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Session 2 : Setting priorities – situation analysis. Phase 2. Priority setting and validation. Phase 2. Setting priorities. Principles: Alignment Complementarity/synergy Strategic direction.
Phase 2. Setting priorities • Principles: • Alignment • Complementarity/synergy • Strategic direction What: identify strategic areas where FAO should focus its support to the country - Priority Matrix How: • Situation Analysis – scope (background work; focus) • Assessment of Comparative Advantages – new SF/RF • Prioritization – focus – fewer number of priorities and outcomes Strategic component of CPF document
PARALLEL WITH UNDAF: Country analysis for UNDAFWHAT’S NEW? • COUNTRY ANALYSIS – The Common Country Assessment (CCA) is no longer mandatory (FAO supported this change) and the UNCT can choose among 3 options: • Contribute to government-led analysis • Support targeted studies • Full CCA
CPF prioritization process Stakeholders Capacity Priorities Situation analysis Comparative Advantage assessment & Option Analysis Priority Matrix Results Matrix
… identification of CHALLENGES (WHAT, HOW and WHO)
Main elements of Situation Analysis – key questions? • National context – main social and economic development challenges and opportunities with implication for agriculture sector and livelihoods • Situation and outlook for FS,A, RD – current situation, trends – issues, challenges, opportunities • Policy environment - National sector priorities, policies, strategies and programmes addressing the challenges and opportunities • National stakeholders and capacity needs at policy, organizational and individual level • Data and monitoring mechanism to measure progress !Consideration to UN principles
Some more details (handout)
Capacity Assessment – building block See: CPF tool 3. pg5 10
Activity 1: Review of a country example • Review of a the situation analysis (pg. 4-8) • Assess to what extent the elements are addressed ? • See CPF guide for the main elements (Pg: 48) (other ref. materials: Handout on Situation analysis)
Day2 –Session 2: Comparative advantages
Plenary discussion – RECAP on prioritization criteria How to ensure strategic focus – i.e. prioritize at the country level ? “If the government asked (DEMAND) FAO to work on 20 priorities, how would you prioritize?
Prioritization process – Criteria • Preferably emerge from a dialogue with the national stakeholders • Not imposed, yet some suggested for consideration • La haute prioritè– key strategic areas • High priority, although low likelihood for RM • La prioritemoderèe– not Gvt priority • La basseprioritè– no CA, no capacity 3 2 1 4 • Enabling conditions and capacities for achieving the results • Likelihood of sustainability • Ability to produce the highest level of impact • Contribution to the MDGs/IADGs
CPF priority matrix – reflects the key prioritization criteria
Zooming into the comparative advantages
Comparative Advantages Global Goals Strategic Objectives and ORs Mandate to act Core functions • KEY QUESTIONS? • Does it contribute FAO global goals? • Does it fall under the areas that the members want FAO to focus on SO and ORs that FAO committed to achieve? • Does it require application of FAOs core functions which are recognized FAO comparative advantages?
Corefunctions • Monitoring and assessment of long-term and medium term perspectives • Development of international instruments, norms and standards • Policy, strategy options and advice • Technical support to promotetechnologytransfer and capacity building • Advocacy and communication • Interdisciplinarity and innovation • Partnership and alliances • Information and knowledge management
Phase 2 – Setting prioritiesComparative advantages Global goals Mandate to act Strategic objectives and ORs Core Functions Actual comparative advantages Capacity to deliver Resources Influence Partnership
Tip: Use this methodology and results to discuss comparative advantages with UNCT in UNDAF process Comparative advantages FAO Global Goals Mandate to act FAO Strategic Objectives/ORs Core Functions Actual CA at country level Capacity to act Position to act Revealed CA Resources Perceived CA Influence Partnerships Gaps
Assessing FAO positioning in the country – Portfolio review To assess FAO positioning in the country, identify areas of performance and draw forward looking lessons on how to improve FAO delivery in country.
Main elements • FAO Portfolio analysis : analysis of the information on the status and evolution/ trend of FAO portfolio. ( number of projects, amount of budget, delivery, breakdown by source of funds, by resources partners). (from FPMIS) • Analysis of the FAO performance in terms of status of implementation and achievements of expected key results of the completed and on-going projects, lessons learned. (from progress reports, evaluation reports). • Comparison vs other partners involved in the same areas of intervention of FAO : size and type and performance of FAO intervention vs other partners ) (from ADAM – resource partners matrix, profiles, government reports, partners reports, other) – • Partners feed back on FAO country performance (surveys, external country assessment)
Day2 - Session 2b: Causes and effectsanalysis
EFFECTS Developing a problem tree So what Addressing the effects identifies possible indicators Turning the problem into a positive statement can give the outcome or impact Problem Focal CAUSES Addressing the causes can identify possible outputs and activities But why?
Situation analysisKEY MESSAGES Challenge: High prevalence of food insecurity Food availability • Policy and legal framework • Budgetary allocations Policy enabling environment Poor agricultural production and productivity Poor capacity of extension Workers Organizations • Operational capacity of ext. units Individuals Dependency on rain fed cultivation BUT Why ? • Skills level of extension staff Inefficient irrigation system
Group Activity 6. Application of the problem and objective tree and options analysis • Task:Assess coherence between the identified problems in the situation analysis and the presented outcomes/outputs in the CPF results matrix and provide evidence of your assessment. → Key message: Assure coherence between the situation analysis and the identified CPF results