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Strengthening Public Financial Management Project

Strengthening Public Financial Management Project. Component 1: Implementation of Treasury Single Account : Issues & Challenges Dec 26,2013. Outline of Presentation. Implementation Status Implementation Issues Way Forward Current affairs. Implementation Status.

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Strengthening Public Financial Management Project

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  1. Strengthening Public Financial Management Project Component 1: Implementation of Treasury Single Account : Issues & Challenges Dec 26,2013

  2. Outline of Presentation • Implementation Status • Implementation Issues • Way Forward • Current affairs

  3. Implementation Status • Rolled out in all 75 DTCOs • 4500 SUs have been captured under TSA • Approximately 1050 of DTCO Staffs have been involved in operation of the system • Approximately 13,717 Spending Units' Bank Accounts have been closed

  4. contd... • More than 560 DTCO staffs have been trained separately for IT based TSA-DECS system • Daily Budgetary position (Receipts & Payments) • Information on monthly cash requirement • Approximately 6,872 employees including office chiefs, accounts chiefs, and bank & DTCOs staffs have been oriented.

  5. contd... • All Districts have been connected with FCGO through online system (optical fiber-53,ADSL system of NTC) • Basic hardware facilities have been in place in DTCOs. • High configured Data Center (DC) and Data Recovery (DR) Center have been established in the center with satisfactory power back up system

  6. Implementation Issues • Instability of Hardware Facility - Central Server, Connectivity, Power Supply, Other hardware accessories • Issue of High level IT Personnel • Other public sectors' data are not captured -Local bodies, University Grant Commission, Poverty Eradication Fund, Peace Fund etc. • Various Government's accounts (non freezable) are out of the system

  7. contd... • Prioritization and Implementation of activities for enhancing IT system -Strengthening Networking system, Power Back up System, Establishment of Monitoring Mechanism etc.

  8. Way Forward • Sustainability and Maintenance of the System - IT support :Personnel, hardware and software - Operating cost - TSA /DECS training for DTCO staffs - Technical training on accounting, cash management , exp. and revenue controls for DTCO & Ministry level accountants

  9. contd... • Capacity building for FCGO/DTCO middle level managers - exposure visit(experience sharing) & third country training: Financial management, Internal audit, treasury control etc. • Upgrading FMIS -central system -commitment accounting

  10. contd... • Full functionality of TSA - Investment (Share & Loan) to SoEs are not under the system - Daily Treasury Position - e-payment

  11. Current affairs • Monitoring of 60 Districts is going on • TSA Incentive • Review of TSA Nirdesika • Review of Kha 6 Khata • Central Revenue Software

  12. Suggestions Please !

  13. Thanks !

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