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Similes and metaphors

Learn the definitions of similes and metaphors through examples like "Life is like a beautiful symphony" and "Flamingos are graceful dancers in the grass." Understand how these figurative language devices enhance writing.

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Similes and metaphors

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By; junior Santiago Similes and metaphors

  2. definition of simile A simile compares two thing using like or as.

  3. similes • Bryan is hungry as a horse.

  4. similes My dad is as tall as a giraffe.

  5. similes • Life is like a beautiful.

  6. Similes • His feet are as big as a.

  7. similes • Quesadillas taste like heaven.

  8. similes Mr. Mann is tough as nails.

  9. Time for metaphors A Metaphor compares two things with out using like or as.

  10. metaphor My room is a garbage can.

  11. metaphor That room is an oven.

  12. metaphor The tree limbs are scary skeletons.

  13. Metaphor • The girl is a monkey on the rock climbing wall.

  14. metaphor • Flamingos are graceful dancers in the grass.

  15. metaphor • Central Wilkes Middle school is a dinosaur .

  16. metaphor • A light bulb is a hot volcano .

  17. By : Junior Santiago • Thank you for watching Junior simile and metaphor slide show

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