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The Voice of European Businesses in Russia. TRADE IN GOODS BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE WORLD. Source: IMF (Direction of Trade Statistics). The Voice of European Businesses in Russia. TRADE IN GOODS BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE EU 27. Source: Eurostat. The Voice of European Businesses in Russia.
The Voice of European Businesses in Russia TRADE IN GOODS BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE WORLD Source: IMF (Direction of Trade Statistics)
The Voice of European Businesses in Russia TRADE IN GOODS BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE EU 27 Source: Eurostat
The Voice of European Businesses in Russia EU’S TRADE BALANCE WITH RUSSIA Source: Eurostat
The Voice of European Businesses in Russia EU TRADE WITH MAIN PARTNERS IN 2010 Source: Eurostat
The Voice of European Businesses in Russia RUSSIA’S TRADE WITH MAIN PARTNERS IN 2009 Source: IMF
The Voice of European Businesses in Russia IMPORTS FROM RUSSIA TO THE EUROPEAN UNION Source: Eurostat
The Voice of European Businesses in Russia EUROPEAN UNION’S EXPORTS TO RUSSIA Source: Eurostat
The Voice of European Businesses in Russia THE ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN BUSINESESS • is an independent, non-commercial organization based in Russia; • wasfounded 1995on the initiative of a number of European companies that operated in Russia, Ambassadors of EU member countries and the head of the European Commission’s Representative Office in the Russian Federation; • is an active community of636 members(status 2010) from the member states of the EU, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and other countries, which have business activities with and in the Russian Federation; • is an advocate of its members’ opinion, generated in40 industrial and cross-sectoral committees, sub-committees and working groups.
The Voice of European Businesses in Russia MISSION OF THE AEB • Working to improve the business, investment and trade environment in Russia for the AEB members throughinformationsupport, qualitylobbyingandnetworkingactivities. • Promoting partnershipand economicintegrationbetween the Russian Federation and the European Union.
General Assembly - consists of all AEB members and is the supreme body of the Association CEO - is the individual management body of the AEB and head of the AEB Office Board - is the AEB executive body and is elected by the General Assembly The Voice of European Businesses in Russia STRUCTURE OF THE AEB The Structure of the Association is defined in the AEB Charter. Council of National Representation (CNR) - is the consultative body, consists of one representative of every European national community Auditing Commission - is a sub-committee of the CNR AEB Committees and Working Groups
The Voice of European Businesses in Russia AEB ACTIVITIES The AEB seeks to achieve its goals through different activities, including:
The Voice of European Businesses in Russia AEB ACTIVITIES: COMMITTEE WORK AEB members' opinion, generated in 40 industrial, cross-sectoral committees and working groupsis released semiannually in the Position Paper. CROSS-SECTORAL COMMITTEES AEB North-Western Regional Committee AEB South Regional Committee Energy Efficiency Finance & Investment Human Resources Legal Migration Public Relations and Communications Real Estate Safety, Health, Environment & Security Small and Medium Size Enterprises Taxation Transport & Customs
The Voice of European Businesses in Russia HIGHLIGHTS 2010-2011 Briefing by Sergey Lavrov, RF Minister of Foreign Affairs September 13, 2010 Briefing by Boris Simonov, Director General of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademark February 9, 2011 Briefing byIgor Artemiev, Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, November 24, 2010
The Voice of European Businesses in Russia HIGHLIGHTS 2010-2011 • The Second Northern Dimension Forum • St. Petersburg, March 2, 2011 • Co-organised by the AEB and • the Northern Dimension Business Council Mikhail Oseevsky, Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Alexandr Grushko, RF Deputy Foreign Minister Co-chairmen of the Northern Dimension Business Council: Alexey Mordashov, CEO, OAO Severstal and Tapio Kuula, President and CEO, Fortum Corporation Andrey Nelidov, Head of the Republic of Karelia Paavo Lipponen, Former Prime Minister of Finland
The Voice of European Businesses in Russia AEB CONTACTS IN RUSSIAN REGIONS www.aebrus.ru