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Understanding General Interest and Services of General Interest in Different Contexts

This workshop explores the meaning of "general interest" and "services of general interest" in various countries, regions, and cities. It also discusses the concept of quality in social services within different local contexts. Topics include definitions, service domains, actors, national/regional/local particularities, challenges, and elements of quality.

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Understanding General Interest and Services of General Interest in Different Contexts

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  1. TQS Faenza workshop, 5-6 November 2009 Survey: What do the terms 'general interest' and 'services of general interest' mean in different countries, regions and cities? What does quality in social services mean in different (local) contexts? TQS in SSGI

  2. TQS Faenza workshop , 5-6 November 2009 1. « Social Services of General Interest » (1) • no concrete definition of "SSGI" in most member states, regions • however, frequently: basic understanding, in society, on what kind of services should fall into this category • in several cases partially defined and regulated through national and regional legislation TQS in SSGI

  3. TQS Faenza workshop , 5-6 November 2009 1. « Social Services of General Interest » (2) Service domains: • care for elderly, children, disabled; • Social security • social re-integration and prevention, • employment • specific services for orientation on and re-integration into the labour market of disadvantaged persons, • social housing ... Actors: public, private, social private… Health and education are not in every partner territory considered as being “social services (of general interest)”. TQS in SSGI

  4. TQS Faenza workshop , 5-6 November 2009 1. « Social Services of General Interest » (3) More specific definition: • SSGI are based on fundamental rights and principles. • SSGI serve the whole community. • SSGI contribute to social cohesion. TQS in SSGI

  5. TQS Faenza workshop , 5-6 November 2009 1. « Social Services of General Interest » (4) National/regional/local particularities: - Italy: Law 328 "Framework law for the realization of an integrated system of social interventions and services"  Community perspective - Sweden: term ‘SSGI’ not used for long term care, social integration and labour market - Definition of Social Services of General interest vs. Services of general interest (energy, transport, telecommunications...) TQS in SSGI

  6. TQS Faenza workshop , 5-6 November 2009 2. « General Interest » (1) Fuzzy term for many, but identification of general principles: • Respect of fundamental rights/human dignity • Accessibility • Equality • Impartiality • Equity • Universality • Reciprocity • Transparence • Participation, • Efficiency... TQS in SSGI

  7. TQS Faenza workshop , 5-6 November 2009 2. « General Interest » (2) Specific issues raised: • General interest=Accessibility (as a precondition for quality)  co-programming processes needed to define criteria of access • How to combine person-centred services (EC) with social utility, social cohesion? • General interest and the role of the state - the principle of subsidiarity (vertical and horizontal subsidiarity) TQS in SSGI

  8. TQS Faenza workshop , 5-6 November 2009 3. Challenges regarding SSGI and theirquality (1) Socio-economic situation to be dealt with: • demographic changes (elderly, children ...) - crisis of traditional family model - question long-term care • increase of migrant population • increase of people with disabilities acquired at different stages of their life • increasing number of youngsters in difficult situations • unemployment and working poor … TQS in SSGI

  9. TQS Faenza workshop , 5-6 November 2009 3. Challenges regarding SSGI and theirquality (2) Challenges linked to the current system of service provision: • sustainability of existing systems of service provision/costs/appropriate allocation of resources • role of social economy and the non-profit sector/missing level playing field of public and (social) private actors • problems linked to (EU) procurement regulations: advantages for larger (private) structures; focus too much on price than on quality/characteristics of providers … TQS in SSGI

  10. TQS Faenza workshop , 5-6 November 2009 3. Challenges regarding SSGI and theirquality (3) Possible solutions and necessaryimprovements: - enhancing participative planning/implementation/evaluation • person-centred interventions/ empowerment • cost-sharing • networking • coordination between different actors in the social and health sector • diversification of the service offer… TQS in SSGI

  11. TQS Faenza workshop , 5-6 November 2009 4. Elements of quality (1) Situation today: • Focus on (lowest) price • Focus on general management procedures and certification TQS in SSGI

  12. TQS Faenza workshop , 5-6 November 2009 4. Elements of quality (2) « Shouldbe »: Beneficiaries • Accessibility • Diversity of responses to citizens’ needs • Beneficiaries to be considered not as an object of care, but as promoters and protagonists of the respective project (empowerment, autonomy, elimination of the need instead of assistance-based service provision) • Joint definition and evaluation of quality by service users, families, service providers, their staff and other stakeholders TQS in SSGI

  13. TQS Faenza workshop , 5-6 November 2009 4. Elements of quality (3) Staff/internal processes: - Improvement of work conditions - Training/(social) competences of staff - Participatory management - Equipment and premises TQS in SSGI

  14. TQS Faenza workshop , 5-6 November 2009 4. Elements of quality (4) Processes/procedures: - Capacity to identify (changing) needs of citizens - Activation of better governance and participation processes involving stakeholders and target groups - Reduction of bureaucracy and of the time needed to respond to requests of the citizens - Traceability of actions • Appropriate monitoring and evaluation • Instruments to value the quality of processes as such (beyond quantitative assessment) • Combining research and action TQS in SSGI

  15. TQS Faenza workshop , 5-6 November 2009 4. Elements of quality (5) The local community - Solidarity - Networking/coordination (high integration of different services and bodies that concern an individual project)/horizontal subsidiarity TQS in SSGI

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