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State Project Office Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission Chhattisgarh. VISION-2020. Targets-Vision 2020. Schools in easy access to all children Schools with all required facilities & infrastructure Curriculum addressing to the specific needs of the region
State Project Office Rajiv Gandhi Shiksha Mission Chhattisgarh VISION-2020
Targets-Vision 2020 • Schools in easy access to all children • Schools with all required facilities & infrastructure • Curriculum addressing to the specific needs of the region • Well equipped Academic Resource Centres to enhance quality • Well qualified, motivated & committed teachers with opportunities for professional development • Facilitate a mechanism by which educational facilities are provided to poor at the lowest cost • Encourage private sector for providing support in Education
Mission Statement Mission Statement of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan: • All children in school, Education Guarantee Centre, Alternative School, Back to School Camp • All Children complete five years of Primary Schooling • All children complete eight years of Elementary Schooling • Focus on elementary education of satisfactory quality • Bridge all Gender & Social category gaps • Universal Retention
Mission Statementon Quality: All children, including girls, dalits, tribals, differently abled children, in community managed schools or public funded autonomous schools with motivated, well trained teachers receiving constant academic support, adequate facilities, learning for life, through local context, at their own pace, by doing & by observation, mastering the natural environment, innovating, exploring without alienating from their social contexts.
EFA Goals • Expanding & improving comprehensive early childhood care & education, especially for the most vulnerable & disadvantaged children. • Ensuring that by 2015, all children, particularly girls, children in difficult circumstances & those belonging to ethnic minorities, have access to complete free & compulsory primary education of good quality. • Ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life skills programmes.
EFA Goals • Achieving a 50 percent improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2015, especially for women and equitable access to basic and continuing education for ass adults. • Eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005, and achieving gender equality in education by 2015, with a focus on ensuring girls’ full and equal access to and achievement in basic education of good quality. • Improving every aspect of quality of education and ensuring excellence so that recognized and measurable learning outcomes are achieved by all, especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills.
Progress towards achieving Education for All (EFA) is measured through an EFA Development Index (EDI), which is taken as the arithmetical mean of the following four indices: • Net Enrolment Ratio (NER) in Primary Education, • Adult Literacy Rate (for population in 15+ age group) • Gender specific EFA Index, or GEI (i.e. average of ratios of female enrolment rates, or ERs, for Elementary & Secondary stages, to respective male ERs, & ratio of female literacy to male literacy rate) • Survival Rate to Grade V.
Ideal value of each of the above indices is 1. The above figures therefore give you a good idea of the areas requiring special attention in your district. Needless to say, our attention needs to be focused, first & foremost, on the most proximate target, viz. of eliminating gender disparity in primary & secondary education by 2005. • Districts would be able to make the transition from “low EDI” to “medium EDI” (& eventually to “High EDI”) category only if every district make intensive & concerted efforts for making rapid progress towards EFA goals.
Transition from “low EDI” to “medium EDI” & eventually to “High EDI” requires the department to have an effective coordination mechanism among: • Women & Child Care • Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan • SCERT • Literacy Mission • Labour department • Mid-day Meal Schemes • NPEGEL • Employment programmes • DIETs to assure quality in schools • Block & Cluster Resource Centres • Community Organizations & NGOs
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan will contribute its share in achieving the Goals of Education For All by: • Support to ECE Centres under Innovation Head • Priority in Opening of schools in backward areas • Special Programmes for the education of Girls • Innovative strategies for out of school children • Strengthening of Madarsas • Appointing local teachers to fix accountability • Special inputs for differently abled children
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan will contribute its share in achieving the Goals of Education For All by: • Strengthening of Resource Centres & Monitoring systems • Life Skills education in schools • Programmes for improving teacher capacity-quantitative & qualitative aspects • Status of availability of textbooks & TLM with each students • Steps to upgrade the quality of academic inputs available for teachers & learners • Steps to involve the community & introduce decentralization
The design of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan broadly encompasses the following inter-related & mutually reinforcing areas: • Building community support to primary education through institutions like VECs, SMCs, VNS & setting the proceses such as mobilization, awareness, micro-planning & training of the functionaries of VECs, SMCs etc. • Enhancing school effectiveness in terms of its reach (enrolment), grasp (retention), classroom transaction & learning achievements. • Alternative systems to reach out to those who would be still left in spite of all efforts to enhance school effectiveness.
The design of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan broadly encompasses the following inter-related & mutually reinforcing areas: • Convergence of ECCE, primary schooling & health. • Programmes & processes with a focus on girls, SCs & STs. • Building institutional infrastructure for action research, training & academic supervision through augmenting/ networking/ networking/ setting up of institutions at the national, state, district & block level.
Action Plan Support to Women & Child Development Department Opening Schools as per requirement Providing facilities to improve quality Opportunities for continuous training Strong academic monitoring mechanisms Seeking support from external agencies
Action Plan Implementing Program for Local Support in Schools (PLUS) Decentralized management of schools Proper use of ICT in Education Linking education with life skills Improving the quality of Mid-day Meals
Our Government will include responsible and accountable stakeholders who are committed to democratic, representative and participative action, through creating equal opportunity with mutual respect, recognition and individual value guided by transparency and honesty in all relationships, leading to continuous improvement and openness to change. Vision-Chhattisgarh
Vision-Chhattisgarh The School Education Department commits to provide a challenging, enriching and purposeful learning environment on a sustained basis on the belief that this engages students in maximum learning. Holistic, value based self-development through nurturing life skills will be the nucleus of this affirmative learning environment.
Vision-Chhattisgarh We will use Technology to create a self- governing and learning society that is aware of its rights, duties and responsibilities, resulting in a secure and comfortable life, with plenty of time for self-exploration, growth, development and leisure.