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Bullying Is Bad In Many Ways

Bullying Is Bad In Many Ways. By:  Ciara Espinoza  . Cyber Bullying Is:.

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Bullying Is Bad In Many Ways

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  1. Bullying Is Bad In Many Ways By: Ciara Espinoza 

  2. Cyber Bullying Is: Definition: Cyber Bullying Is When Someone goes On Other Peoples Account Like Facebook,Twitter And Myspace And Try To Act Like You Or put Mean Stuff About You Or Stuff You Don’t want People to Know About On any Kind Of These Websites. Example: Is Right Here ..

  3. Physical Bullying Is: No Bulling Aloud ! Definition: Physical Bullying Occours When A Person Uses Overt Bodily Acts To Gain POWER Over Peers Physical Bullying Can Include Kicking, Punching, Pinching Or Physical Attacks ….. Unlike Other Types Of Bullying In School Physical Bullying Is Easy To Identify Because The Tend To Demonstrate High Levels Of Aggression From A Young Age And Are More Likely To Be BOYS ! EXAMPLE: Is Right Here..

  4. Emotional Bullying Is: Definition: Emotional Bullying is when People You Trust Or Hate Tell Stuff To People So They Can Hurt You Or Make Fun Of You .They Can Tell People Your Secrets Or Lie About Mean And Hurtful Stuff . Sometimes They Tell Your Friends That You Use Them To Have More Friends. So YOUR Friends Tell You They Don’t Want To Be Your Friends. And Then You Wont Have Friends . EXAMPLE: Is Right Here

  5. Verbal Bullying: Definition: Verbal Bullying Occurs when Someone Uses They're Language To Gain Power To Him/her To Scare Or Threaten Others Verbal Bullying mostly Comes From Men They Abuse Or HarassThier Kids Or Wife . EXAMPLE: is right here..

  6. Intimidation Bullying Is : Intimidation Bullying Is When Someone Threatens You Through A Web And You Don’t Know Who They Are For Example They Tell You To Do Something And If You Don’t Do It You'll Get Killed Or Whatever But They End Up Making You Do It . EXAMPLE: is right here ..

  7. Indirect Bullying Is : Indirect Bullying includes Rumors People Telling Lies And Emotional Feelings. Emotional Feelings Is When People Say Stuff To Make You Sad Or Embarrass You in front Of Everyone So They Can Laugh And The Reason The Bully Or Person You Don’t Get Along With Does that Is Because Their Jealous Of You Or Just want To Act Cool In Front Of Everyone EXAMPLE: is right here ..

  8. What Can Students Do: Students Can Tell The Teacher If They Are Being Bullied. Students Can Help Someone Who Is Depressed Or Being Hit By A Bully . If Someone Struggles On Something Like Reading Or Math We Can Ask if She/he Needs Help. If You See Anybody Being Hit For No Reason Tell A TEACHER Please .

  9. Thanks For Watching !

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