored two topics of interest. Documentation of these visits are attached and include: __________________________________________________
25. I have visited the California “Body and Mind” website at http://www.bam.gov and have shared this site with my students. One sample of student work (self-contained or health/P.E. teachers only) resulting from this site visit are attached and include: ____________________________
26a. I have visited the website of the center for Science in the Public Interest at http://www.smart-mouth.org and have shared this site about fast food with my students. One sample of student work (Self-contained or health/P.E. teachers only) resulting from this site visit is attached or
26b. I have used the Dairy Council of California unit with my students (K, 2, upper elementary and middle school). One sample of student work (Self-contained or health/P.E. teachers only) resulting from this unit is attached.
27. I have communicated health and safety information to the parents of my students. Three sample newsletters with this information are attached.
28. The staff members on my site who are certified in first aid are: ____________________________________________________________________________________
29. The staff members on my site who are certified in CPR are: ____________________________________________________________________________________
30. I have read: the Winter 2004 “Curriculum Update,” “40 Developmental Assets,” and “10 Ways to Fight Hate” and highlighted salient points. The documents are attached.
31. I have participated in at least one locally offered health-related workshop (Selections vary from year-to year. Please consult the “Napa County Professional Development and Planning Guide” or contact Jeanne Title (jtitle@nvusd.k12.ca.us; 253-6834) for information on these classes.) The course is listed below, and my completion certificate attached.
Jeanne Title jtitle@ncoe.k12.ca.us 253-6834
32. Vision screening for these grades______________ is/was scheduled at my school this year for (dates): ___________________
33. Hearing screening for these grades______________ is/was scheduled at my school this year for (dates): ______________
34. Scoliosis/diabetes screening for these grades______________ is/was scheduled at my school this year for (dates): ___________________________
35. I have reviewed school guidelines for accessing and using outside speakers. Forms for requesting permission to use an outside speaker are located: __________________________
36. I have read the “Building and Promoting Asset Development for Youth: Parent Resource Guide” and discussed the implications of the survey findings and my related responsibilities with my Support Provider on:________