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Explore the historical city of Oxford through its iconic university buildings, charming streets, and famous landmarks, including Christ Church College and the Bodleian Library. Learn about the city's rich cultural heritage, from Alice in Wonderland to Harry Potter connections, and immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of this English town. Discover quaint shops, traditional pubs, and scenic canals that make Oxford a delightful destination to visit.
In thispresentation a fewfacts as well as a fewpersonalideasarepresented . Let’s start withthebasicknowledgeabout Oxford...Oxford issituatedin central southern England. Ithas a population of about 150,000 people. Whatisinterestingisthatthistown was called“thecity of dreamingspires”, this term refers to harmoniousarchitecture of Oxford’suniversitybuildings. Oxford Impressions
Thisis a map of the city centre. Oxford Impressions
Theofficial story of thetownnameisthatthis place initially was called“Oxenaforda” –meaning - the ford (orbridge) of theoxen, so theseanimalscould go throughtheriver. Thatiswhywhenyouarethereyoucansee a herd of oxeninthemeadow near Christ Church College, whichisbasicallyinthecentre of thetown. Oxford Impressions
The city ishome of theUniversityin Oxford, theoldestuniversityinthe country and intheEnglish-speakingworld. It was mentionedin 12thcenturyrecords. TheearliestcollegeswereUniversity College (1249), Balliol (1263) and Merton (1264). Rightnowthereare 39 colleges. Each of themissituatedin a separatebuilding, wherestudents live, learn (theyhavetheirtutorialsthere) and havetheirmeals. Oxford Impressions
Christ Church Collegeis one of theoldest and most aristocraticcolleges; this place isconnectedwithtwowell-knowncharacters, the first is Alice intheWonderland, and thesecond Harry Potter.Thebeautifulstaircase was an inspiration for thecreators of themovieabout Harry Potter. Oxford Impressions
As far as Alice isconcernedyoucanseetheremainders of thischaracterindifferentplacesinthebuilding. Thewhole story isquiteinterestingbecause Alice was a little girl wholivedwithherfamilyinthe college inthe 19 thcentury. One of thetutors, herfather’sfriend, Charles Dodgson, createdamusingstories, inspired by the place and peoplewholivedthere. Theywerepublishedin 1865 under a pseudonymLewis Carroll and areknown as thebook – “Alice’sAdventuresintheWonderland”. Oxford Impressions
One of the most importantbuildingsinthe college isChrist ChurchCathedralwhichis a college chapel and a cathedralin one foundation. Thanks to this Oxford is a city not a town (thedifferencebetween a city and towninBritainis not connectedwiththesize of the place oritspopulation but withtheexistence of thecathedral). Oxford Impressions
ThreemorebuildingsworthmentioningistheBodleianLibrary, whichis one of theoldestlibrariesin Europe (and themainbuildingis one of theoldestin Oxford). Itiscalled by Oxford scholars “Bodley” or “Bod”. Thislibraryhas an amazingcollectionbecause of a tradition of sendingthere a copy of everybookprintedinBritain. Anotherbuildingclose by istheRadcliff Camerawhichserves as thereadingroom (and itis a buildingwhichcan be seen on almosteverypostcardfrom Oxford). Thelast, but not least, istheSheldonianTheatre, designed by Christopher Wren on the 17thcentury and it was his secondwork. Oxford Impressions
Youcansee a picturepresentingtheRadcliff Camera (alongwithcuteducksremindingpeoplethatitistheexam time), and alsothe place close to theSheldonian. Oxford Impressions
Oxford offers much morethanjust college buildings, whatyoucanalsoadmireistheatmosphere of an Englishtown. Youcanseeextraordinary shop displays, which make you want to go inside, lookattheitems and perhaps buy something. Thatiswhyyouwould be able to seesome of theminthispresentation. Oxford Impressions
Obviouslyyoucan’t miss theshopssellingwidevariety of gifts, whereyoucanpurchasealmosteverypossibleobjectwith an inscription „University of Oxford” orwiththe British flag. Some of theseshopsaremoresophisticated but stillrefer to theatmosphere of the place. Oxford Impressions
If we talk about shopping TheCovered Marketmust be mentioned, itis a place with a number of stallssellingunusualitems (alsosandwichbars and coffeeshops); the shop sellingcupcakesisthe one thatcan be noticedimmediately. Everysituationisgood to givesomeone a deliciouscupcake... Oxford Impressions
PlaceswhichareconnectedwiththetypicalEnglishdaily life arepubs, whicharereallyvaried, and famous for differentreasons. One of themTheEagle and theChildisknown as a place for writers, itshistoryinvolvesnamessuch as C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien, who met and createdsome of theirstoriesthere. Oxford Impressions
Another British element, theimage of theQueen, canappearinunusualplaces, evenin a shop sellingkitchenitems. Oxford Impressions
Oxford can be alsocalled a city of bikes, whichareeverywhere, and indifferentforms. Oxford Impressions
Another great thingabout Oxford isthatyoucanstrolltherealongthecanals, admiringnature, smallarchitecturewithbridges, or go punting (punts – theboatsusedthere). Oxford Impressions
In June Oxford studentshavetheirfinalexams, thatiswhyyoucanwitnessvariousstrangesituations. Youcanseestudentswearingtraditionalgowns(black clotheswithwhiteshirt). Thosewhoarelucky to pass theirexamswearfunnyhatsorwigs, theyareaccompanied by a group of friends, theycarry a bottle of champagne, and usually sit inthe park and celebrate, but sometimestheycould be thrownintothecanals (whichhopefullyarequiteshallow). Oxford Impressions
In conclusion – Oxford is a place whereyoucanexploretherichness of British history, admire one of theoldestuniversitiesin Europe, getintouchwith modern art, go to thebiggestbookshopsinBritain, feeltheatmosphere of a typicalEnglishtown, spend a great time withyourfriends and have a chance to meetnewpeople. Oxford Impressions
Theauthors of thispresentationare Lidia Chęcińska and Dagmara Kubala. Thephotosweretaken by Lidia Chęcińska inJune 2013.We had a chance to visit Oxford thanks to FundacjaRozwojuEdukacji – Program Comenius “Uczeniesięprzezcałeżycie”; we participatedin a courseCreative Teaching In the Secondary Classroom, Practical and Creative Methodology for Overseas English Language Teachers organized by Lake School in Oxford (in June and July 2013). Oxford Impressions