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Explore the results obtained by Liulin Instrument in 2001 at the International Space Station, analyzing incident proton spectra, anisotropy in the South Atlantic Anomaly region, and comparison with aircraft data. Understand the significance of space radiation monitoring and future experiments.

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  1. NEW RESULTS FOR ISS RADIATION ENVIRONMENT OBTAINED BY LIULIN INSTRUMENT IN 2001 Tsvetan Dachev Solar-Terrestrial Influences Laboratory Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 113 Sofia, Bulgaria www.stilrad.stil.bas.bg

  2. Outlook • Why space environment monitoring is important? • ISS instrumentation • International Space Station Radiation Environment • Anisotropy in SAA region • Incident proton spectra inside of ISS • Comparison of ISS with aircraft data • Future space experiments • Conclusions Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  3. Why space radiation monitoring on near Earth orbits and on aircraft altitudes is important? Single Event Upsets on the SEASTAR flight data recorder at 705 km altitude clearly show the location of trapped protons in the South Atlantic Anomaly, by Janet L. Barth • DNA damages by different kind of radiations Single Event Upsets Observed in Autopilot in Boeing Commercial Aircraft Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  4. ISS instrumentation Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  5. Liulin-E094 instrument, flown successfully on American Laboratory module May-August 2001 as a part of German lead Dosimetric mapping experiment DOSTEL Pille Liulin-E094 Dosimetric mapping instruments Liulin Mobile Dosimetry Unit (MDU) Liulin Control And Interface Unit (CIU) Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  6. Liulin-Mobile Dosimetry Unit (MDU) Internal view of MDU External view of MDU Electronics Detector + preamp. Battery compartment SPECIFICATIONS OF MDU - Dose range: 0.093 nGy – 1.56 mGy; - Flux range: - 0.01 - 1250 part/cm2s; - Energy loss range: - 0.0407 – 20.83 MeV; - Pulse height analysis range: - 19.5 mV – 5.0 V; - LET range: 0.27- 69.4 keV/m; - Temperature range: 0°C - +40°C; - Power consumption: typically 72 mW; • Size (including 70x38x20 mm battery pack of SONY NP-F550 type): 100x64x24 mm; • Total mass (including 0.08 kg battery pack): 0.23 kg. • Operation time 5 days Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  7. International Space Station Radiation Environment Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  8. American astronaut James Voss working with Dosimetric mapping experiment on 26.06.2001 Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  9. Usual location of one MDU in ISS Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  10. Locations of MDUs in ISS 13 different locations were chosen for MDUs inside US Lab and NODE 1. Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  11. Orientation of ISS During the experiments ISS was in one of two attitudes: +XVV - with the +x-axis parallel to the velocity vector XPOP - x-axis perpendicular to plane of orbit; +z-axis constantly pointing toward the Sun Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  12. Overview of the MDUs doses during the whole experiment Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  13. Comparison of the Liulin-E094 mean daily data with (Johnson et al, 1993) Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  14. Anisotropy in SAA region Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  15. Anisotropy as observed in the E-T grams from Liulin MDU#1 and MDU#2 19 May 2001 19 May 2001 Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  16. Spectra anisotropy during SAA crossing at ascending and descending parts of the orbit Descending Ascending Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  17. Descending Ascending Analysis of the ascending and descendingspectra in the Region of SAA Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  18. Dose rate distribution in SAA for 2 different +XVV orientation time span Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  19. Geometry of the MDUs exposition against the eastward drifting protons in the region of SAA MDU#1, MDU#3 and MDU#4 detectors are orientated toward the predominating east-down drifting protons at descending parts of the orbit MDU#2 detector is orientated toward the predominating east-down drifting protons at ascending parts of the orbit Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  20. Incident proton spectra inside of ISS Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  21. Shielding and proton anisotropic effects for various L-shells as a function of ascending and descending orbital passes through the SAA. Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  22. Calibration curves of MDUs obtained during the calibrations with protons at the Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  23. MDU#2 incident proton spectra inside of US Lab module recalculated from GEANT code fit of the Liulin calibration data Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  24. Comparison of AP-8 MAX averaged along the orbit proton spectrum with the calculated inside ISS Liulin spectra for L=1.32 Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  25. Comparison between Liulin MDUs and NASA TEPC data Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  26. Comparisons with aircraft results Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  27. Liulin-Spectrometer for more than 100 days monitoring of the space radiation at aircraft altitudes External view of LS Internal view of LS Electronics Detector + preamp. D-size Li-ion Batteries SPECIFICATIONS: - Dose range: 0.093 nGy – 1.56 mGy; - Flux range: - 0.01 - 1250 part/cm2s; - Energy loss range: - 0.0407 – 20.83 MeV; - Pulse height analysis range: 19.5 mV – 5.0 V; - LET (Si) range: 0.27- 69.4 keV/m; - Temperature range: 0oC - +40oC; - Power consumption: typically 52 mW; • Size: 100x100x50 mm; • Total mass: 0.33 kg. (including 2x 0.1 kg SAFT LSH20 3.6 V Li-ion batteries); • Operation time 110 days Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  28. Configuration of ISS and CSA aircraft orbits Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  29. Oulu Neutron Monitor Data After Forbush Before Forbush Forbush Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  30. Aircraft data Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  31. Variations of the CSA aircraft dose and flux data for 30 May and 2 June 2001 on the route Prague-New York and back Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  32. Simultaneously plotted Flux data from MDUs on CSA and on ISS from 21 May to 10 June 2001 Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  33. T O C K Cl Comparison of ISS, aircraft dose and NM data Normal to Forbush Ratios On CSA aircraft: N/F=1.29 On ISS: N/F=1.21 Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  34. Future space experiments Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  35. Liulin-ISS Instrument is a part of Russian segment service dosimetric system and will work on ISS for 15 years after the end of 2004 Liulin-ISS, MDU DIMENSIONS: Weight: 229 g incl. 80 g battery Size: 110x80x25 mm Consumption: 84mW Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  36. R3D-B instrument for ESA Biopan-4 facility outside of Foton M1 satellite. On 15 October 2002 it was unsuccessfully launched. The mission will be repeated in 2005 and 2006. The spectrometer is mutually developed with the University in Erlangen, Germany. • Channels • LET spectrometer Biopan-4 Facility After the crash UV-C channel UV-B channel UV-A channel PAR channel R3D-B DIMENSIONS: Weight: 129 g Size: 82x57x25 mm Consumption: 84mW Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  37. The R3D spectrometer is mutually developed with the University in Erlangen, Germany and is expected to be launched first to Russian segment of ISS in 2006 and next to ESA Columbus module in 2008 • Channels • LET spectrometer EXPOSE PAR channel UV-A channel Columbus UV-B channel Flight unit mounted in the EXPOSE facility (May 2003) R3D DIMENSIONS: Weight: 189 g Size: 76x76x36 mm Consumption: 120mW UV-C channel Quick look data analysis panel Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  38. Two more experiments are under development SSD instrument for NASA DSTB (Deep Space Test Bed) mission 2005/2006 Balloon over Antarctica up to 40 km altitude for 2/4 weeks Weight: 120g Size: 76x76x25 mm Consumption: 120mW RADOM instrument for Indian Chandrayaan-1 satellite 2007/2008 Satellite at 100 km over the Moon surface for 2 years Weight: 120g Size: 76x76x25 mm Consumption: 120mW Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  39. Conclusions • Liulin-E094 doses in ISS in May 2001 at altitude about 400 km close correspondent with the data published in the NASA “Spaceflight radiation health program” (Johnson et al., 1993) and with AP8MAX predictions • Comparison of the Liulin-E094 and TEPC doses shows differences, which are in the range of few to 50% in dependence of the differences of their shielding • Liulin-E094 trapped proton anisotropy in SAA is shown by strong differences in the doses and fluxes on ascending and descending parts of orbits for the location of MDU#2 in ISS. The enhanced doses at ascending parts of the orbits are explained by different shielding generated by the different geometry against the predominating eastward drifting protons in SAA region • The analysis of the spectra in the SAA region shows existence of two types of predominating incident radiation inside ISS. In the core of SAA protons are predominating, while at the south-east bound bremstralung, generated by the outside electrons; • Using the Liulin MDUs calibration curves we were able to calculate the incident proton spectra inside of US Lab. Calculated spectra maximum moves from about 100 MeV at low L values toward 50-60 MeV at higher L values. This behavior was approved by simultaneous analysis of the Liulin and TEPC specific doses distribution; • Comparisons of ISS and aircraft data in May-June 2001 shows that the Forbush decreases are observed in similar way at both altitudes. Observed large differences in the average specific dose are associated with different type of particles building the doses at both altitudes. Sofia, 26.10. 2004

  40. Thank you for your attention Sofia, 26.10. 2004

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