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Tom Wilson Elementary Kindergarten Information Night. Spring 201 9. What every parent wants to know… ”Is my child ready?”. Personal and Social Readiness Fine and Gross Motor Readiness Communication Readiness Basic Cognitive Readiness. Personal & Social Readiness.
Tom Wilson ElementaryKindergarten Information Night Spring 2019
What every parent wants to know…”Is my child ready?” • Personal and Social Readiness • Fine and Gross Motor Readiness • Communication Readiness • Basic Cognitive Readiness
Personal & Social Readiness • Uses the bathroom independently • Dresses self and buttons/snaps shirts and pants and zips zipper • Separates from parents easily • Responds appropriately to adult authority • Pays attention for short periods of time to adult-directed tasks • Demonstrates self-control by keeping hands and feet to self • Gets along well and shares with others
Fine & Gross Motor Readiness • Uses crayons, scissors and glue correctly • Holds and writes appropriately with a pencil • Traces basic shapes • Can cut various lines • Can put on shoes and coats without help • Throws, catches or bounces a large ball
Communication Readiness • Speaks clearly and communicates needs • Uses phrases and complete sentences • Can say his or her first and last names • Knows parents’ first and last names • Follows multi-step directions and rules • Listens without interrupting
Basic Cognitive Readiness • Identifies basic colors • Shows an interest in books and learning to read • Identifies some alphabet letters • Produces some letter sounds • Understands positional words such as up, down, over, under, beside • Begins to write name in print • Colors and “writes” (tries to write letters and numbers) • Identifies some numbers and counts to 20
Preparing for the New School Year Help your child prepare for this exciting school year by: • Making sure he or she is receiving plenty of rest • Meals should be nutritious and unhurried • Encourage your child to be polite and to state feelings • Provide numerous opportunities for experiences with books • Help your child begin practicing writing his or her name correctly (Only first letter is capital). • Demonstrating an interest in learning and coming to school
A Typical Day in Kindergarten • Calendar/Circle Time • Whole Group Language Arts/Reading • Small Group Guided Reading and Literacy Stations • Writing • Handwriting • Lunch • Recess • Specials (PE, Music or Art daily) • Whole Group Math • Small Group Guided Math and Math Tubs • Science/Social Studies • Snack • Developmental Centers • Library/Computer Lab (once a week)
Transportation • Children can walk, ride a bike, take a bus, go to a Daycare, attend YMCA or ride in a car • Teachers supervise children each day during arrival and dismissal • Please try to keep the mode of transportation consistent day to day…Children get stressed and confused when it changes • We have included a School Bus Readiness bookmark to help prepare your children for riding a school bus
The First Day of School • Talk about the first day of school in encouraging terms • Answer any questions or address any concerns your child may have • Arrive on time, but not too early • Leave cheerfully ~ Please do not linger • Make sure your child has all of their needed supplies • Keep a positive attitude…If you look forward to the first day of school your child will too
Plan to be Active in School • Active involvement in your child’s school will help answer many of your questions and help your child feel better about entering school. • Join the PTA • Volunteer to help at school • Attend school events, parent conferences, and meetings • Contact your child’s teacher if you have questions or concerns
How to Show Your Interest • Asking your child about his or her favorite school activities • Reviewing papers and information that come home • Signing up for e-News at the Parent Information Center at katyisd.org • Listening and asking questions about what your child says about school
Lisa Terbrock TWE School Nurse
Registration Thursday, April 18th 9:00 am – 11:00 am 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
School Nurse Lisa Terbrock, RN Jacqueline Tough, C.A.
Points of Topic • Medication in Clinic • Medical Alerts • Clothing • 24 hour rule • Hearing and Vision • Birthday Treats • Immunizations
Medication in the Clinic • Students may not carry medicine with them while on school grounds; not even cough drops. • See the Nurse for any questions about Medication at School -We have forms and policy's. • It is also important to note the clinic does not keep stock medications such as Tylenol.
Medical Concerns Nurse Lisa’s Number: 281-234-1626 As the school nurse, I provide a temporary care facility for children who become ill or injured at school. In case I have to call you… Please keep your phone numbers and records up to date. If your child has a major medical problem, please stop by or give me a call to make sure I am aware of it.
CLOTHING!!!... Very Important!!!And it’s not just for Kindergarten. Please pack an extra set of clothing! *Underwear *Shirt *Shorts/Pants *Socks Place in a plastic bag in their backpack. It’s comforting to have your own clothes in case of an accident. Kids can spill milk, get into mud, rip their shorts, or have an accident.
24 Hour Rule… *Vomiting *Diarrhea *Fever over 100.0 If your child exhibits these symptoms at school, they will be sent home. They must stay home and be symptom free, without the use of preventative medications (Tylenol, Motrin/Advil, Imodium, etc) for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
Hearing and Vision Grades Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 5th are screened annually in the first semester for vision and hearing. Any student in grades 2 and 4 who did not attend a Texas school previously may also be screened. If your child has been or will be screened during the school year, and you do not wish them to be screened at school, please contact the nurse. Parents may also request screening if they have concerns about their child's vision or hearing. Parents will be sent a referral by the campus nurse if their child has not passed. NO NEWS is GOOD NEWS!
Birthday Treats/Food Allergies Guidelines for food being brought into the Classrooms: • We ask that items be store bought, not homemade and left in the original package. • Please provide a label with a list of all the ingredients and nutritional facts with the food items. • Please send individual-sized treats (cupcakes, cookies, or doughnuts) that can be served and consumed during a short period of time. • Treats brought to school should be peanut/nut free. • Please notify the teacher in advance to make sure no one else is bringing something in that day. We try to prevent multiple treats on the same day.
Immunizations Nurse checks all immunizations before the student can start school. They can’t start school until they are up-to-date with their shots. “We don’t do immunizations”- There’s a form for that! “Are we Good?” – You can stop by during school hours and I can check shot records for you, or you can scan and email them for a check. If I check them b/f registration, you still MUST bring them with you at registration.
Did You Know??? You can find all this information and more on our website. Thank you!! And Welcome to Wilson!
New Kindergarten Student Registration for 2019 – 2020Thursday, April 18, 20199:00 - 11:00 a.m.1:00 - 3:00 p.m. By Appointment To qualify for kindergarten, the child must reside in Katy ISD and be five years old on or before September 1 of the current school year. Kinder Registration! Required Documents • Proof of residence (current gas, water or electric bill) • Original birth certificate or Passport • Social Security Card (Optional) • Parent Drivers License or Passport • Proof of immunizations (in English) • Application for Determination of a Minor's Residence (only if the student resides with someone other than a parent) Online registration must be completed before you come in person April 18th. Don’t forget to make an appointment! Walk in’s will be served after appointments. Questions? Contact Danielle Vasquez / Front Office 281-234-1600
Where do I start? • Go to www.katyisd.org
Registration General Requirements Make sure you are zoned to Wilson! Click Here
Please… Complete one submission per child. Save / submit! Complete the information with your child’s name. Not yours. Yes, it happens. Don’t forget to schedule your appointment! Have twins? During your appointment, comment whether you’d like them together or separate. Sorry… Only twins get that option. ☺