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Writing Kansas Women back into history

Attachment 2 to Kansas Bulletin 230-10-12 dated 4/23/10. Writing Kansas Women back into history. Jill Pfannenstiel Federal Women’s Program Manager jill.pfannenstiel@ks.usda.gov March 2010. A walk through history.

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Writing Kansas Women back into history

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  1. Attachment 2 to Kansas Bulletin 230-10-12 dated 4/23/10 Writing Kansas Women back into history Jill Pfannenstiel Federal Women’s Program Manager jill.pfannenstiel@ks.usda.gov March 2010

  2. A walk through history • March 1864, two years after the creation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the commissioner received authority to employ women as clerks. • By 1891, there were 169 women in the USDA, which was roughly 12 percent of the employees.

  3. A walk through history • Most of the women in the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) during the 30’s and 40’s were in the secretarial and clerical fields; however, there were some women in the sciences and technical specialties. The first conservation plan was initiated in 1938 by a woman in South Carolina.

  4. A look at Fiscal year (FY) 2009 • FY 2009 - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) had 11,187 employees • 7,475 were male (66.82%) • 3,712 were female (33.18%) • FY 2009 - Kansas NRCS had 336 employees • 255 were male (75.89%) • 81 were female (24.11%) • Women are now employed in the science, technical, secretarial, and administrative fields. Source: MD-715 report

  5. Let’s meet some women who work for nrcs in kansas

  6. Years of Service from those who responded The total federal service of the 16 who responded added up to 280.5 years!

  7. Wynea buford Wynea started in the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) as a soil conservationist in Oklahoma. She relocated to Utah, then Arkansas, and is currently located in Fort Scott as the district conservationist (DC). Best part of her job: Meeting producers and hearing their story. You can learn a lot about a person and their operation by just listening to them. Advice for others: Have a mentor you trust and always ask questions. Always read bulletins yourself, do not rely on others to tell you what you need to do.

  8. Deanne Feltes Rhonda sulsar • Deanna is the budget analyst at the State Office (SO). She has also worked at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Army Reserve, Internal Revenue Service, and an electric and natural gas utility. • Best part of her job: Working with such wonderful people! • Most memorable moment: Having my one year anniversary with NRCS coincide with completion of five months of chemotherapy treatment. • Advice for others: Make short term and long term goals that will take you along in your career and give you options. • Rhonda began her career at McConnell Air Force Base as a GS-2, clerk typist. She has worked her way up to her current position as the state administrative officer. • Advice for others: Enjoy yourself. Do the best job you can – take advantage of career opportunities when they come along. Remember that the agency does not owe you anything. You must work to ensure that you have the qualifications needed to advance to the job you desire and then, if you are not mobile, be patient until the opportunity presents itself. If it doesn’t work out, still ENJOY yourself.

  9. Kindra adams Kindra works at the Garden City Field Office (FO) as a soil conservation technician. Her biggest challenge in working with NRCS is meeting the education requirements to be upwardly mobile. Most memorable moment: When I started my first day on the job on the first day of the Conservation Stewardship Program 2005 sign-up.

  10. Tracey martin Toni flax • Tracey is an office automation assistant at the SO. She started as a WAE (When Actually Employed) in Colby. • Memorable moment: The day I received an award for something I really enjoy doing anyway. • Best part of her job: Talking to others, whether it be visitors or employees from other offices or states. It’s interesting to hear what other people think about our organization and also to learn about the things that they do. • Advice for others: Do something you enjoy doing and don’t worry about the rest. • Toni is a multi-county rangeland management specialist located in the Stockton FO. She started as an Earth Team (ET) volunteer. • Best part of her job: Spending lots of time outdoors in some of the most beautiful places in Kansas. I also enjoy working with producers and seeing a project come together in which the producer is happy, sees the value in what was done, and the plans continue instead of just going back to the way they had always done things. I also enjoy working with the youth.

  11. Darla juhl Darla has 23 years of service and she is currently a resource conservation and development (RC&D) coordinator for the Solomon Valley RC&D. She started as a WAE and volunteer at the Kearney, Nebraska, field office. She has been in Kansas since 2004. The best part of her job is seeing the look of appreciation on the face of a sponsor after their project has been completed. Advice for others: Do your best. Finish what you start. Don’t give up.

  12. Delores eberle Barb coonrod • Barb is the SCT in the Hays FO. She started as a part-time district secretary/manager. • Memorable moment: When I got the letter in the mail with my official job rating. • Best part of her job: She really enjoys working with producers. They are all so different, she finds that she can learn from them while trying to help with their resource concerns. • Advice for others: Don’t hesitate to apply for jobs and new careers in fields you have never considered before. Keep your options open. • Delores is the SCT in Cimarron. She has been in Cimarron for her whole career. • Memorable moment: Being awarded outstanding ET NRCS employee this past year. • Best part of her job: Going to the field and meeting with producers. She also loves seeing conservation being put on the land. • Advice for others: Accept the challenges that the job throws your way. Never give up, because things will continue to get better each and every day.

  13. Joní franklin Joni is the natural resource manager on the Programs Staff at the SO. Memorable moment: Working at a natural resources youth camp in Cor’de Lane, Idaho. I worked with several students from Washington and Idaho teaching about natural resources. Camp was awesome and NRCS afforded me that opportunity. Advice for others: Outline your personal and career goals and see how the agency can help you get there. NRCS has so many opportunities for each employee and I wish that all would be brave enough to seize the opportunities that exist.

  14. Shawna carter Xiomara eaves • Xiomara is a resource conservationist at the SO. • Memorable moment: When I became a soil conservationist in an office where the DC was willing to teach me the skills I needed as an NRCS employee in the field. • Advice for others: Go in determined to beat the odds. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. If they do, take it as a challenge for yourself to prove them wrong. Don’t enter into anything with a chip on your shoulder. You will only make life more difficult. • Shawna is secretary on the Administrative Staff at the SO. She came to NRCS after working for 17 years in the medical community and 10 years in a financial institution. • Best part of her job: Exceeding peoples expectations. • Advice for others: Under promise, over deliver.

  15. Jan Klaus • Jan is the office assistant in the Hays Area Office. She first started working for Farmers Home Administration and then Rural Development before joining NRCS. • Best part of her job: Working with the wonderful people within NRCS and meeting new ones along the way. Advice for others:Enjoy your career, whatever path you choose. Change what you can and make the best of your opportunities. The ride goes way too fast so live each day to the fullest and give it your best everyday.

  16. Karen churchman • Karen started working for the agency on April 20, 1970, as a receptionist. She then moved to accounts maintenance clerk, clerk-stenographer to the state resource conservationist, and then accounting technician. In July of 1994 she achieved her goal of becoming the secretary to the state conservationist (STC). • Most memorable moment: When I became secretary to the STC. • Karen has 41.5 years of service with the agency and will retire April 23, 2010. CONGRATS AND BEST WISHES TO KAREN! Advice for others: Find an agency you want to work for and give 110% every day.

  17. Some “firsts” for Kansas Joan Gienger was the first female to hold the position of DC in Kansas. She is now in her 32nd year and works in the St. Francis FO. Her daughter, Jody Gienger, is the first female to hold the position of soil scientist in Kansas. She has 5 ½ years of employment with NRCS. Jody is on the Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) Staff at the SO in Salina. Please see the attached document to read more on their story.

  18. "The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer."

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