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Day 5: Checking an ill or injured person

Day 5: Checking an ill or injured person. Bellringer #5 On page 711 in the Health book: Define the terms “choking”, “universal distress signal”, and “abdominal thrusts”. On page 715 in the Health book: Define the term “rescue breathing”. Checking an ill of injured person. For an Adult :

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Day 5: Checking an ill or injured person

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  1. Day 5: Checking an ill or injured person Bellringer #5 On page 711 in the Health book: • Define the terms “choking”, “universal distress signal”, and “abdominal thrusts”. • On page 715 in the Health book: • Define the term “rescue breathing”

  2. Checking an ill of injured person • For an Adult: • Check the scene • Check the person • Tap shoulder and shout, ”are you okay?” • No Response, CALL 911 • If alone call 911 first before giving care • Open airway (tilt head, lift chin) – Checking for signs of life for no more then 10 seconds

  3. Head Tilt Chin Lift

  4. If Breathing, place in recovery position and monitor ABC’s

  5. If not breathing: • Give 2 Breaths • If breaths go in • Give cycles of 30 chest compressions and 2 breaths. • Continue CPR until— • Scene becomes unsafe • You find a sign of life • AED is ready to use • You are too exhausted to continue • Another trained responder arrives and takes over

  6. Rescue Breaths: • Tilt head and lift chin, then pinch the nose shut. • Take a breath and make a complete seal over he person’s mouth. • Blow to make chest clearly rise. • Each breath should last about 1 second

  7. If not breathing: Choking • Give 2 Breaths • If breaths DO NOT go in • Retilt and try again • If breaths still do not go in • Give 30 chest compressions • Look for an object • Remove it if one is seen • Try 2 rescue breaths • If breaths still do not go in • Continue previous steps until breaths go in • If breaths go in • Check for signs of life • Give care based on conditions you find

  8. Checking an ill of injured person • For a Child or Infant: • Check the scene • Check the person • Tap shoulder and shout, ”are you okay?” • No Response, CALL 911 • If alone give about 2 minutes of care first then call 911 • Open airway (tilt head, lift chin) – Checking for signs of life for no more then 10 seconds

  9. If Breathing, place in recovery position and monitor ABC’s

  10. If not breathing: • Give 2 Breaths • If breaths go in • Check pulse • Child – Carotid artery • Infant – Brachial artery

  11. If not breathing:Choking • Give 2 Breaths • If breaths DO NOT go in • Retilt and try again • If breaths still do not go in • Give 30 chest compressions • Look for an object • Remove it if one is seen • Try 2 rescue breaths • If breaths still do not go in • Continue previous steps until breaths go in • If breaths go in • Check for signs of life • Give care based on conditions you find

  12. If a pulse but NOT breathing: • Give 1 rescue breath about every 3 second. • Pinch nose shut • Make seal over child’s mouth • Blow to make chest clearly rise. • Each breath should last about 1 second • After about 2 minutes recheck signs of life and pulse for no more tan 10 seconds

  13. If no pulse: • Give cycles of 30 chest compressions and 2 breaths. • Continue CPR until— • Scene becomes unsafe • You find a sign of life • AED is ready to use • You are too exhausted to continue • Another trained responder arrives and takes over

  14. Chest Compressions

  15. Conscious Choking – Adult/Child • Check scene, then person • Have someone call 911 • Obtain consent (parent or guardian) • Lean the person forward and give 5 back blows with the heel of your hand. • Give 5 quick, upward abdominal thrusts • Just above the navel, thumb inward – grasp with other hand

  16. Back Blows:

  17. Abdominal Thrusts:

  18. Continue back blows and abdominal thrusts until : • Object is forced out. • Person can breathe or cough forcefully. • If a person is coughing do not do anything but encourage them to keep coughing. • Person becomes unconscious.

  19. Conscious Choking - Infant • Check scene, then person • Have someone call 911 • Obtain consent from a parent or guardian, if present • Give 5 back blows • Give 5 Chest thrusts • Hold head and neck securely when giving back blows and chest thrusts.

  20. Back Blows: Infant

  21. Chest Thrusts: infant

  22. Continue back blows and chest thrusts until : • Object is forced out. • Infant can breathe or cough forcefully. • If a person is coughing do not do anything but encourage them to keep coughing. • Infant becomes unconscious.

  23. Now lets practice:

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