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Additional Resources: 1. Astronomy Keyword list 2. Astronomy Phonics

Astronomy. Additional Resources: 1. Astronomy Keyword list 2. Astronomy Phonics. Astronomy.

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Additional Resources: 1. Astronomy Keyword list 2. Astronomy Phonics

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  1. Astronomy Additional Resources:1. Astronomy Keyword list2. Astronomy Phonics Astronomy

  2. We find ourselves back on planet Earth …..but all knowledge of this planet seems to be lost.Help us, Skywalker, you are our only hope……We need to investigate and submit a non-chronological report. Young SkywalkerThe future of this planet rests in your hands You will have help of course.Listen carefully to your teacher as you will learn about a different topic each lesson.Record all your work in your book. Write down extra information if you can.You will need to present your book to the Intergalactic council at the end.We are really counting on you to produce a quality report! Do you remember what a non-chronological report is like?*Headings and sub-headings*General introduction*Clearly labelled diagrams often used*Use paragraphs when describing different things*Present tense*Third person*Technical words Clear presentation ****** Astronomy – Introduction to Lesson 1 Slide 1 of 7

  3. For your first task:Introduce your report. We need some generalinformation about the Solar System: 1. How far are we from that sun … and is it our only sun? 2. At night, how many moons will appear in the sky – and can we live on any of them? 3. What about other planets? Are there any other planets around? 4. Have you got any questions young Skywalker that you feel would be useful for us? ****** Preparation: *Print handouts * Astronomy – Lesson 1 Slide 2 of 7

  4. Date: __________ Introduction to our Solar System Can you guess the size of the Sun, Earth and Moon when compared to each other? If you know that 109 Earths fit across the sun and 4 moons fit across the Earth, could you draw their size in proportion to each other? Sun, Earth and Moon Basic facts: Sun Earth and Moon Comparative size of Earth and Moon – scroll down a bit Comparative size of Earth and Sun – look carefully for the Earth!! **** Astronomy – Lesson 1 – Slide 3 of 7

  5. Date: __________ Introduction to our Solar System What about the other planets in this Solar System? Solar System: The Planets – Both of these sites have good information on planets when Science Monster: The Planets you click on them. Good for individual research too. National Geographic - Solar System (Need to download the Virtual Reality plugin) Solar System movement: Inner planets revolving around the sun To think about all of this in proportion: Comparative size and distance of Sun and Planets – Be prepared to scroll a lot – planets are far apart!! **** Astronomy – Lesson 1 – Slide 4 of 7

  6. Date: __________ Introduction to our Solar System Can you think of a mnemonic to remember the names of the planets in order? Astronomy – Lesson 1 – Slide 5 of 7

  7. Date: __________ Introduction to our Solar System YOUR TASK Write an introduction about the Solar System Astronomy – Lesson 1 – Slide 6 of 7

  8. Skywalker we have been waiting for your introduction 1. How far are we from that sun … and is it our only sun? 2. At night, how many moons will appear in the sky – and can we live on any of them? 3. What about other planets? Are there any other planets around? 4. Have you got any questions young Skywalker that you feel would be useful for us? ****** Astronomy – Lesson 1 Slide 7 of 7

  9. For your second task Skywalker, you need to find out about this spherical, rotating Earth. 1. How long are the days and nights? 2. How long are the years? 3. We also want to know if you can find out something about the horizonthat we can see. ****** Astronomy – Lesson 2 Slide 1 of 7

  10. Date: __________ How do we know the Earth is round and rotates? Thinking about the moving rotating Earth from Earth:Because Earth is round, and it rotes we see the sun rise and set on the horizon. Investigate the horizon by comparing the movement of a paper ship on a flat table, and on a curved surface.Our Horizon – worksheet (if some guidance is needed)How does a spherical Earth affect what we can see far away? ***** Astronomy – Lesson 2 – Slide 2 of 2

  11. Date: __________ How do we know the Earth is round and rotates? Thinking about the moving, rotating Earth, in SpaceBBC: Motion of Earth Sun and Moon Other View of stars in the night sky for a year Moving night sky over Boston ***** Astronomy – Lesson 2 – Slide 2 of 2

  12. Date: __________ How do we know the Earth is Round and Rotates? YOUR TASK To describe the effects of living on a spherical, rotating, orbiting Earth Astronomy – Lesson 1 – Slide 6 of 7

  13. Your fourth task Luke. The sun seems to move in the sky.Perhaps this can help us • Our technical equipment is broken.Can we use shadows to help us work out times of the day? 2. Can we use shadows to help us with directions as our compasses don’t seem to be working either? 3. Are shadows the same everywhere on Earth? 4. Have you got any questions young Luke? ****** Preparation: *Print handouts *Practical equipment: -blue tac -strong torch -model / blue tac and torch for every student - important *Coloured chalks and a sunny day, if you want to go out and trace shadows Astronomy – Lesson 4 – Shadows and compass directions – Slide 1 of 4

  14. Date: __________ LI: To investigate shadows and compass directions Can you name the compass directions?Remember – the Sun does not move – it only appears to move in relation to us Use your torch and model:Put your model on the table and move the torch: -begin peeping over one side of the table (sunrise) -move it over your model (mid day) -then away on the other side of the table (sunset)Examine your shadows and think about why the shadow changes. Astronomy – Lesson 4 – Shadows and compass directions – Slide 2 of 4

  15. Date: __________ LI: To investigate shadows and compass directions ________________________________ Astronomy – Lesson 4 – Shadows and compass directions – Slide 3 of 4

  16. Date: __________ LI: To investigate shadows and compass directions ACTIVITY:*Some can use models and a torch and copy shadows into books*Others can do am, mid-day and pm shadows*Can extension children do the activity twice and show how Winter and Summer shadows differ? Extras: What happens in Winter? Shadows from different shapes Exploratorium: Make a sun clock Astronomy – Lesson 4 – Shadows and compass directions – Slide 4 of 4

  17. Luke, what are your findings: 1. Can shadows be used to help determine times of the day? 2. Can shadows be used to help find direction? 3. How do shadows differ on different parts of the Earth? ****** Astronomy – Lesson 4 – Shadows and compass directions – Slide 1 of 3

  18. Luke, at present we seem to be in mild weather.Will it always be like that here? • Are there different seasons here?Do they each have special names? 2. What are each of the seasons like? 3. What months are each season in? Is it different in the Southern hemisphere?Why? 4. Have you got any questions young Luke? ****** Preparation: *Print handouts *Laminated seasons *Practical equipment: -balls -torches Astronomy – Lesson 5 - Weather and Seasons – Slide 1 of 4

  19. Date: __________ LI: To investigate weather and seasons Weather and seasonsEarth’s orbit around the sun - animatedInteractive Applet showing how much sun we get each monthReasons for the seasons: Diagram with solstice dates To investigate:Use a torch (or overhead light) to demonstrate how the sun’s rays are affected by tilt.(A real globe is good, but any ball will do) Extension questions:How do seasons in each hemisphere vary?What do you think happens to seasons in the tropics?What do you think Summer and Winter sun looks like in the sky? To Print:Enchanted Learning: A tree demonstrating seasons Summer, Spring, Autumn, Winter Astronomy – Lesson 5 - Weather and Seasons – Slide 2 of 4

  20. Date: __________ LI: To investigate weather and seasons ACTIVITY:Divide your page into 4.Use the information you have learned, and the seasons cards to draw the four seasons.Include the months*Some children could use the printed tree for support*Extension children can include any solstice dates they can remember Approximate months: January February March April May June July August September October November December **** Astronomy – Lesson 5 - Weather and Seasons – Slide 3 of 4

  21. Ah Skywalker, we have been waiting patiently.We want a short report of your findings: 1. Name the seasons, in the correct order 2. Describe each season 3. Briefly explain the months of each season.Is this the same in the Southern hemisphere? Why? ****** Astronomy – Lesson 5 Weather and Seasons – Slide 4 of 4

  22. Young Luke Skywalkerwe have called you back because we are pleased with your findings.Our last request is for you to investigate this strange moon in the sky. Why does it change shape Skywalker? Why does is it in different places in the sky, Skywalker? We need to know when it will be a full, bright moon again as this gives us light to work at night …… hmmmm ….and talking about light Skywalker. What makes the moon so bright?Is there a large glow worm colony on the moon Skywalker????? I wonder if they would be nutritious enough to eat??? Preparation: *Print handouts *Print self-assessment sheets *Stick two half bowls together (dark and light for the moon) ****** Astronomy – Lesson 6 Phases of the Moon– Slide 1 of 5

  23. Date: __________ LI: To investigate phases of the moon Demonstrate the movement of the moon around the Earth Why does the appearance of the moon change? List key words about moon phases: Astronomy – Lesson 6 Phases of the Moon– Slide 2 of 5

  24. Date: __________ LI: To investigate phases of the moon Phases of the MoonRealistic view of the Moon Watch how the shadow causes phases of the moonRealistic view (again)Animated Moon Phases – top and side viewAnimated Moon Phases – top and side view with stop optionsACTIVITY:Luke, use what you have learned to draw a phases of the moon cycle to present to the council.You might like to use these diagrams of the moon: Additional support – moon phase template What about where the moon is now? Calendar of current moon phases Astronomy – Lesson 6 Phases of the Moon– Slide 3 of 5

  25. Date: __________ LI: To investigate phases of the moon Just for fun: View of the Earth from the moon - Note the shadows and apparent shape of the Earth. - Why? View of Earth and Moon from Space – Where would the Sun be? - Why? Lunar eclipse: So what is a lunar eclipse and how does it happen? Astronomy – Lesson 6 Phases of the Moon– Slide 4 of 5

  26. So what have you learned Skywalker? Why does the moon appear to change its shape? Why do we see the moon in different places in the night sky? How long does it take for the moon to rotate once around the earth?How long between every full moon?How long between every crescent moon?Most important, Luke, do you remember when the next full moon will be? Why is the moon bright?Are there any glow worms on it to eat?… well then, perhaps green cheese? ****** Astronomy – Lesson 6 Phases of the Moon– Slide 5 of 5

  27. Thank you Skywalker ......... You have taught us much Astronomy assessment sheet Astronomy

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