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Public Financial Management Tanzania

Public Financial Management Tanzania. Presentation to HoCs. Introduction to PFMRPIV. 5 year program with a total volume of TSH 175 billion (EUR 87,5 Mio) Budget for 2014/15 is appr. TSH 49 billion (EUR 22.7 Mio)

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Public Financial Management Tanzania

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  1. Public Financial Management Tanzania Presentation to HoCs

  2. Introduction to PFMRPIV • 5 year program with a total volume of TSH 175 billion (EUR 87,5 Mio) • Budget for 2014/15 is appr. TSH 49 billion (EUR 22.7 Mio) • DFID, Canada, Ireland, Denmark and Germany are basket funders at the moment; others have indicated possible commitments for next FY

  3. PMFRPIV • Main goal for the programme is • Fiscal sustainability and balance in the public economy, • restructuring and reallocations for growth and poverty, and • improved public sector performance. • building on PEFA assessment and other analysis

  4. 6 Key Result Areas (KRAs) • Revenue Management • Budgeting and Planning • Budget Execution • Budget Control and Oversight • Change Management and Program Management • New KRA from 2014-15: PFM reform Support to RAs and LGAs

  5. PFM and Service Delivery • PFM is fundamental to quality of service delivery • Quality of budgeting impacts on financing of sector priorities • Procurement ensures value for money and affects execution of the budget • Revenue management impacts on allocation of funds to sectors • Internal control is necessary to manage fiduciary risk • External audit follow-up impacts on effectiveness on use of funds

  6. Achievements • What has the PFMRP achieved so far? (does not need to be very detailed – this is more about a qualitative assessment on how the DP group views the progress of the reform programme thus far, maybe some highlights can be mentioned) • 3. Current status and outlook for coming year(s)

  7. Revenue Management

  8. Major achievements - Support through PFMRP • Development of tax related legislation – VAT Act, Tax Administration Act • Non-tax revenue enhancement • Revenue management improvement in LGAs • Strenghtened oversight of PA & Obs (TR)

  9. Budgeting and Planning

  10. Budgeting and Planning - Support through PFMRP • Addressing some of the underlying causes of weak budget credibility - monitoring of arrears, better planning, cashflow management; • Improving budget documentation and budget transparency including in-year reports; • Support for training staff on programme-based budgeting.

  11. Budget Execution

  12. Budget Execution - Support through PFMRP • Local IFMIS roll-out to new Regions and new LGAs • Capacity building on cash management • Support to establish a debt management office • Institutional capacity building for PPRA and PPD • Support for transition to accrual basis of accounting

  13. Budget Control and Oversight

  14. Budget Control and Oversight Support through PFMRP • Capacity building support to IAG • Support NAOT for improved capacity and infrastructure • Support for improving capacity of Treasury Registrar

  15. Change Management • Effective rollout of EPICOR to LGAs has helped strengthen internal controls and financial reporting • Inter-governmental Fund Transfer study completed and action plan developed • Delay in the completion of ICT mapping study

  16. KRA 6 – PFM Support to RAs & LGAs DFID commitment of £5 million - £3.5 million as basket funding through PFMRP and £1.5 million as technical assistance over a three year period Regional Administration will be the key entry points for the programme – 10 regions will be supported with outreach to 62 LGAs (60% of budget) Additional support to PMO-RALG, Budget Division, Planning, ACCGEN, IAGD, PPRA (40% of budget) 9 areas of technical PFM reforms - covering resource allocation, budget execution and oversight & accountability Technical assistance to be sourced by DFID – to be placed in Regions and PMO-RALG

  17. PFM has made tangible progress – also confirmed in the PEFA 2013 • Several non-technical factors impede progress, most of which are beyond the control of MoF and for HoCs to consider to bring to high level dialogue: (a) Budget Credibility • Due to a host of underlying factors – Budget not being realistic, cash rationing, accumulation of arrears etc • PFMRP is engaging on all these issues – but high level ownership is required (b) Legislative Reforms • A number of legislations are pending – VAT Act, Tax Administration Act, amendments to Public Finance Act, Local Government Finance Act, new Loans and Guarantees Act, Treasury Registrar Act etc. (c) Debt Sustainability & Fiscal Risk • Pending institutional set up of the Debt Management Office • Weak monitoring of fiscal risk posed by PA&OBs; role of the Treasury Registrar will be critical

  18. UP3 Assessment • UP3 was assessed as green in November 2013 • Continued to be assessed as green in March • Closer dialogue on PFM between PFMDPG and GBS HoC level

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