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Learn about the dissolved oxygen levels in Spring Hollow, an important habitat for fish and macro-invertebrates. Discover the significance of phosphorous, nitrates, and how the Rainbow Fish got its name. Get information on the Rainbow Fish, Elderberry trees, Hardware Ranch, Water testing, Owl pellets, Sub-alpine fir, Choke Cherry, and Box Elder.
Dissolved oxygen Fish and macro-invertebrates do not breathe water, they breathe oxygen dissolved in the water, DO.
Phosphorous • That it is when things die
Nitrates Its when things die and decay
How the Rainbow Fish got His name The rainbow Fish was swimming in the lake and.
Rainbow fish • He saw a rainbow and he wanted to go to swimming in the Rainbow
The Rainbow fish • and he did and he and turned into a Rainbow fish and that’s how The Rainbow fish got his name .
The Rainbow fish • and that’s How we got the Rainbow fish
Information about the Rainbow fish • That is a fish that lives in clear water Toney Grove and the can get so big past a foot long and way about 15.oz 30.oz that is a lot of .oz and
Trees • Elderberry GENERAL DESCRIPTION Elderberry is a small tree usually seen in low shrubby form or in clumps. It seldom exceeds 20 feet in height and eight inches in diameter in this area. However, specimens over twice this size may be found. The crown is usually rounded for individual trees, while clumps are somewhat vase-shaped. HISTORY OF USE AND COMMERCIAL IMPORTANCE This tree has been used principally for the fruit it produces. The Indians had a use for almost all parts of the plant. Berries were used for food and stems were seed for musical instruments. Another important use for this tree is it provides food for the wildlife. The berries are extensively used by birds and other wildlife; deer and elk browse the plant heavily. Domestic animals also fee on the leaves and twigs. u HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION Elderberry is commonly found along streams and canyon bottoms where soil is moist. Even though this tree is generally found through
The ropes course That was so scare and that was fun I think we should go again
canoe You paddle forward and the other person backward and you go clock ward and the back person is in chard and my speed for canoeing 1.55 seconds
Newton’s third law Whenever there is an action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
GPS • That is to find your way if you are lost and to find your stuff if you have the co-ords and the longitude and the latitude and the date the GPS can tell you an estimated the time of sunrise and sunset .
Franklin Basin • We had a lot of fun and we look for the beaver and then we wrote a story about the secret spot and then we .
Hardware Ranch • That the Elk stay in at Hardware Ranch in the winter and get food from the people at Hardware Ranch and people get to have sleigh rids
Sub Alien pine fear • GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Sub alpine fir is a typical medium sized evergreen tree of our high mountain slopes and canyons. Its crown is very distinctive in that it is slender and spire-like. The • upper several feet of the crown may have a diameter of less than one foot. The branches of this tree persist on the trunk right to the ground. In Utah this tree seldom • exceeds 90 feet in height and 2 feet in diameter at maturity. • HISTORY OF USE AND COMMERCIAL IMPORTANCE • Sub alpine fir has had only limited use in Utah. Some use has been for poles, rough construction timbers, and fuel. The wood of this tree may have some potential for • boxwood and pulp. In many of our local timber harvest operations this tree is cut with other species and processed into poorer grades of lumber. Wood rot is a • serious problem in this tree and causes considerable loss in older stands, especially the lower logs. Small trees are extensive
Chock Cherry • HISTORY OF USE AND COMMERCIAL IMPORTANCE • In Utah the wood of this tree has been un-important. However, the tree does provides an important component of our wildlife habitat because it furnishes bird food • and browse for deer and elk. Sometimes this tree is poisonous to domestic livestock and it is also important for ground cover and erosion control.
Box Elder GENERAL DESCRIPTION Box elder is the "poor relative" of the maples. This tree is medium sized, average in height (about 45 feet), and about 24 inches in diameter. The crown is very dense, broad, and rounded, usually extending from the ground up. HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION The form of Box elder found in Utah is a variety (interims) of the species that is widely distributed throughout the United States. Box elder is common along stream courses in the mountain canyons of the state. It is also mostly found between 4,000 and 8,000 foot elevations.
my Quiet place is in Franklin Bison By a tree by the waster and you look around you see grass and water and I can here the birds and the wind the ground is so bumpy and Mountain and a lot of things doing on y secret spot and there is trees all around me and then and the creeks are so nose and then the water is so loud and the grass fills good to lay in . • I can see the play ground in the Hot sun . Thebe shade is the fun part and . I cool shade . And 5there are a lot of shade and the cars going by I don't binging the yellow hot sun and every one is nose lunch is good I like lunch . The trees are round the garbage's can is round My rock is a circle rock its hard and if I lock strait I see the lake and I here Tony Grove is cool and there are 4 trees behind me and then we see the Hollow forest and its is a little brassy and I and the fish are jumping up and down I hear the wind making the trees moved and there are snow on the top of the maintain My Quiet place I have a Quit places by the pavilion in the grass by the Hot sun but is the in the shade . This places is so quiet think I should stay her all day