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Class Biz!. Class Info. Year 4/5. Reading – weekly guided reading with the teacher. Children can change their individual books whenever they have finished them, even if our teacher may not have heard us read them. Bring them daily just in case. PE – kit needed on Tuesdays and Fridays
Class Biz! Class Info.... Year 4/5 Reading – weekly guided reading with the teacher. Children can change their individual books whenever they have finished them, even if our teacher may not have heard us read them. Bring them daily just in case. PE – kit needed on Tuesdays and Fridays Tuesday – Indoor kit (Black shorts/white T-shirt) Wednesday - Music Friday – Games (Outdoor kits) Welcome.... I am really looking forward to an exciting term with the children. We have lots of exciting activities planned and the children cannot wait to get started! What's Going On.... Other Biz.... 7th May– National Testing Week After school clubs begin 12th May – Yr 5’s swimming for two weeks 22nd May – Polling day (INSET day) 26th May – Half Term TBC- West Midlands Safari Park TBC – Trip to library TBC – Trip to Taibach Park TBC- Museum presentation (in school) 21st July – last day of school Keep checking the newsletters too!! After school clubs to start week beginning: 20th January Water bottles need to be taken home regularly for cleaning. New ones will be available from the office soon Fruit – 30p a day This term the children have chosen a science lab and Bomb Shelter as part of their skills learning area. We are looking for children’s science kits or camouflage gear that you no longer use for our skills learning areas. Thanks in advance.
My Learning in the Core Subjects.... English – we will be learning how to write discussion and persuasion texts. Children will learn the features of argument and persuasion texts and use these to write discussions based on WW2. They will also write diary recounts from the war. The children will make an interactive book. . They will plan and write a story identifying the stages of its telling. We will learn the story of The Old Man and the Donkey. How exciting!! Maths – Place value up to 100,000, Use relationship between x and ÷ to solve word problems. multiply 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers, begin to use simple proportion, check results by approximating, relate fractions to decimal forms, reading scales for measurement, begin to understand percentages, add and subtract numbers with up to two decimal places and learn Recognise isosceles and equilateral triangles. . Science –We will be learning about forces of different kinds e.g. gravity, magnetic and friction including air resistance. We will investigate the way in which forces can effect movement and how forces can be compared. The children will look at how different sounds are produced and the way that sounds travel? . Our Theme.... Step Back in Time. My Learning in otherSubjects.... We will be using our skills to study WW2 and the 1960’s. We will make brochures, leaflets and videos based on WW2. In art we will study contemporary artists and look at the use of digital art. We will also look at 1960’s jewellery and clothes and design our own. In R.E we will explore human experiences and religious celebrations. In Welsh we will write letters, send postcards, write character descriptions and design brochures. Through Geography we will look at the impact of the war on the local environment. Children will present their findings through a TV channel. We are going to be very busy! In DT we will design and build an Anderson shelter and learn how to use equipment safely. http://www.sumdog.com http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/world_war2/ http://www.arcademicskillbuilders.com www.mathszone.co.uk, www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/en/english www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/ http://www.everyschool.co.uk/history-key-stage-2-world-war-2.html Things I can do at home... Websites to help me... Home reading of my individual book. Mental math - counting on and back in 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s, 10,000. Practicing times tables 4,5,6,8,9 times tables. Learn number bonds to 10 and 20. Collect and research information related to our topic which is all about WW2 and the 1960’s.