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promoting physical wellbeing at Robert Hunter Elementary School

Discover the comprehensive Health and Physical Education program at Robert Hunter Elementary School, offering safe opportunities for students to develop physically, socially, and mentally through various activities. Help your child succeed in PE by being prepared, encouraging physical activity, and setting a healthy example. Get involved today!

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promoting physical wellbeing at Robert Hunter Elementary School

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  1. Program Overview Health and Physical Education at Robert Hunter Elementary School provides the students safe opportunities to engage in age-appropriate activities to develop physically, socially, mentally and emotionally. While developing fine and gross motor skills students practice positive competitive, social and cooperative behaviors. As unique individuals, students are encouraged to make responsible decisions that will help them growth into healthy, responsible, mature and caring citizens. Some activities and sports explored in PE class this year may include: Recess Games Cooperative Games Basic Sport Skills (soccer, football, lacrosse, basketball, tennis, pillo polo/floor hockey, Frisbee, softball, golf) Manipulative Skills (hopping, jumping, skipping, galloping, sliding, running, power walking, etc.) Climbing Wall Activities Field Day Jump Rope Skills Aerobic Dance Gymnastics/Tumbling And Much More!! How you can help your child succeed in Physical Education: Know what days your child has PE class and be sure your child is prepared. *Supportive sneakers that fit well, have an enclosed heel and can be tightened securely on the top of the foot are a must on gym days. Recent girls fashion shoes with rubber soles (such as Sketchers with a thin strap) may NOT offer enough support. *Boys and girls should wear comfortable clothing that enables them to move easily. Jackets, sweatshirts and layered clothing are ideal for cooler weather. Be a healthy role model! We aspire to develop healthy, happy and physically fit children. We need your help! Adults are great role models for an active life. Setting your own fitness goals is important as well as joining your children as they reach theirs. Play, catch, run, kick, pass or walk with your child as often as you can. Ask your child to play some of our recess games or participate with your child in the activity calendar listed October through May on our Virtual Backpack. Medical excuses – Please send in a note with your child if he/she cannot participate in any or all of gym class due to illness or injury. Your child will spend the time he/she is not able to participate by helping with gym class, participating in stationary activities, or in the nurse’s office if necessary. Robert Hunter Elementary School Health and Physical Education Mrs. Jennifer Marino jemarino@frsd.k12.nj.us Mr. Ken Hopkins khopkins@frsd.k12.nj.us Tel. 284-7620; Option #2; Mailbox 5846

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