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8.4 Register Map

8.4 Register Map Table 8-7 on page 413 lists the GPIO registers. Each GPIO port can be accessed through one of two bus apertures. The legacy aperture, the Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB), is backwards-compatible with previous Stellaris parts.

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8.4 Register Map

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  1. 8.4 Register Map Table 8-7 on page 413 lists the GPIO registers. Each GPIO port can be accessed through one of two bus apertures. The legacy aperture, the Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB), is backwards-compatible with previous Stellaris parts. The other aperture, the Advanced High-Performance Bus (AHB), offers the same register map but provides better back-to-back access performance than the APB bus. The offset listed is a hexadecimal increment to the register’s address, relative to that GPIO port’s base address

  2. Port Base address(APB) Base address (AHB)

  3. Attention: The Demo Projects are in c:\arm\StellarisWare for C1\codes\Experiment Moreover,you can find the datasheet in C:\arm\datasheet.rar. But your projects can not be saved in disk C:,which is cleared when the computer is restarted every time. So please save your files in e:\yourname. If you want to bring your work back to home, copy your files in your U disk. Please visit http://www.keil.com/uvision New File FTP:Keil uv4.pdr Keil free version: eelab.sjtu.edu.cn\es\Developing Kit.rar

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