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Accelerators in our Future ILC and Beyond

Accelerators in our Future ILC and Beyond. Barry Barish Caltech Neutrino Telescope - Venice 13-March-09. Scientific Frontiers. From P5 Report. Three Frontiers (from P5 Report).

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Accelerators in our Future ILC and Beyond

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  1. Accelerators in our Future ILC and Beyond Barry Barish Caltech Neutrino Telescope - Venice 13-March-09

  2. Scientific Frontiers From P5 Report The International Linear Collider

  3. Three Frontiers (from P5 Report) • To address the central questions in particle physics, researchers use a range of tools and techniques at three interrelated frontiers: • The Energy Frontier, using high-energy colliders to discover new particles and directly probe the architecture of the fundamental forces. • The Intensity Frontier, using intense particle beams to uncover properties of neutrinos and observe rare processes that will tell us about new physics beyond the Standard Model. • The Cosmic Frontier, using underground experiments and telescopes, both ground and space based, to reveal the natures of dark matter and dark energy and using high-energy particles from space to probe new phenomena. • These three frontiers form an interlocking framework that addresses fundamental questions about the laws of nature and the cosmos. These three approaches ask different questions and use different techniques, but they ultimately aim at the same transformational science. The International Linear Collider

  4. Answering the QuestionsThree Complementary Probes + … • Neutrinos as a Probe • Particle physics and astrophysics using a weakly interacting probe • High Energy Proton Proton Colliders • Opening up a new energy frontier ( ~ 1 TeV scale) • High Energy Electron Positron Colliders • Precision Physics at the new energy frontier • Increasing connections to Astrophysics/Cosmology The International Linear Collider

  5. Exploring the Terascalethe tools • The LHC • It will lead the way and has large reach • Quark-quark, quark-gluon and gluon-gluon collisions at 0.5 - 5 TeV • Broadband initial state • A Linear Collider (e.g. ILC) • A second view with high precision • Electron-positron collisions with fixed energies, adjustable between 0.1 and 1.0 TeV • Well defined initial state • Together, these are our tools for the terascale The International Linear Collider

  6. Electron-Positron Colliders Bruno Touschek built the first successful electron-positron collider at Frascati, Italy (1960) Eventually, went up to 3 GeV ADA The International Linear Collider

  7. Energy Frontier Lepton Colliders ILC ILC < 1 TeV Technically possible ~ 2020 + The International Linear Collider

  8. QUAD QUAD POWER EXTRACTION STRUCTURE ACCELERATING STRUCTURES BPM Energy Frontier Lepton Colliders CLIC Drive beam - 95 A, 300 ns from 2.4 GeV to 240 MeV Main beam – 1 A, 200 ns from 9 GeV to 1.5 TeV CLIC < 3 TeV Feasibility? Longer timescale The International Linear Collider

  9. Energy Frontier Lepton Colliders Muon Collider & Neutrino Factory • Much R&D Needed • Neutrino Factory R&D + • bunch merging • much more cooling • etc Muon Collider < 4 TeV FEASIBILITY?? Much longer timescale The International Linear Collider

  10. Energy Frontier Lepton Colliders Plasma Wakefield Accelerator Accelerator R &D Only The International Linear Collider

  11. Intensity Frontier – Proton Driver Project X - Fermiab (ILC SCRF technology) Intense Protons / Neutrinos for Long Baseline The International Linear Collider

  12. Intensity Frontier – Super B Factory The International Linear Collider

  13. Intensity Frontier – Super B Factory KEK proposed path to Super B The International Linear Collider

  14. Intensity Frontier – Super B Factory INFN alternate approach to Super B The International Linear Collider

  15. Intensity Frontier – Super B Factory INFN proposed path to Super B The International Linear Collider

  16. Globalizing Future Neutrino Projects? • Globalization has become inevitable for future accelerator projects • Big HEP laboratories provide natural unifying mechanisms • MoUs for joint R&D; provide long range regional planning; exchanges between labs, etc • Large International projects with host laboratory, governance etc for LEP, LHC, Tevatron, B-factories • Next step is global projects • Globalized project concept, R&D, design, implementation, financing, governance and science • Oversight and guidance jointly by the worldwide funding agencies (FALC) and scientific (ICFA) The International Linear Collider

  17. International/Global Organization PAC ILCSC FALC FALC-RG Director’s Office = ~ Central Team = ~ EC AAP ILC-GDE Director Regional Directors Project Managers Experts • Project. M. Office • EDMS • Cost & Schedule • - Machine Detector Interface • - ILC, XFEL, Project X liaison • ILC Communications The International Linear Collider

  18. The International Linear Collider

  19. The International Linear Collider

  20. ILC – Underlying Technology • Room temperature copper structures OR • Superconducting RF cavities The International Linear Collider

  21. SCRF Technology Recommendation • The recommendation of ITRP was presented to ILCSC & ICFA on August 19, 2004 in a joint meeting in Beijing. • ICFA unanimously endorsed the ITRP’s recommendation on August 20, 2004 The International Linear Collider

  22. The International Linear Collider

  23. Funding Agencies for Large Colliders • TERMS OF REFERENCE • To consider the wider picture of particle physics research, to understand the priorities and constraints in each region and to provide information and guidance to governments for planning and coordinating large particle physics facilities. • To improve the possibilities for international co-operation by understanding the planning processes in the funding agencies. • To provide a forum to prepare for, and report, decisions about funding arrangements for future particle physics facilities. • To provide a forum to promote knowledge of the applications of the technologies to be developed for large colliders, both in other scientific areas and in industry. • Recognising ICFA as the scientific reference point, to receive reports from ICFA (and its subsidiary bodies as appropriate), on the status of programmes for future particle physics facilities. • To exchange information on R&D projects being carried out for future particle physics facilities requiring international cooperation. • To encourage global cooperation in the R&D programmes for existing projects (such as the LHC and J-PARC), promote coordination for projects in the R&D and design phase (such as the ILC) and share information on possible future technologies and projects (such as CLIC and a neutrino factory). • To promote for the ILC specifically, the coordination of resources and the conduct of an R&D programme for the engineering design phase, and to work towards an appropriate organisational structure for the engineering design phase. • To produce a public annual report, including a scientific report from ICFA and information on the global picture of R&D for future particle physics facilities. The International Linear Collider

  24. Funding Agencies for Large Colliders Membership: Representatives of funding agencies (up to 5-7 per region), or their nominees. The Chairman should be elected from amongst the members, for a period of 3 years. In attendance: Chairs of ICFA and ILCSC Chair of the FALC Resources Group The Public notes of the meetings can be found at http://www.linearcollider.org/cms/?pid=1000305. • To promote for the ILC specifically, the coordination of resources and the conduct of an R&D programme for the engineering design phase, and to work towards an appropriate organisational structure for the engineering design phase. The International Linear Collider

  25. Accelerators – Industrial Applications The International Linear Collider

  26. Accelerators – Medical Applications New Treatment Modalities with protons, heavy ions The International Linear Collider

  27. Accelerators – Final Remarks • Many possibilities - upgrades (sLHC, etc), medium term (Project X, SuperB) and longer term (Linear Collider) for accelerators for HEP • HEP is the field that invents new accelerators develops accelerator techniques. • This is a real “service” to society • We are developing tools for future applications other sciences (material science, biology, etc), for industry (material science) and for medicine • A global and vigorous program in accelerator science is crucial for the future of HEP and also for many other applications The International Linear Collider

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