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Understanding Physics: Exploring the Big Picture of the Natural World

Delve into the scope of physics, from physical phenomena to teaching strategies. Discuss key concepts, historical revolutions, and effective teaching methods for an engaging learning experience. Uncover the essence of physics through interactive exercises and compelling discussions.

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Understanding Physics: Exploring the Big Picture of the Natural World

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  1. Teaching physics: the big picture

  2. Learning outcomes describe the scope of physics: physical phenomena across many orders of magnitude in time and space appreciate that similar (physical & mathematical) models can be used to explain very different phenomena discuss the nature of effective physics teaching, drawing on both education research and classroom experience recognise the importance of conveying the nature of physics (‘fundamentals’) to learners be able to use index notation for numbers very small or large

  3. the nature of physics

  4. What is physics? In pairs Consider some examples. Work towards a definition. – e.g. aims, procedures, key concepts or relationships Plenary compare ideas.

  5. Ways of thinking about physics • an eclectic range of subjects (including e.g. mechanics, heat, waves, sound, optics), historically brought together under a single name • an experimental science concerned with ‘the extension of the human sensory-motor arrangement’ (JD Bernal) • science that models physical phenomena with a coherent set of abstract concepts – particles, radiation and fields. • science of the fundamental building blocks of matter and interactions– reductionist view: ‘physics underpins all sciences’

  6. Space & time exercise based on Roger Blin-Stoyle (1997) Eureka:Physics of Particles, Matter and the Universe. IOP Publishing Each group needs: A3 sheets of blank paper, pencil

  7. Understanding the natural world:5 revolutions ancient Greeks introduce mathematical reasoning (e.g. Euclid, Archimedes ~ 300 BC) Galileo and Newton (17th C) – explain motion of solid bodies in terms of forces between their constituent particles Faraday and Maxwell (19th C) – continuous fields, as real as particles, pervade space Einstein (20th C) – space-time, speed of light and gravity (‘relativity theory’) Einstein et al (20th C) – wave-particle interactions between matter and radiation (‘quantum theory’)

  8. The Institute of Physics Unifying ideas in physics Thematic ideas The endeavour of physics (thinking like a physicist)

  9. Richard Feynman Nobel Prize in Physics, 1965 1981 Horizon programme, The pleasure of finding things out

  10. effective physics teaching

  11. In the science classroom • What key factors can lead to student success • … or difficulties?

  12. ‘Constructing entities’ ‘As teachers’ skills develop, they learn a range of different ways of representing and formulating ideas in science which make them comprehensible to students.’ (J Ogborn et al (1996) Explaining science in the classroom

  13. Analogy and metaphor Consider their roles in • science • science education, generally • physics education

  14. Fossils of old thoughts In each case, what’s the origin of the term? • electrical ‘charge’ • thermal ‘conduction’ • heat sink • anode, cathode and ion • symbol I for electric current • “To become acquainted with words in their full significance is to know much about the things that they represent and about thoughts which other people have had.” Clive Sutton (1992)

  15. Figuring things out with words ‘blanket of cloud’ ‘computer virus’ ‘biological cells’ ‘resistance of a wire’ ‘harnessing water power’ ‘the heart as a pump’ ‘flowing in an electric circuit’ ‘the eye as a camera’ Discuss in pairs:What does each phrase mean? What is the analogy or metaphor from which it derives?

  16. What ‘learning’ can mean • learning as an increase in knowledge something done by the teacher rather than something you do to or for yourself • learning as memorising ‘getting it into your head’, ideas memorised but not transformed in any way • learning as acquiring facts or procedures to be used skills and formulae as well as knowledge, but still no transformation • learning as making sense trying to understand so you can see what’s going on, being able to explain things, not just remember them • learning as understanding reality you kind of see things you couldn’t see before, ‘everything changes’

  17. High-quality learning • students must see the value of learning • students must believe they can do it • challenging goals (involving reasoning, not just reproduction) • feedback and dialogue on progress toward goals • general approaches: from known to unknown; from concrete to abstract; structure first, then detail • time & repetition: multiple contexts, perspectives, representations • teach skills as well as content: study skills, thinking skills - Geoff Petty (2nd ed, 2009) Evidence-based Teaching

  18. Effective teaching • start from phenomena (familiar and unfamiliar) when developing conceptual knowledge • engage with misconceptions • use a variety of approaches and contexts • develop procedural knowledge – how to analyse given situations, how to solve problems quantitatively • practise qualitative and conceptual analysis –go beyond symbol manipulation - Randall Knight (2004) Five Easy Lessons Give students glimpses of ‘the big picture’ – making connections, simplification & modelling

  19. Domains of learning • cognitive (conceptual): recalling facts, analysing & synthesising information, applying knowledge • affective:students take a personal interest in a subject and learn to express and defend opinions and values. also self-perception of oneself as a learner • physical and behavioural: students gain skills in manipulation and planning, also learn to work both independently and alongside others in teams

  20. Contextual reading An overview of physics: popular, historical, philosophical, or anecdotal For example, • J D Bernal (1972) The extension of man • Bill Bryson (2003) A short history of nearly everything • A Einstein & L Infield (1938) The evolution of physics • Richard Feynman (1998) Six easy pieces • R Feynman (1985) ‘Surely you’re joking, Mr Feynman!’

  21. The student view ‘Students can tell if their teacher is really interested in what they are teaching.’ Discuss

  22. Reflective diary Aim To help with self-development as a physics teacher • consider how you might make changes • develop new ways of working • ‘Reflection’ can mean • thinking with a purpose • being critical, but not negative • analysing how effective student learning is • questioning and probing • making judgements and drawing conclusions

  23. Endpoints In pairs Review the intended learning outcomes for the session by discussing with others. On your own Write an entry for your Reflective diary.

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