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Stephen O’Reilly ICT National Delegate & Contact Point FET National Delegate & Contact Point

Explore the Horizon 2020 program, a European research and innovation initiative focusing on economic growth, societal challenges, and global positioning in ICT. Learn about strategic programming, innovative funding approaches, and key focus areas for maximum impact. Get insights into ICT in Excellent Science, societal challenges, and industrial technologies, with a strong emphasis on sustainability, innovation, and international cooperation. Stay informed about the proposed timeline, opportunities in Future & Emerging Technologies (FET), and Global Systems Science funding. Discover how Horizon 2020 can shape tomorrow's technologies, jobs, and societal well-being through cutting-edge research endeavors.

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Stephen O’Reilly ICT National Delegate & Contact Point FET National Delegate & Contact Point

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  1. Stephen O’Reilly ICT National Delegate & Contact Point FET National Delegate & Contact Point ICT in Horizon 2020 stephen.oreilly@enterprise-ireland.com +353 21 4800217

  2. Overview • Introduction to Horizon 2020 • ICT in Excellent Science • ICT in Societal Challenges • ICT in Industrial Technologies • Rules of Participation

  3. H2020 overview

  4. Horizon 2020 A European Research & Innovation funding programme (2014-20) Part of proposals for next EU budget, complementing Structural Funds, education, etc. A core part of Europe 2020, Innovation Union & European Research Area: Responding to the economic crisis to invest in future jobs and growth Addressing peoples’ concerns about their livelihoods, safety and environment Strengthening the EU’s global position in research, innovation and technology

  5. A single programme (FP7 + CIP + EIT) Strong focus on societal challenges (game changing for ICT…) More innovation Reaching out to non-traditional actors More risk taking Strengthened support for high-tech SMEs More open, light & fast schemes What is new?

  6. A strategic programming approach Work programme preparation based on guidance obtained from a strategic programming exercise To increase impact of the funding, and a more integrated approach Work programmes with a 2 year-duration Leitmotif of the first work programme is the economic crisis and the path to sustainable growth - Horizon 2020 can make a significant contribution to this effort 'key drivers' used to identify areas on which resources and effort will be focused for maximum impact focusing on sustainable competitiveness, innovation and growth; measures to leverage engagement of industry, including SMEs; access to finance; developing new knowledge and contributing to skills; deployment of enabling technologies; measures to address the research and innovation divide; supporting strong partnership with Member States; and strategic approach to international cooperation.

  7. Inputs, consultations and evidence base Connect Advisory Forum, CAF, (3 recommendation reports on WP14-15 orientations): ICT LEIT Innovation dimension + ICT in Societal Challenges ETPs roadmaps Domain-specific consultations (on-line + dedicated meetings) Impact and portfolio analysis Mid-term evaluation FP7

  8. A stronger, clearer focus Excellent Science Industrial leadership Societal challenges

  9. Proposed Timeline

  10. Overview of ICT in Excellent Science

  11. Excellent science World class science is the foundation of tomorrow’s technologies, jobs and wellbeing Europe needs to develop, attract and retain research talent Researchers need access to the best infrastructures Pathfinding Europe’s technological future Bootstrapping new R&I eco-systems Prominent large-scale partnering initiatives

  12. Future & Emerging Technologies (FET)

  13. FET Open: fostering novel ideas 'Open is open': all technologies, no topical scope Bottom-up but targeted – not blue sky research 40% of the FET budget in H2020 (>1B€) An end-to-end light and fast scheme: Deadline free, 1 step submission, 15 page proposal (+ cover page + ethics) 1-stage evaluation (FET specific evaluation criteria) Research and Innovation Actions Coordination and Support actions

  14. FET Open • FETOPEN 1: FET-Open research projects • Long-term vision • Breakthrough S&T target • Foundational • Novelty • High risk • Interdisciplinary Should lead to radically new line of technology or Should kick-start an emerging innovation ecosystem Research & Innovation Actions (100% funding) with grants in the region of €2M - €4M Deadlines: 30/9/14, 31/3/15, 29/9/15 Budget: €154M all characteristics required

  15. FET Open • FETOPEN 2 – Coordination and Support Activities 2014 • FET Observatory (new opportunities / directions) • FET Communication • FET Exchange • FET Conference • FET Prizes • FET Impact a), b), d), e), f) – one project at most ~ €1M for d) ~ €0.3M - €0.5M for a), b), c), e), f) Coordination and Support Actions (100% funding) • Budget: €3M • Deadline: 30/9/2014

  16. FET Open • FETOPEN3 - Coordination and Support Activities 2015 • FET Exchange • FET Take-Up ~ €0.3M - €0.5M per project • Budget: €3M • Deadline: 29/9/2015 • Coordination and Support Actions (100% funding)

  17. FET Proactive in WP2014-15 Three topics are selected for funding in WP2014-15: FETPROACT1: Global Systems Science FETPROACT2: Knowing, doing and being: cognition beyond problem solving FETPROACT3: Quantum simulation Call launch: 11 December 2013 Deadline: 1 April 2014; 15 page proposal (+ cover page + ethics) Budget: €35M (€10M, €15M, €10M) Research & Innovation Actions (100% funding)

  18. Global Systems Science (GSS) The challenge is to improve the way scientific knowledge can stimulate, guide, and help evaluate policy and societal responses to global challenges eg • climate change, financial crisis, Pandemics, global growth of cities. Policy challenges shall be addressed by radically novel tools for producing and delivering scientific knowledge to the policy processes. Some previous Proactive areas of relevance: • Dynamics of Multi-Level Complex Systems • Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT • Fundamentals of Collective Adaptive Systems • FuturICT Flagship Pilot Research & Innovation Actions (100% funding) Budget €10M; projects in the range of €2M - €3M

  19. Knowing, doing, being • New foundations for future robotics and other artificial cognitive systems • Deeper understanding of non-performing aspects of social robotics • Development and interaction in mixed human/technological settings • Improved understanding of the impacts of the technologically enhanced environments on the human behaviour, at the individual and collective levels • Understanding the origins and development of synergies and divides in socio/technical contexts and ways to influence them Research & Innovation Actions (100% funding) Budget €15M; projects in the range of €2M - €4M

  20. Quantum simulation • Address a class of problems beyond the reach of classical computing • Contribute to answering questions in fundamental or applied sciences • e.g.quantum materials science or life sciences • Complementary to ICT LEIT • Nanoelectronics (new computing paradigms like Quantum Computing) • Photonics (sensing…based on quantum optics or technologies) • Cybersecurity (quantum key distribution systems and networks for security) Some previous Proactive areas of relevance: • Quantum ICT • Quantum information foundations and technologies • Quantum information processing and communications Research & Innovation Actions (100% funding) Budget €10M; projects in the range of €2M - €4M

  21. FET Open / Proactive evaluation

  22. Evaluation of FET Open & Proactive

  23. Evaluation Process

  24. High Performance Computing PPP The EC Communication "High-Performance Computing: Europe's place in a global race", adopted 15 Feb 2012, describes an ambitious strategy for HPC, combining three elements: Computer Science: towards exascale High Performance Computing; providing access to the best supercomputing facilities and services for both industry and academia; achieving excellence in HPC applications; Complemented with training, education and skills development in HPC FET RI FET+RI

  25. High Performance Computing FETHPC 1:HPC core Technologies, Programming Environments and Algorithms for Extreme Parallelism and Extreme Data Applications • Addressing the exascale challenges to achieve, by 2020, the full range of technological capabilities for exascale-class HPC systems which are balanced at all levels and validated with significant application drivers • topics: • HPC core technologies and architectures (e.g. processors, memory, interconnect and storage) and their optimal integration into HPC systems, platforms and prototypes • Programming methodologies, environments, languages and tools: new programming models for extreme parallelism and extreme data applications • APIs and systems software for Future Extreme Scale Systems • New mathematical and algorithmic approaches (e.g. ultra-scalable algorithms for extreme scale systems with quantifiable performance for existing or visionary applications) Research & Innovation Actions (100% funding), €93.4M (min 60% for a), small projects (€2M - €4M) for all topics, larger projects (upto €8M for a also) Russian partners in mathematics and algorithms for HPC welcome but unfunded.

  26. High Performance Computing FETHPC 2: HPC Ecosystem Development • To develop a sustainable European HPC Ecosystem • topics: • Coordination of the HPC strategy: coordination of the activities of stakeholders such as ETP4HPC, PRACE, application owners and users (including emerging HPC applications), the European exascale computing research community, the open source HPC community, etc. • Excellence in High Performance Computer Architecture: preparing a virtual distributed European Research Centre in High Performance Computer Architecture Coordination and Support Actions (100% funding) Budget €4M FETHPC 1 & FETHPC 2 deadline: 25 November 2014

  27. FET FlagshipsGraphene & Human Brain Project selected Operational ramp-up phase mid 2013- end 2015 Flagship selection 6 2 end 2012 Preparatory Phase Pilots 05/11 - 04/12 Call for Preparatory Actions 21 6 July 2010 Stimulating ideas & structuring the scientific community 2009 - 2010

  28. Graphene FET Flagship • Graphene, is a 2D material , a single layer of carbon atoms, stronger than diamond, yet lightweight and flexible and an exceptional electricity conductor. • The Graphene Flagship will bring graphene, and related 2D materials, from academic labs to industry, manufacturing and society. • Examples Applications: • electronic paper; bendable smartphones; enhanced solar cells and batteries; lighter and more energy efficient airplanes … • On the longer term, graphene is expected to give rise to new computers and revolutionary medical applications such as artificial retinas. Artistic impression of a corrugated graphene sheetCredit: Jannik Meyer 30 Nokia Morph concept - Credit: Nokia Research Center

  29. The Human Brain Project (HBP) HBP will create the wold's largest experimental facility for developing the most detailed models of the brain (from genes to mind), for studying how the human brain works and ultimately for simulating and developing personalised treatment of brain diseases. • This research lays the scientific and technical foundation for medical progress: identifying new drug targets and treatment, in response to the urgent need to combat brain diseasesand their associated costs to society. • HBP will also produce brain-inspired ‘neuromorphic’ computing systems that could drastically reduce power-consumption for super-computers and enhance robots. 31

  30. FET Flagships implementation • Ramp-up phase (FP7) started 1 Oct 2013 for 30 months (54M€ funding for each Flagship) • Establishing transparency and long-term commitment under Horizon 2020 through Framework Partnership Agreements • Ensuring openness and allowing others to take ownership • call for new partners organised by Flagships during ramp-up phase (autumn 2013; 8-9M€ per flagship)* • association of other projects/initiatives (funded at EU/national/transnational level) • *) Only for new beneficiaries, i.e. organisations which are not part of the existing consortium

  31. FET Flagships implementation • On-going ERA-NET - Coordination of MS support to the Flagships • FLAG-ERA (FP7): 22 National and regional funding organisations and ministries from 17 countries. Starting in synchrony with the 2 core projects for 36 months. Expected outcome • Enhanced complementarities and synergies of regional, national, European and international research programmes and initiatives; • Networking between national funding agencies and creation of a discussion forum for matters of interest related to the two FET Flagships; • Identification of areas that could complement the core projects and that may be subject of future joint calls; • Reduction the fragmentation of the European Research Area (ERA) • A follow-up ERA-NET is foreseen in WP16

  32. FET Flagships in FET WP14-15 (1) • Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) - 2014 • Two Framework Partnership Agreements between the EC and the Flagship partners will be established through a call in 2014 in order to formalise in particular: • the EC long-term commitment to support the Flagships, and • the partners' commitment to establish, maintain and implement the strategic research agenda of each of the Flagships • At later stages, specific grant agreements will be signed, using the modalities set out in the FPA. Initially this will be the follow-up core projects called for in 2015.

  33. FET Flagships in FET WP14-15 (2) Core projects - 2015 The core project should progress FET Flagship research tasks in accordance with the defined roadmap, and also (amongst others) • ensuring the overall continuity and coherence • governance of the initiative • collaboration with other initiatives or programmes at regional, national, transnational or global level (e.g. related ERANET projects) Complementary projects are foreseen in future WPs. Coordination and support actions • Impact analysis • Policy support

  34. FET Flagships in FET WP14-15 (2) • FETFLAG1: Framework Partnership Agreement (no budget) • FETFLAG2: Graphene Core Project (€89M) • FETFLAG3: Human Brain Core Project (€89M) • FETFLAG4: Policy environment (€1.6M) Deadlines:- • FETFLAG1: 10/4/2014 • FETFLAG2: 9/4/2015 • FETFLAG3: 9/4/2015 • FETFLAG4: 10/4/2014

  35. Overview of ICT in Societal Challenges

  36. Societal challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing 2. Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research, and the bioeconomy 3. Secure, clean and efficient energy 4. Smart, green and integrated transport 5. Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials 6. Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies 7. Secure & innovative societies

  37. H2020 Societal Challenges Organisational Configuration

  38. Advancing active and healthy ageing with ICT Service robotics within assisted living environments ICT solutions for independent living with cognitive impairments ICT solutions enabling early risk detection and intervention Integrated, sustainable, citizen-centred care ICT-based approaches for integrated care (beyond current state-of-art in tele-health and tele-care) Self-management of health and disease Public-procurement of innovative eHealth services Improving health information and data exploitation Improving health information and data exploitation Digital representation of health data to improve diagnosis and treatment eHealth interoperability SC1 Health and wellbeing

  39. Energy efficiency / buildings and consumers Public procurement of green data centres New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency through citizens' behavioural change Competitive low-carbon energy / modernising the single European electricity grid Distribution grid and retail market Next generation ICT infrastructure for smart metering and smart grids Smart cities and communities Integration of energy, transport and ICT through lighthouse projects (large scale demonstration) SC3 Energy

  40. Road Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems Connecting people, vehicles, infrastructures and businesses Safe and connected automation in road transport Green vehicles Electric vehicles' enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the electricity grid Smart cities and communities Integration of energy, transport and ICT through lighthouse projects (large scale demonstration) SC4 Smart, green and integrated transport • 20% higher energy efficiency • 10% less traffic congestion • 10% fully electric vehicles in Europe • 30% less road fatalities • 30% less injured persons and an increase • 50% in reliability of transport schedules by 2020

  41. Waste management ICT solutions for waste traceability, waste material flow management Water management Development and deployment of advanced ICT solutions for water resources management in agriculture and urban areas SC5 Climate and resource efficiencyWater and Waste Management

  42. Reflective societies – Cultural Heritage Innovative ecosystems of digital cultural assets Advanced 3D modelling for accessing and understanding European cultural assets New forms of innovation Innovation in the public sector by using emerging ICT technologies ICT-enabled open government Personalised public services M-government Open participation Transparency ICT for learning and inclusion SC6 Inclusive, innovative and reflective society (1)

  43. Digital security: cybersecurity, privacy and trust Protecting our society by providing sustained trust in the usage of ICT and in securing the ICT underlying our digital society Preventing cyber-attacks on any component of the digital society Ensuring freedom and privacy in the digital society, protecting the fundamental values of our society and democratic rights of our citizens in cyberspace Protect the weak in our society from abuses over the internet and giving the user control over his private data Demonstrating the viability and maturity of state-of-the-art security solutions in large scale demonstrators, involving end users SC7 Securing the Digital Society

  44. Highlights on Rules for Participation and instruments

  45. Types of actions supported by grants Research and innovation actions Innovation actions Coordination and support actions SME instrument ERANET Co-fund Pre-commercial procurement Co-fund Public procurement of innovative solutions Co-fund

  46. Simplified Funding Model 1 reimbursement rate by action: Up to 100% for research and innovation actions Up to 70% for innovation and programme co-fund actions (non-profit entities up to 100%) 1 method for calculation of indirect costs: Flat rate of 25% of total direct costs, excluding subcontracting, costs of third parties and financial support to third parties Certificate on financial statements: When cumulated amount ≥ 325,000EUR (actual costs + average personnel costs) To be submitted with the request for payment of balance

  47. SME instrument and Fast Track to Innovation The SME instrument will be a major part of achieving the target of at least 20% of the combined budget of LEIT and Societal Challenges for SMEs.  Initially 5% of LEIT and Societal Challenges budget rising to at least 7% averaged over duration of programme. Fast Track to Innovation pilot - launched in 2015: maximum 5 partners , up to EUR 3 million per project Bottom-up logic Continuously open call with three cut-off dates per year Time to grant not exceeding 6 months Project will not require Programme Committee approval Covering all fields across LEITs and Societal Challenges

  48. SME instrument

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