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Leadership for Personalising Learning: Transforming Education Through Technology

Learn about the role of technology in changing learning, teaching, and leadership at the Becta Research Conference in 2008. Explore strategies for personalized learning and their impact on student well-being, progress, and achievement.

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Leadership for Personalising Learning: Transforming Education Through Technology

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  1. Leadership for Personalising LearningBecta Research Conference Exploring technology-enabled change in education6 November 2008 Jill Ireson National College for school Leadership Research and Policy Focusing on the role technology can play in changing learning, teaching and leadership

  2. What is Personalised Learning ? Personalising learning offers a portfolio of strategies which relate directly to the imperatives of Every Child Matters and tangible opportunities to address individual wellbeing, progress and achievement. At the same time it provides a focus on alternative strategies to raise attainment, secure performance and sustain school improvement NCSL Leadership for Personalising Learning 2008.

  3. Leadership for Personalising Learning The strategies and systems outlined in the framework are not unique to personalisation; they are characteristic of effective leadership and management in any context. What is significant is the way in which they are focused on the learning of the individual John West – Burnham

  4. Leadership for Personalising Learning survey • In the survey personalising learning emerged as one of the top three most important government initiatives for school leaders. • Two thirds of school leaders agree that they have a sound understanding of what ‘personalising learning’ means and how they can best lead it in their schools • Assessment for learning’, ‘effective teaching and learning’ and ‘ focussing in a structured way on each child’s learning’ were the most commonly understood expressions of personalising learning with the first two being the priorities for implementation. • 25% of leaders overall agreed that they don’t currently have a strategy for moving forwards on personalising learning • Very few of those surveyed (9 per cent) made a direct link between personalised learning and the Every Child Matters outcomes.

  5. A unique opportunity to : Raise attainment Secure performance Sustain school improvement An online resource to: help all school leaders embed personalising learning within their schools Leadership for Personalising Learning

  6. Central to the website is the Leadership for Personalising Learning Framework

  7. The website provides resources to supportschool leaders in applying the principles withinthe framework to the circumstances of their own schools Case studies Video clips / documentary Toolkit of resources / activities Leading Personalising Learning survey Opportunities to contribute

  8. A range of voices School leaders Parents Governors Students Community leaders But the main voice is yours …..

  9. Leadership for Personalising Learning survey

  10. Leadership for Personalising Learning survey

  11. Leadership for Personalising Learning – what school leaders say The NCSL Personalising Learning Framework encouraged me to reflect on the considerable leadership practice that was already good in my school but also consider what and how we might improve to become even better Using the NCSL Personalised Learning framework encouraged me to question the existing practice in my own school but also consider what it might look like in the future The framework gives a clear structure and explains exactly what is meant by personalised learning This is one of the most important educational frameworks to have emerged in the 21st century The new framework offers the clearest understanding yet of how to develop personalised learning in our schools

  12. www.ncsl.org.uk / personalisinglearning

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