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Rediscover the Joy of Working Together: Organizational Trust

Rediscover the Joy of Working Together: Organizational Trust . Regina M. Beard, MLIS Faculty & Graduate Services Librarian. What am I going to talk about?. Trust Betrayal Building trust Trust and the decision making process. Some Definitions. Organizational development-

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Rediscover the Joy of Working Together: Organizational Trust

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  1. Rediscover the Joy of Working Together: Organizational Trust Regina M. Beard, MLIS Faculty & Graduate Services Librarian

  2. What am I going to talk about? • Trust • Betrayal • Building trust • Trust and the decision making process

  3. Some Definitions • Organizational development- • a planned approach to organizational change designed to enable an organization to respond and adapt to changing market conditions and to set a new agenda. For organizational development to succeed, any policies or strategies introduced must fit with the corporate culture (BUSINESS: The Ultimate Resource, 2009). • Corporate (organizational) culture- • the combined beliefs, values, ethics, procedures, and atmosphere of an organization, often expressed  as “the way we do things around here” and consists of largely unspoken values, norms, and behaviors that become the natural way of doing things (BUSINESS: The Ultimate Resource, 2009). • Organizational trust (trust in the workplace)- • “…the expectancy held by an individual or a group that the word, promise, verbal or written statement of another individual or group can be relied upon”(Rotter, 1967). Mayer (1995) defines trust as “the willingness of a party to be vulnerable to the actions of another party based on the expectation that the other will perform a particular action important to the trustor, irrespective of the ability to monitor or control that other party.”

  4. Why we need to trust • To ensure that our organizations continue to thrive. “Business is conducted through relationships, and trust is the foundation of effective relationships.” (Reina and Reina, 2006)

  5. What does trust look like? • People want to be there • Enthusiastic about the work • Committed to the organization • Confident in our abilities and in our organization • Fearless in trying new things

  6. Reflection Think of a recent major/minor betrayal. How did you react? Did you: confront the person/representative? Did you withdraw? Suppress the incident, move on? Do you think our response was effective? That is, were you able to repair/rebuild trust? What do you think are the choices in these situations or do we have a choice?

  7. Breaking Trust—Betrayal • Perpetrator • Individual • Administration • Types of • Intentional acts • Unintentional acts

  8. Building Trust • Stay connected • Stay visible • Show interest • Be consistent • Keep your word • Establish boundaries • Share information • Maintain confidentiality

  9. Trust and Decision Making • Good decision making depends on the information exchange between individuals • Successful communication depends on trust

  10. Trust is reciprocal You have to give it to get it. When we admit to our mistakes, it’s safe for others to admit to theirs.

  11. Discussion? (if we have time)

  12. References Agarwal, V. (2013). Investigating the convergent validity of organizational trust. Journal of Communication Management, 17(1), 24-39. doi: 10.1108/13632541311300133 Devos, G., Buelens, M., & Bouckenooghe, D. (2007). Contribution of content, context, and process to understanding openness to organizational change: Two experimental simulation studies. Journal of Social Psychology, 147(6), 607-630. Fulmer, C. A., & Gelfand, M. J. (2012). At what level (and in whom) we trust: Trust across multiple organizational levels. Journal of Management, 38(4), 1167-1230. doi: 10.1177/0149206312439327 Galford, R. (2007). Rebuilding organizational trust. Communication World, 24(2), 37-37. Giffords, E. D. (2009). An examination of organizational commitment and professional commitment and the relationship to work environment, demographic and organizational factors. Journal of Social Work, 9(4), 386-404. doi: 10.1177/1468017309346232 Gillespie, N., & Dietz, G. (2009). Trust repair after an organization-level failure. Academy of Management Review, 34(1), 127-145. doi: 10.5465/AMR.2009.35713319 The good news about workplace trust. (2012). T+D, 66(10), 21-21. Hough, K. (2011). The improvisation edge secrets to building trust and radical collaboration at work. San Francisco, Calif.: Berrrett-Koehler Publishers. Kannan-Narasimhan, R., & Lawrence, B. (2012). Behavioral integrity: How leader referents and trust matter to workplace outcomes. Journal of Business Ethics, 111(2), 165-178. doi: 10.1007/s10551-011-1199-9 Krot, K., & Lewicka, D. (2012). The importance of trust in manager-employee relationships. International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 10(3), 224-233. Loi, R., Ngo Hang-yue, & Foley, S. (2006). Linking employees' justice perceptions to organizational commitment and intention to leave: The mediating role of perceived organizational support. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 79(1), 101-120. Mayer, R. C., Davis, J. H., & Schoorman, F. D. (1995). An integrative model of organizational trust. Academy of Management Review, 20(3), 709-734. doi: 10.5465/AMR.1995.9508080335 Morgan, D. E., & Zeffane, R. (2003). Employee involvement, organizational change and trust in management. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14(1), 55-75. Organizational development. (2009). BUSINESS: The ultimate resource (). London, United Kingdom: A&C Black. Reina, D. S. (2006). Trust & betrayal in the workplace : Building effective relationships in your organization. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler. Reina, D. S., & Reina, M. L. (2004). Rebuilding employee trust during change. Behavioral Health Management, 24(2), 28-30. Rotter, J. B. (1967). A new scale for the measurement of interpersonal trust. Journal of Personality, 35(4), 651-665. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6494.1967.tb01454.x Shea, G. F. (1984). Building trust in the workplace. New York, N.Y.: AMA Membership Publications Division American Management Associations. Trust in society (2001). . New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Voice and silence in organizations (2009). . Bingley, U.K.: Emerald Group Pub.

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